Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 805: 805. A burst of shame

   Chapter 805 805. A burst of shame

   "A lot of fish!"

   "It's really a lot, I've earned it now, I've earned it!"

   "Quickly, pull up all the nets."

  Seeing so many fish, many people came to see it. Since the drought, the fish in the river have not been salvaged. Half a year later, all the fish have grown up.

  Wan Haonan said, "Hurry up and get some guys to pretend to be. By the way, is there anyone in the village who wants to buy fish? Sell them all cheap!"

  Luo Hongping excitedly said, "Okay, I'll go right away." He called a few people and ran to the village.

  Wan Haonan picked ten bighead carp (silver carp) and ten big herrings into a bucket, "Shang Yong, send these fish to Miss Chu."

  Guo Shangyong responded immediately, "Okay."

  Luo Hongping and the others shouted in the village, everyone in the village knew that they were fishing, and those who wanted to eat fish were running towards the river.

  The family hasn’t eaten fish for a long time, and Chu Qingzhi also really wants to eat it. As soon as he said to buy it, he saw Guo Shangyong walking towards him with a bucket of fish, “Miss Chu, this fish is for you.”

  Chu Qingzhi took a look, and found that they were all good fish, "It's not easy for you to fish, so let me buy them for you with money?"

  Guo Shangyong sternly refused, "This is a slap in the face for us. How can a few fish take the girl's money? The girl doesn't have to give anything, just take it home and eat it."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, "Thank you very much."

   "Seeing outsiders see outsiders." Guo Shangyong was proud, "Girl, shall I carry the fish home for you?"

"sorry to bother you."

  Guo Shangyong released the fish and hurried to the river again.

  In the kitchen, Chu Qingzhi looked at the fish and thought to herself, the fish in the pond at home should be edible too, so I will go and have a look in two days.


  The pig-killing dishes at noon are quite rich, with fish and meat, chicken and duck, which is better than the festival.

  The four of Wang Yuanping were also called by Chu Qingzhi to eat pig-killing dishes together, and by the way, introduced them to the villagers in the village so that they could handle business later.

  When everyone saw them working under Chu Qingzhi, they all welcomed them, and said that they would cooperate with them in the future. They were very enthusiastic.

   This made the four of them less restrained, and greeted everyone with a smile.

   Then sit down.

  The brothers of the Wang family looked at the big fish and meat on the table, and their noses were slightly sore. They haven't eaten such a good dish for a long time. The last time...was about three years ago?

  Qin Yuming secretly thought that his family is considered rich, but not so extravagant, and a meal of butchered pig dishes feels like a high-end banquet.

  Xia Zongxian looked at the generous and sumptuous meal, and suddenly felt a little ashamed. He was lazy all morning, but he ate such a good dish at noon. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that he was not worth it.

  Same dish, but four people have different ideas.

  Except for the four of them, everyone else is a real helper, eating with peace of mind.

Butcher Zhang said, "I've been slaughtering pigs for so many years, but this year's pig dishes are the best. The other owners just boiled some pig lungs and blood to eat. How can it be like this? The owner is generous." It cooks everything, and it’s so delicious.”

Butcher Zhou said, "The situation I encountered is similar to yours. If you are more generous, cook some pig heart and don't prepare any other chicken, duck and fish at all. If it wasn't for the wrong time, I would feel like it was Chinese New Year gone."

  A villager next to him said, "I haven't eaten so well even during Chinese New Year."

   "Haha, it's hard to eat so good, everyone eat quickly."

   "Eat, eat, thank you, the host."

  Chu Qingshuang picked up a lot of pork belly, pig heart, and pig tongue for Chu Qingzhi, "Fifth Sister, you have worked hard, I will give you the best."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, "Okay."

  Everyone ate happily.

   After lunch, continue to be busy in the afternoon.


  Zhang Feng, the steward of the South Road in Shuiyun County, came to Chujia Village, "Miss Qingzhi, the South Road has been completed, please check and accept it."

   "It's pretty fast!" Chu Qingzhi estimated that there were still two days left.

   "Chinese New Year is coming soon, everyone wants to get their wages early, and then go back to renovate the house or something, and prepare for the New Year. They have worked an extra hour in the past few days, so it will be soon."

   "Let's go." Chu Qingzhi rode on Fubao, and followed Zhang Feng to the South Road.

The south road was also all built according to Chu Qingzhi's requirements. The three-meter-wide bluestone slabs were laid neatly, and every piece of bluestone slab was laid neatly. What should be filled and dug should be paved very evenly, and milestones have also been erected. , the same size, clear handwriting, is a roadside landscape.

  Chu Qingzhi rode all the way to the end of the road, four men were waiting there, each holding a record book in his hand, "Girl."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded to several people, and then took the record book to look at it. Half an hour later, she readily signed her name, "Thanks for your hard work, everyone."

  Zhang Feng smiled and said, "Girl, next time something like this happens, you can come to us at any time."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Okay."

   Now there are North Road and East Road left.

  Chu Rong is in charge of the road in the middle east. On the side of the Chuqingzhi fief, because all the roads in the fief have to be repaired, the amount of work is relatively large, and it will take some time to complete.

  North Road is in the direction of Wancheng. It is relatively long, and it should take two days.

  After the acceptance inspection, several people returned to Shuiyun County together.

  Chu Qingzhi put the brochure under the notice outside the county government office for everyone to read.

The news of the completion of the South Road quickly spread. Of course, not everyone believed in Chu Qingzhi that much. There were also people who were critical and waited to see Chu Qingzhi's jokes. to test.

  He Wenyong and Duan Qidao are such people, they are still good friends.

  The two of West Road also went to check, but found no problems, so this time they tried their best to find out the problem of South Road. They didn't believe that Chuqing Zhizhen was so good, and she was wholeheartedly for the people.

  The two came to South Road, holding a stick in their hands, and knocked on each piece carefully. As long as one piece moved, it meant that there was a problem with the project.

  By then they must be hyping up and let everyone know that there is a problem with the road.

   After knocking for more than 200 meters without finding the problem, He Wenyong was so tired that he sat down on the stone beside him.

  This stone is specially placed here. If passers-by are tired from walking, they can sit down and rest for a while.

   Duan Qidao saw He Wenyong sitting down, so he also came over to sit down, "This stone is not bad, not too high or too low, and it's polished smooth. It's the best for sitting on."

  He Wenyong was about to speak, when suddenly he was attracted by something on the left, "There seems to be a small pavilion over there, let's go and have a look."

  Duan Qidao was also very interested, "OK."

  The small pavilion is a thatched pavilion, which is very leaky but very strong. There is a long stone bench in each of the three directions in the pavilion.

   There is a plaque hanging on the pavilion, "Passerby Pavilion", which means a pavilion built for passers-by.

  It rained suddenly on the road, and the weather is too hot in summer. There are no villages or shops here, so it is best to take shelter in the pavilion.

  (end of this chapter)

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