Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 808: 808. Visit farmers

  Chapter 808 808. Visit farmers

  The yard is a bit dilapidated, with some cabbages and radishes planted on both sides, and the leaves are withered and yellow, which is not very good.

  On both sides of the door sat an old man with a cane in his hand. His face was wrinkled and trembling. It could be seen from their sitting posture that they had difficulty moving.

  Beside his feet, a little boy whose clothes are covered with patches and whose face and hands are full of dirt is playing with mud. At the age of three or four, he doesn't know the misery of life, and his eyes are innocent.

  Wang Yuanping noticed that the shoes worn by the children had holes, and the clothes were only a few layers of single clothes. It was almost December weather, and everyone was wearing cotton jackets. The children were so thinly dressed that they looked cold.

A thin girl of eight or nine years old came out of the house. She was dressed worse than children, her hair was a little messy, her little hands were red from the cold, and she was holding a black bowl in her hand. She walked up to the old man, "Grandpa , I cooked porridge for you, you drink some."

  The old man gently pushed the bowl away, "Xiaoyun, you can drink, you are still young and have a long body, grandpa is not hungry."

  The little girl moved the bowl to the old woman, "Grandma, how about you drink?"

  The old woman also shook her head, "Grandma is not hungry, you drink. If you don't drink, you will fall ill and have no way to take care of us."

  The little girl didn't drink, she walked towards the child, "Brother, drink, didn't you just say you were hungry?"

  Children don’t know so much, so they eat what they have.

  Wang Yuanping stepped forward, "Little girl, where are your parents?"

  Xiaoyun was taken aback, and quickly stopped in front of the child, full of precautions, "Who are you? Why are you looking for my parents? I don't know anything, so don't ask me."

  The little girl who was peaceful and loving just now suddenly became flabby, as if stimulated.

  The old man and the old woman also became fierce in an instant, coming over to beat Wang Yuanping on crutches, "Get out, get out!"

  Before, someone broke into the house and wanted to sell the siblings, that's why the family was so repelled by outsiders.

  Wang Yuanping said in a soothing tone, "Don't be afraid, my name is Wang Yuanping, and I am Chu Qingzhi's subordinate. We learned that Xu Dongguang was captured by the government, and we came here to help you."

  Xiao Yun immediately burst into tears when she heard this, and asked while wiping her tears, "Sister Qingzhi really asked you to help our family?"

  The old man and the old woman couldn't help wiping their tears when they heard this.

  Wang Yuanping nodded, "Really, as long as the situation is true now, I will go to the county seat and bring your father back immediately."

  Xiaoyun immediately knelt down in front of Wang Yuanping, and begged, "Uncle, please save Daddy, next time we will definitely pay all the land tax, we will definitely pay it."

  Wang Yuanping helped Xiaoyun up, "I'll ask you a few questions first, and you answer truthfully, otherwise I won't be able to help you."

  Xiao Yun nodded her head, "I will answer honestly."

  Wang Yuanping asked, "Why didn't your family pay Qitian tax?"

Xiaoyun said with red eyes, "Actually, the food planted after the drought at home was fine, but my mother fell ill during the autumn harvest, and my father didn't want to lose my mother, so he sold the grain to her for treatment. When it was time to pay the land tax, Dad didn't collect enough food and couldn't borrow money, so he was arrested by the government."

  He is a man of love and righteousness, Wang Yuanping asked again, "Where's your mother?"

  Xiaoyun couldn't help crying again, "After my father was taken away, my mother blamed herself in her heart, shed tears every day, and her eyes were completely blinded from crying. Now she is sick in bed and can't do anything."

The little girl in front of me made people feel distressed, and Wang Yuanping couldn't help but sympathize, "I know the situation of your family, and I will go to find out about the situation of other families, and then we will go and bring her back together, and there will be no accidents." If so, you can see your father in the afternoon."

  Xiaoyun immediately knelt down and kowtowed, "Thank you Uncle, thank you Sister Qingzhi."

   "Get up, it's okay." Wang Yuanping took out from his arms Du Qiaolan's first-aid money and put it in Xiaoyun's hand, "Go buy something to eat."

  When Xiaoyun saw Yinzi, she burst into tears, "Uncle, I will never forget your great kindness."

  Wang Yuanping said a few words of comfort, and then quickly rushed to the next house.

  It is really difficult for a family without a head of family, so try to bring them back as soon as possible.

  After visiting the five families whose heads were taken away, Wang Yuanping immediately went to the county seat.

  After some negotiation and payment of the land tax, the five were released.

  At the gate of the county yamen, Wang Yuanping said to the five people, "Follow me and thank the Marquis of Qianhu, and take the seeds home by the way. There is still time to plant them now."

  The eyes of the five people were red, "Yes, son."

  Wang Yuanping brought five people to Chu Family Village, and then to the gate of the ancestral hall.

  Chu Qingzhi just finished painting the fourth painting, when she heard Wang Yuanping's voice, she came outside, "Yuanping, have you explained everything clearly to them?"

   "All that needs to be said has been said."

"At that time, you asked Yuan Lin to see if there was any suitable wasteland around their village. You paid a penny for a day's wages and recruited some people to help open up the wasteland and plant food. After planting, if you want to find work You can come and help build the house, and the brick kiln still lacks a lot of manpower."


  The five people heard Chu Qingzhi's words, tears filled their eyes, knelt down and kowtowed, "Thank you Qianhuhou, thank you Miss Chu."

   "That's all I can do. From now on, you have to rely on yourself."

   "We must work hard to live up to Miss Chu's kindness."

   "Get up, do what you should do, the New Year is coming soon, try to earn more money to buy New Year's goods."


  Chu Qingning looked at the backs of the few people going away, and said, "Fifth Sister, if you had become Marquis of a Thousand Households earlier, everyone's life would definitely be better."

   "It's not bad now."


  Chu Xuhua came over, "Fourth Sister, Fifth Sister, the bacon is finished marinating, and the sausages are also packed."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Go, go and have a look."

  In the courtyard of the old house, everyone is packing and cleaning various tools...

  Chu Qingzhi walked to the backyard. The salty sausages were drying in the stable, and the sweet sausages were drying in the cowshed. Both sheds were full of sausages, which looked like a forest of wine and meat.

She took a spot check nearby and found that the sausages were packed fat and thin. They were hung in the morning, and the surface was slightly dry. The ones that were hung just now were still shiny. Gap, tight, fits well.

  Then she went to the house. The marinated meat was neatly stacked in the big tank, and the big tank was covered with a layer of oil paper to prevent dust and other debris from falling in.

  Chu Qingzhi opened a crack in the oiled paper, and smelled it through the gap, and she would know how well it was pickled after smelling it.

  All the tanks have been smelled, no problem.

  Chu Qingzhi came to the yard.

   "Thank you for your help. The family still needs to butcher pigs in six days. Please help me again." Chu Qingzhi gave each of them a piece of two-jin meat as a reward.

  Generally, this kind of help does not require money, so it is just right to give some meat.

   Everyone responded with a smile, "We will definitely come."

  (end of this chapter)

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