Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 811: 811. A strategy

   Chapter 811 811. A strategy

  Chu Qingzhi flew into Tang Jinghong's room through the window, and looked at the man who was devastated behind the book desk, she called softly, "Jinghong!"

   Tang Jinghong felt that he was hallucinating for a moment, and slowly raised his head. Under the moonlight, Chu Qingzhi, wearing a snow-white rabbit velvet cloak, with a delicate face, came into his eyes like a fairy.

  He reacted quickly, stepped forward and embraced Chu Qingzhi in his arms in surprise, "Qingzhi."

  Chu Qingzhi frowned, wrapped her arms around Tang Jinghong's waist, and asked with a faint smile, "Are you surprised to see me?"

   "It's not an accident, it's a surprise. I didn't expect you to come to me." Tang Jinghong hugged Chu Qingzhi like a peerless treasure, his heart beat faster, excited and joyful.

  Chu Qingzhi said softly, "Don't worry, come and take a look, and take a look at what's going on with Gu Zhong."

  Tang Jinghong let go of Chu Qingzhi gently, and stared at the girl who was thinking about it day and night with tender eyes, feeling that no matter how much he looked at it, it was not enough, "I'm bothering you, are you hungry, let me cook you something to eat?"

  Chu Qingzhi pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes were like two stars, she looked at Tang Jinghong, "I'm not hungry, but I want to eat your cooking."

  Which girl doesn't want to be spoiled by the person she likes?

  Tang Jinghong immediately said, "I'll go to the kitchen and make you some border snacks. You rest in your room and wait for me."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, with a smile on her brow, "It's all up to you."

   "Wait for me, I'll make it soon." Tang Jinghong immediately went to the kitchen.

  Looking at Tang Jinghong's busy people in the kitchen, "..."

  My general can't bear the pressure, so find something to do?

  Meng Shengdong and Qi Kaiming went to the door of the kitchen together, looking at the general who was cooking in the kitchen, the two looked at each other, the general didn't look like he lost his mind, what's wrong with him?

  The two of them became not only worried about Gu Zhong, but also worried about the abnormal behavior of their own general.

  Qi Kaiming scratched the wall with his fingers worriedly, "Shengdong, what do you think is wrong with the general?"

  Meng Shengdong shook his head, "I don't know, tell me, is this some kind of strategy by the general?"

  Qi Kaiming turned his head to look at Meng Shengdong, with a half-smile, "You really have a good idea!"

  Meng Shengdong thought for a while, and walked into the kitchen, "General, are you hungry? If you are hungry, can my subordinate cook you something to eat?"

  They are not built. Not to mention both civil and military skills, they are also good at cooking, and even embroidery can be done twice. It can be said that they are versatile.

  Tang Jinghong did not refuse free labor, "help me light the fire."

  This made Meng Shengdong even more feel that Tang Jinghong was carrying out some kind of strategy, and quickly responded as if answering a military order, "Yes, General."

  Tang Jinghong, "..."

  What's the wind? What are you doing so officially? He's not usually this serious, is he?

  Chu Qingzhi stayed in the room, releasing her consciousness, covering the entire inn, monitoring everything in the inn, and now even a spider is under her nose.

  There must be a ghost in this matter!

  After a while, the door was gently pushed open, and Tang Jinghong walked in, holding a tray in his hand. After entering the room, he put the tray on the table, "Qingzhi, come and taste it."

  Chu Qingzhi came over, "What kind of food is this?"

  Tang Jinghong introduced, "This is called Bi Luo. It is a food that everyone in the border area likes very much. It is delicious. You can try it."

  Bilo is a bit like spring rolls, but the dough is thicker and bigger. The heart is rolled in the dough and baked. The surface is slightly browned and looks very appetizing.

  Chu Qingzhi sat on the chair, picked up one and started to eat.

  The surface of the dough is very crispy, and the skin is soft after being crispy. There are a lot of fillings. It seems that you can eat all the flavors in one bite, which is very satisfying.

  Chu Qingzhi gave Tang Jinghong one, "Jinghong, you eat too."

   "It's good for you to eat, it's specially made for you." Tang Jinghong looked at Chu Qingzhi lightly, "I'm very satisfied just watching you eat."

  Chu Qingzhi sent a gift to Tang Jinghong again, "It tastes better when two people eat together."

   "Let's eat together." Tang Jinghong took Bi Luo into his hands.

  Meng Shengdong and Qi Kaiming stood under the window of Tang Jinghong's room, looking terrified.

  Meng Shengdong covered his ears with his hands, and listened to the window of Tang Jinghong's room. He heard a girl's voice, "Kaiming, can the general not be able to bear the loneliness after all?"

  Qi Kaiming slapped Meng Shengdong on the back of the head, "What are you talking about, you must have misheard, the general is not that kind of person!"

  Meng Shengdong was sure that he heard correctly, "I heard it wrong, so you got it wrong too?"

  Qi Kaiming didn't speak, he also heard a woman's voice, the general has never been close to women, how could a woman go to the general's room?

   The two looked at each other, feeling a little afraid to look directly at their general.

  No one slept in the inn, and there were many guards in the backyard, so I couldn't help but start guessing.

  In the room, Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong ate supper sweetly, and then started to get down to business.

  The two came to the backyard where the grain seeds were placed together.

  Everyone widened their eyes, "..."

   It turned out to be Miss Qingzhi!

   When did she come? How did they not notice it at all?

  Tang Jinghong glanced at everyone, and everyone immediately returned to a serious look.

  Then he said to Chu Qingzhi, "The grain seeds have been placed here since they were transported in, and they have never been transported again." He opened the pocket and let Chu Qingzhi see it.

  Chu Qingzhi looked, and then...surprised, what she saw was not a stone, but...

  She grabbed the contents of the bag into her hands, then spread her hands and moved them in front of Tang Jinghong, "Jinghong, look at the contents again, are they really stones?"

  Tang Jinghong looked again, confused, "It's a stone, what's the problem?"

   There was a big problem. What was in the pocket was obviously grain seeds, but Jing Hong actually saw it as a stone. Chu Qingzhi pulled Tang Jinghong's arm over to feel his pulse.

   "Jing Hong, I need a drop of your blood."

  Tang Jinghong drew out the dagger, and immediately cut a small **** on his fingertip, blood seeped out.

Chu Qingzhi took a closer look and smelled it. It contained a slight hallucinogenic ingredient, but it was different from the general drug. a kind of thing.

  The opponent is so smart!

   Tang Jinghong saw Chu Qingzhi's expression changed, and felt a little uneasy, "Qingzhi, did you find any problems?"

  Chu Qingzhi did not answer Tang Jinghong's words, but said, "Do you believe me?"

  Tang Jinghong replied without hesitation, "Of course I do!"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Then just pretend that what happened before didn't happen, transport the grain seeds to the capital according to the original plan, and I promise to help you find the grain seeds."

   For the time being, we still know who the insider is, so proceed with caution.

   In addition, she intends to lure the other party out by tricks, so the fewer people who know about it, the better. It's best for Jing Hong not to know about the whole show.

  (end of this chapter)

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