Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 814: 814. Knowledge

  Chapter 814 814. Knowledge and knowledge

  As he read, Yu Zihui immersed himself in it.

  Yezi Xing watched from the side, and secretly smiled. You can’t miss a good book just because you are stubborn, you must read it.

   After a while, Ye Zixing patted Yu Zihui lightly, "How is it? Do you want to buy it?"

  Yu Zihui glanced at Ye Zixing, with unwillingness in his eyes, but he still took out a tael of silver from his bosom and slapped it heavily in Ye Zixing's hand, "Get out!" The two were friends and spoke very casually.

   Ye Zixing bit the silver tael on purpose, and after confirming that it was real, he put it away and went to Chu Feng to get the white paper.

  Including Yu Zihui's book, fifty copies have already been sold, which is another step closer to the goal.

   Yu Zihui twitched the corners of his mouth and roared, "Can I still lie to you?"

  Yezi Xing's voice came from afar, "Maybe, it is necessary to be cautious, and be careful."

  Yu Zihui scolded, "You bad friend!"


  Yunfei Academy.

  Xu Guannan, Fang Mingyi, and Song Qingyuan walked together on the corridor by the lake of the academy, looking at the withered lotus leaves in the center of the lake, they felt some worries of literati.

  In order to liven up the atmosphere, Fang Mingyi said, "I heard that Yaqing Bookstore is selling a book of stories written by Wu Yaqing. Now it is very popular in the county, and everyone is spreading it."

  Song Qingyuan's heart moved, "I've heard about it too, but I don't know who wrote it. You really wrote it by Wu Yaqing?"

  Fang Mingyi looked at Song Qingyuan who suddenly became concerned, "I went to have breakfast in the morning, passed by the bookstore, and went in to find out, the boss said."

  Xu Guannan was a little surprised, "I didn't expect women to be able to write scripts."

  Fang Mingyi came to his senses, "Hearing what you said, it seems to be the same. It's the first time I saw a woman write a storybook, and she sold it."

  Xu Guannan suddenly looked back at the two of them, "Have you bought the script?"

"Guannan, don't tell me you want to read the storybook?" Fang Mingyi's eyes became incredulous. Xu Guannan "eats" on the books in the bookstore every day. Others are either on state governance or historical records. I have never seen him read miscellaneous books. .

  Song Qingyuan smiled softly, "Yes, brother Xu, are you planning to read the script?"

  Xu Guannan continued to walk forward, and said calmly, "It's not surprising to read the script, right?"

"It's not strange, but it's strange when you read it. You never read idle books." Fang Mingyi caught up and looked at Xu Guannan's profile, trying to see something, but he was disappointed. Xu Guannan was too good at hiding his expression, what? Can't see it either.

  Xu Guannan said helplessly, "I'll start watching it now, is that okay?"

  The dean told him not to be so tense and to relax sometimes, so he thought of reading the script and relaxing.

  Fang Mingyi hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, let's go buy a copy?"

  Song Qingyuan said, "Let's go."

  The three of them came to Yaqing Bookstore together.

  In the bookstore, there are more people than ever before, and many of them have heard the "advertisement" and come here to buy the script. "The Princess Runs Away" is very exciting.

   Ye Zixing knew the famous people in the academy, and when he saw the three of them, he hurried over to greet them warmly, "Are the three talents here to buy story books?"

  Fang Mingyi nodded, "Is there any more? Give each of us a copy."

  Ye Zixing showed a embarrassed expression, "Sorry, I'm still copying the script, I need to wait a while."

  Fang Mingyi didn't expect the story book to sell so well, but it was out of stock, "It's okay, it doesn't matter if you wait a while."

   Ye Zixing greeted the three of them and sat on the stool, then called the waiter to serve the three of them a cup of hot red bean milk tea, "Please drink for free, please."

  Xu Guannan thanked, "Thank you."

"no, I'm fine…"

   After waiting for a stick of incense, the three of them got the script.

   Walking out of the bookstore, Fang Mingyi couldn't help complaining, "It's the first time I have to wait to buy a storybook, and it's too hot."

  Xu Guannan had a better self-restraint, didn't say anything, and walked forward with a book.

  Song Qingyuan held the book carefully, it was written by Yaqing, he must read it carefully when he gets back.

  In the bookstore, Ye Zixing walked through the crowd, happily thinking that if the books sold so well, he was just waiting to get the bonus.


  After Chu Qingzhi left the bookstore, she went to the pharmacy to buy a lot of medicinal materials. After returning to the village, she went to the medicine garden to pick a lot of medicines, and took them to the medicine house together.

  Chu Qingning specially arranged a room in the medicine house as a "laboratory", and moved all the medical equipment, medicinal materials, and tools used for dispensing medicines here.

  Chu Qingning was invited to see a doctor at home, and she was not in the medicine house.

  Chu Qingzhi went straight into the "laboratory" and started dispensing the medicine. The medicine she prepared was specially for Tang Jinghong and the others to relieve hallucinogens.

   With the cooperation of the magic and spiritual power, she spent half an hour preparing the medicine, then put it away, and walked out of the "laboratory".

  When Chu Qingshuang saw Chu Qingzhi coming out, she quickly waved to her, "Fifth Sister, someone is looking for you."

   "Who is looking for me?" Chu Qingzhi quickened her pace and walked towards Chu Qingshuang.

  Chu Qingshuang said, "People from the Academy."

  These words reminded Chu Qingzhi of the academy's year-end banquet, could she really be invited to attend, "Go, go and see."

  The person who came to deliver the invitation was Yan Yixian, "Miss Chu."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded to him, "What's the matter, Master Yan?"

  Yan Yi first presented the invitation with both hands, "This is the invitation card that the dean asked me to give to the girl. I invite the girl to appreciate it at the end of the year banquet."

  Chu Qingzhi looked at the invitation card, it was the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, and it was mid-afternoon, "Yes, I will definitely be there."

  Yan Yi cupped his hands first, "Then I won't bother the girl anymore, let's leave."

  Chu Qingzhi sent the person out, "Master Yan, go slowly."

  Chu Qingshuang came over curiously, "Fifth Sister, what year-end banquet? Is the academy also holding a banquet?"

  Chu Qingzhi explained, "It's the banquet held by the academy, do you want to go? If so, can we go together?"

  Chu Qingshuang's eyes widened in surprise, "Can I? Girls are not allowed to enter and leave the academy casually. What if they stop me?"

  Chu Qingzhi picked up the invitation and patted it on her palm, "With me here, the academy will not restrict you."

   "Then I will go with Fifth Sister." Chu Qingshuang couldn't help but began to look forward to it.

   "Okay, go see and see."



  Chu Xujin's wedding is approaching, and Li Qingyu has been busy arranging his wedding room for the past few days, so busy that he never touches the ground.

  Many lucky middle-aged women in the village came to help Li Qingyu. After all these busy days, the wedding room was finally arranged.

   "Qingyu, you are really lucky. The daughters-in-law you married are better than the other, and the son-in-law is also first-class, which makes people very envious."

   "Aren't you the same, don't envy me, everyone is like this."

   "We can't compare to you, you are the real good."

   "Don't be modest, isn't your daughter attracted by the young master of the county?"

   "Oh, that's good luck, or your children."

  Everyone complimented each other, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

  (end of this chapter)

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