Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 809: 809. Rice seeds

   Chapter 809 809. Rice Seeds

   After dinner, the four girls sat down around the table.

  Ge Lihua handed the second set of test papers made by the children to Chu Qingzhi, "Qingzhi, take a look."

   "Okay." Chu Qingzhi took the test paper in her hand.

  Chu Qingning handed the book copied by the children to Chu Qingzhi, "Fifth Sister, this is the book copied by the children, I checked it, and I have corrected the mistakes."

   "Fourth Sister helped me save a lot of trouble." Chu Qingzhi took the pages of the book in her hand and put it aside.

  Jun Hongyu took out the wedding dress to embroider, chatted with a few people by the way, "Li Hua, has your wedding dress been embroidered yet?"

   Mentioning this, Ge Lihua's cold eyebrows seemed to be dotted with sunshine, and became warm, "I have already embroidered, and I have prepared the rest. How much do you have, let me help you?"

  Jun Hongyu readily agreed, "That's kind, your hand is so skillful, you must embroider beautifully."

  Ge Lihua said modestly, "It's fine if you don't dislike it."

  Jun Hongyu hurriedly said, "What are you talking about, your embroidery is much better than mine, and it's too late to like it."

   "Then I'll help you." Ge Lihua sat next to Hong Yujun and helped embroider the hijab.

  Chu Qingning was fine for the time being, so she took out the medical book. She wanted to ask Fifth Sister some questions.

  The book she was reading was a book about women's diseases that Chu Qingzhi gave her. It was very rare and had become an orphan.

  Chu Qingning carefully opened the medical book, looking at it fascinated.

  Chu Qingzhi's side, Ge Lihua has already marked and graded the children's test papers.

  Xu Songnian got the highest score in the knowledge test with 85 points, and Tian Xiaoqiu got the highest score in the arithmetic test with 87 points.

Chu Qingzhi took out Tian Xiaoqiu's test paper and looked at it carefully. Tian Xiaoqiu's handwriting was very neat, and there was basically no revision in the answers. The little girl's inner affirmation of herself became more and more. Big blobs of black ink.

  She put away the test paper and put it in front of the seat where Ge Lihua sat before, and then read the books copied by the children.

  As beginners, the children don’t need to write well, but they can recognize it, which is already very good.

   After reading all three copied books, Chu Qingzhi affirmed it.

   "Li Hua, go to the workshop tomorrow morning to get some small cakes and peanut candies for the children, and say that I rewarded them."

"okay, I get it."

  Chu Xuyuan and Chu Xuyao ​​came out of the room, "Fifth Sister, cousin Songnian said let's take a look at the test paper, can you let us take a look?"

  Chu Qingzhi pointed to the stack of test papers, "It's all there."

  The two brothers sat on the stool and read the test paper in front of them. As they read, the two children frowned at the same time.

  Chu Xuyao ​​felt a little helpless, "Fifth sister, this question is so difficult, if I do it, I won't get so many points."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "It doesn't matter if you can't do it. What your academy teaches is different from what we teach. What we teach is for better business."

  Chu Xuyao ​​blinked, "But looking at these questions, I think I'm so stupid."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled and explained, "They don't know what you can do. This is not what you are good at. Don't compare with each other, you know?"

  Chu Xuyao ​​nodded, then changed the topic, "Fifth sister, will you come to the academy's year-end banquet?"

  Chu Xuyuan also wanted to know this question very much, so he couldn't help raising his head to look at Chu Qingzhi.

  Chu Qingzhi didn't understand why Chu Xuyao ​​asked such a question, "It has nothing to do with me, why would you ask me if I will participate?"

  Chu Xuyao ​​widened his eyes slightly, and said in an emphatic tone, "Fifth Sister, you are a master of thousands of households. You must attend such a banquet."

  Chu Qingzhi thought for a while, "Do you want me to save face for you?"

  Chu Xuyao ​​quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, I just want to let Fifth Sister participate. I heard that the banquet at the end of the year is very lively. I want to let Fifth Sister, who has been busy all the time, have fun."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled slightly, and said, "If the academy invites me, I will go."

   "Okay." A light flashed in Chu Xuyao's eyes, looking very clever.


  Backing to the room, Chu Qingzhi called the parrots into the room with the sound of tits, and they stood in a row.

  Now the parrot is perfectly able to obey orders and obey orders.

  She first gave each parrot some aura, and then started today's training, "I will read a letter to you today, and if you can imitate 300 words, I will reward ten little caterpillars."

   Shuang'er cheered, "I can, I can."

  Yesterday, its record was 280 characters. Today, given the aura, it will become smarter. It is not impossible to break through 300 characters.

  Chu Qingzhi took out the letter Wu Yaqing wrote to her and read it, and stopped when she reached 350 characters, "Ten imitate together."

   From the 1st to the 10th, they immediately stood in the front row and started reciting neatly.

The first 200 words went very smoothly, but between 200 and 250, there were bumps and bumps. Before 25 and 270, some of them couldn't be recited, and only Shuang'er was left. , it recited three hundred and one characters.

  Chu Qingzhi touched Shuang'er's head, "That's right, I didn't live up to my expectations."

   Shuang'er rubbed against Chu Qingzhi's palm, it likes Chu Qingzhi touching its head.

  Chu Qingzhi wrote down the result of the parrot's recitation just now, and the better ones will be arranged to perform the task first, and when Jing Hong comes back, it will be time for them to officially perform the task.

   Then recite from the 11th to the 20th...

  Her side went smoothly, but Tang Jinghong encountered intractable troubles.

  Three days ago, Tang Jinghong was in Guangling City, entrusted by the local governor to deliver a batch of rice seeds for next year.

  The weather has changed a lot recently, and there will be many critical situations on the road. Mr. Fu Yin thinks that Tang Jinghong has outstanding abilities and is about to return to Beijing again, so he wants him to help transport it. He has no other requirements, but only hopes that it can be delivered safely to the Beijing household department.

  Guangling City is the four major breeding bases of Daling. Every winter, 20,000 catties of rice seeds need to be delivered to the household department.

  After these seeds are transported to the Ministry of Households, they are then distributed to various counties, sold to the common people at a low price, and planted in the coming year, every year.

   But now something goes wrong...

  Everything was fine at first, but when they arrived in Pingcheng, when the accompanying officials inspected it, they found that all the seeds had turned into stones.

  The official turned pale with fright, and hurriedly told Tang Jinghong about it.

  Tang Jinghong also had a solemn face after hearing the news. This is a matter of livelihood for the general public next year. If something goes wrong, even apologizing with death will not be able to make up for the loss.

  He hurried to the backyard where the grain seeds were stored.

For the sake of safety, when Tang Jinghong and the others checked into the inn in the city, someone arranged it in advance, and directly booked the entire inn. There was no problem in the first two days, but on the third day, a problem occurred, and people were directly forced into the hotel. desperate situation.

  (end of this chapter)

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