Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 812: 812. Pounding the Table in Anger

  Chapter 812 Chapter 812. Pounding the table in anger

   Tang Jinghong agreed without saying a word, "Okay, tomorrow we will deliver the grain seeds as planned."

  Meng Shengdong and Qi Kaiming came over to greet him, "Miss Chu."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded to the two of them, "You guys have worked hard to **** Gu Zhong, so don't be too polite."

   "As long as it can be delivered safely, it's okay to work hard, but now..." Meng Shengdong lowered his head and sighed, full of helplessness.

  Chu Qingzhi comforted, "It's okay, things can always be resolved."

  Meng Shengdong gave a small compliment, "With Miss Chu's help, everything is not a problem."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, "I will try my best."

  Tang Jinghong said, "It's getting late, Qing Zhi, go to rest first, and talk about other things tomorrow."

   "Okay." Chu Qingzhi went back to the room Tang Jinghong specially arranged for her, opened the window, and looked at the backyard.

  In order not to scare the snake, she didn't call anyone over for questioning. In addition, she also wanted to test whether the parrot could really perform the task.

  Chu Qingzhi's spiritual consciousness kept monitoring the surroundings, standing in front of the window, thinking.

  The third **** crow sounded...

  The two guys in the inn pushed the cart and left through the back door. It seemed that they were going to the market to buy vegetables. As soon as they walked out of the back door, two black parrots followed them not far away.

  Chu Qingzhi was quite satisfied, and her spiritual sense traced the past, but after all, the distance was limited, and there was no way to follow after two streets.

   But two parrots followed each other. After training for so long, she shouldn't be disappointed.


  A certain room in the inn.

  The man in black flew in through the window and reported the situation, "Master, Chu Qingzhi is here."

  The people in the darkness were very surprised, "Chu Qingzhi? Isn't she in Shuiyun County? Why did she come so soon?"

  The man in black lowered his head, "The subordinates don't know."

  The person in the dark slowed down, and his tone became much heavier, "What did she do here? Tell me in detail."

  The man in black handed a piece of paper to the person in the darkness, "The paper records what she did in detail, please take a look at it, master."

  The person in the dark took the paper and looked at it carefully, his brows gradually wrinkled, did she see through it? Still haven't figured it out?

  He kneaded the paper into a ball, "Continue to monitor them, especially Chu Qingzhi. There are rumors in the world that Chu Qingzhi is extremely smart, and I want to see if it's true."

  The man in black cupped his hands, "Yes, master."


  In the inn.

  Shuang'er flew back, and immediately drank water, "There is a man in the inn not far away. The man in black went to him and called him master."

   "Take me there immediately!" Chu Qingzhi made a decisive decision.

  Shuang'er flew out non-stop, Chu Qingzhi followed, and after a while, one person and one bird came to the other party's room.

  Chu Qingzhi touched the teacup, it was still hot, and before the person had gone far, she immediately released her consciousness to investigate.

  No suspicious person was found.

   The success fell short, and the other party left one step ahead of schedule!

  Chu Qingzhi flew to the street with regret, but after thinking about it, it doesn't matter, it shouldn't be long before we meet again.

  Although no one was caught, it was not nothing, at least the existence of the ghost was confirmed!

  Chu Qingzhi put Shuang'er on her arm, "Which guy is the person who went to report the news?"

   Shuang'er said excitedly, "Tall, the taller one."

   Next, there are two things to do. One is to find out how Jing Hong and the others got the psychedelic drug, and the other is to prepare the antidote for the psychedelic drug.

  The content of psychedelic drugs in the blood is very low, but it has soaked into the lungs. It can be inferred that they have been taking psychedelic drugs continuously.

  Jing Hong’s character is very cautious, but he has been drugged without knowing it. The other party must have placed the drug in a place that everyone is used to. Where could it be?

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Shuang'er, I'm going to investigate where the other party put the psychedelic drugs next, you go to the dark to help me."

   "Okay..." Shuang'er flew into the darkness and disappeared.

  On the way Chu Qingzhi returned to the inn, a dozen or so parrots came to report the situation one after another. Combined with the news that the parrots told her, and finally combined with the news brought back by Shuang'er, she had a rough guess.

  The opponent is quite smart. Instead of directly administering medicine, he achieves the purpose of producing toxins in the body through the interaction of food.

   It is impossible for a person not to eat. Before eating, someone specially checked Jinghong's diet. There is no problem with a single food, but there is a problem after eating.

  Chu Qingzhi has some interests, she likes to deal with smart people.

  Backing back to the inn, Chu Qingzhi called Gao's buddy to him, "Did you say it yourself? Or should I say it for you?"

  The guy acted like he didn't know anything, "Girl, I don't understand what you're talking about?"

  Chu Qingzhi smiled lightly, she didn't cry when she saw the coffin, she moved her fingers, and a ball of light sank into the clerk's body, "Who did you go to see just now?"

  The guy's face changed, "I don't know him, he just said that he sold me some cheap vegetables, let me pick them up, and gave me five taels of silver back. If there is such a good thing, I will naturally go."

   These words further confirmed her guess, Chu Qingzhi didn't ask any more questions, and she couldn't ask any valuable news.

  During breakfast, Chu Qingzhi finally verified her guess, and sure enough, as she expected, each food was fine, but when mixed together, it became a hallucinogen.

   However, the content is low, it is not fatal, and it has no effect on the body.

  After Chu Qingzhi figured it out, she felt relieved. After breakfast, Tang Jinghong and the others continued to **** the grain seeds back to Beijing, and she returned to Chu Family Village alone.

  On the road, Meng Shengdong and Qi Kaiming rode behind Tang Jinghong, whispering.

  Qi Kaiming couldn't believe it, "Shengdong, Miss Qing Zhi just left?"

  Meng Shengdong is also confused, but he believes that Chu Qingzhi has his own reasons for doing so, "If you don't leave, why don't you come back to Beijing with us?"

  Qi Kaiming glanced at Tang Jinghong's back, "There's nothing wrong with going back to Beijing together. The general is so happy to see Miss Qingzhi coming."

  Meng Shengdong pulled the rein, "Miss Qingzhi is very busy."

   "But the problem hasn't been solved yet. Aren't we courting death by transporting the stones back to the capital?" Qi Kaiming actually wanted to say this.

  Meng Shengdong paused, and said, "The general and Miss Qingzhi should make other arrangements."

   "It should be." Qi Kaiming could only believe it if he didn't believe it. After all, his general had no doubts about Miss Qing Zhi.

  Tang Jinghong listened to the discussion between the two, and was also thinking in his heart, what is Qingzhi's plan? Why didn't he even tell?


  A private house somewhere.

   After the people in the darkness left the inn, they came to a private house. Chu Qingzhi was famous inside and outside, so he had to guard against it, but he didn't expect it to be right.

  Thinking that not long after he left, Chu Qingzhi found the inn where he was staying, and couldn't help but palpitate.

  This is not the most important thing, the important thing is that she should have discovered the secret, otherwise Tang Jinghong would never be allowed to continue escorting the grain seeds to Beijing.

  The perfect plan was instantly destroyed by Chu Qingzhi.

  The anger in the dark is so fierce that he must be more careful in his next actions, otherwise he will definitely be caught by Chu Qingzhi.

  (end of this chapter)

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