Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 813: 813, ten thousand goals

  Chapter 813 Chapter 813, 10,000 goals

  Chu Family Village.

  Chu Qingzhi went around the old house to see if there was any problem with the pickled bacon and sausage.

  Out of the old house, she was stopped by Chu Chunfeng and Zhou Cuiju, the village head's eldest son and daughter-in-law.

  Zhou Cuiju smiled and asked Chu Qingzhi, "Xiao Wu, we also want to marinate some bacon, can you tell us which spices to use?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Aunt Aster, I can't tell you what spices to use, but I can sell you the prepared spices."

  Zhou Cuiju thought about it, and it would definitely be cheaper to make it yourself, but it is also prone to failure. If you buy ready-made ones, you will definitely eat the same as Qing Zhi’s. "Okay, I will buy ready-made ones."

  Chuqing Zhiwen said, "How many catties of pork does Aunt Cui plan to marinate?"

  Zhou Cuiju said, "Twenty catties of bacon, and another twenty catties of salty sausage, Xiao Wu, can you give me the spices as well?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Okay, wait for me here, and I'll go to the storeroom of the old house to get it for you."

   "Wait a minute." Zhou Cuiju called to stop Chu Qingzhi, "Xiao Wu, how much is the total?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Give me four qian, but you need to prepare the wine yourself. Ordinary white wine is fine. Ten catties of pickled sausage is worth two cups. For bacon, you need to wipe all of it."

  Zhou Cuiju has seen how to marinate bacon, "Xiao Wu, I remember."

  Chu Qingzhi took the spices back and put them in a bowl, "Aunt Aster, it's best to use up the spices within three days, otherwise the scent will dissipate, and the pickled things won't be so fragrant."

  Zhou Cuiju quickly responded, "Okay, remember."


  Chu Qingzhi bid farewell to the two, returned home, took Wu Yaqing's book and walked to the county seat.

  Walking to the entrance of the village, I saw that the door of the duty room had been opened, so I walked over, "Uncle Chu Yi, Uncle Chu Ren, are you so early?"

   Both Chu Yi and Chu Ren are handicapped in the village. One had a broken leg and one hand.

   With the help of Chu Qingzhi, the two were fitted with prosthetic limbs, and now they are working at the duty booth to pay off their debts.

  The two saw Chu Qingzhi, and immediately stood up from the stool, smiling all over their faces, "Xiao Wu."

  Chu Qingzhi asked with concern, "How is it? Are you still used to it?"

  Chu Yi's eyes were full of gratitude, "Get used to it, Xiao Wu, thank you, we will definitely work hard."

  Chu Qingzhi followed the trend, "Then I will leave the reception of guests to you two."

   "Don't worry, we will make our guests feel at home."

   "Okay, then Uncle Chu Yi and Uncle Chu Ren will have to work hard." Chu Qingzhi waved to the two of them, and continued to walk towards the county seat.

  Chu Yi and Chu Ren watched Chu Qingzhi off, with endless gratitude in their eyes.


  Yaqing Bookstore.

  Ye Zixing opened the door of the bookstore early, and then wrote today's activities on the wooden board and placed them out.

  Today’s event is that if you buy something for a tael at the bookstore, you can get a cup of lemon honey tea or a free lottery draw. The prize is something in the store, it may be a book, a drink, or some kind of snack...

  The small event was very attractive. Many children from rich families made a special trip to buy things and draw prizes, which brought a lot of business to the store.

  Chu Qingzhi came to the door of the bookstore, looked left and right, there were small food shops all around, steaming, only their bookstore, clear and cold.

  The decoration of the bookstore is extremely tall and out of tune with the layout of the street. In comparison, it feels a bit like a fairy falling into the mundane world.

  Chu Qingzhi walked into the shop, Ye Zixing was busy in the shop by himself at this time, the other staff hadn't come yet.

  The store has recruited a total of five staff, all of whom can read and write, and can chat with customers. Their humorous personality has made many people fall in love with their bookstore.

   Ye Zixing turned around and saw Chu Qingzhi, very pleasantly surprised, "Miss Chu, are you here?"

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, and handed the four books in her hand to Ye Zixing, "I have a task for you, this is the script written by Yaqing, sell 10,000 copies before the Chinese New Year."

  Ye Zixing's expression became serious, he took the script and read it carefully, "No problem, I will definitely complete the task."

  Chu Qingzhi made a promise, "If you complete the task, you will be satisfied with the New Year's bonus."

  Ye Zixing laughed, "Thank you Miss Chu."

  Chu Qingzhi didn't say anything else, turned around and left the bookstore. There is no need to question Ye Zixing's ability, otherwise he would not be allowed to be the shopkeeper of the bookstore.

  Yezi Xing was really good at it. After Chu Qingzhi left, he started to act.

   First put out a letter of appointment, recruiting scholars to copy the book, and then went to the teahouse.

  There is a storyteller in the teahouse, let the storyteller help to advertise, the more people know about it, the more books can be sold.

  The customers who come to the teahouse are the most interested customers, and you can’t lose money by advertising here.

   Then there are a few bookstores, ask them to help sell together, and get them a commission afterwards, and they will work very hard.

   There are also some people who specialize in spreading news for money, and they cannot be let go.

Finally, hang a wooden sign full of gimmicks at the door of the bookstore, on which it is written in chalk, "Want to see the experience of the princess after she escaped from marriage? Do you want to see what kind of man the princess will like? "Princess's Escape from Marriage" will tell you the answer ..."

  With Ye Zixing's hard-working publicity, the bookstore soon had people who came straight to buy the book.

  Tao Mingan walked to the front desk, knocked on the table, "Bring me a copy of "The Princess Runs Away from Marriage"."

  After he was tidied up by Chu Qingzhi, he became a lot more honest. Seeing him coming to buy books, Ye Zixing quickly took out the newly copied book, "Master Tao, please."

  Ye Zixing invited many people to copy the book, and a new book can be completed in a quarter of an hour.

  Tao Mingan flipped through it, "Next time there is such a wonderful book, remember to send someone to my house and tell me, I will definitely buy it."

   Ye Zixing responded complimentingly, "Okay, thank you, Young Master Tao, for liking it."

  After accumulating a certain number of copied books, Ye Zixing took a copy and went to Chu's papermaking workshop, "Zihui, I brought you a story book."

   Ye Zixing originally worked under Yu Zihui, and the two were acquainted.

  Yu Zihui didn't reach out to take it, but asked vigilantly, "How much is it?"

  Yezi Xing smiled and said, "It's not expensive, just one tael of silver."

  Yu Zihui waved his hand, "If you don't have money, don't buy it."

   Ye Zixing smiled flatteringly, "Don't be so stingy, your monthly salary is more than ten taels, it is impossible to afford a book, come on, support me."

  Yu Zihui was really convinced, "How can you buy and sell like this?"

   "I don't have any." Ye Zixing handed the book to Yu Zihui, "You read the first few pages first, and buy it if you like it, okay?"

  Yu Zihui stared at Ye Zixing suspiciously, seeing that Ye Zixing was not joking, so he took the book.

  Bring him a book specially, is it really so beautiful?

  He opened the book with a very skeptical attitude...

  (end of this chapter)

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