Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 815: 815. Borrowing money from relatives

   Chapter 815 815. Borrowing money from relatives

  He Cuiyun's voice came over, "Qingyu, someone is looking for you!"

   "Here we come." Li Qingyu walked out of the room, who is looking for her?

  The person who came was Li Qingyu's youngest, Li Xiangxiu, who was also the daughter of Li Qingyu's natal family next door. The two grew up together and married together, but the two married a little far away, and gradually lost contact.

  Li Xiangxiu's face was a little chapped by the cold wind, and the cotton jacket she was wearing was old. She huddled her body and looked very cold.

  Seeing her like this, Li Qingyu hurriedly dragged her home, "Let's talk about things in the house."

  The kitchen at home was cooking, and it was relatively warm. After coming in for a while, I regained consciousness in my hands and feet.

  Li Qingyu thought for a while, and served a bowl of pig's trotter soup to Li Xiangxiu, "Drink it, to warm your body."

   Li Xiangxiu was flattered to take the bowl. The family hadn't eaten meat for a long time. She could swallow her tongue when she smelled the strong smell of meat. "Thank you."

   "You're welcome, drink it." Seeing Fa Xiao's life so hard, Li Qingyu was very distressed.

  Li Xiangxiu couldn't bear it anymore, and drank the broth in a whimper. There was meat in the broth, and she ate it together.

   It was so delicious that she wanted to chew and eat the bones, but they were too hard to chew, so she had to give up.

  Li Qingyu took the bowl over and filled a bowl full of meat for her, "There's still a lot in the pot, I'll fill it up for you after I finish eating."

  Li Xiangxiu resisted her strong appetite and declined. She lowered her head and said embarrassedly, "Qingyu, I'm not here to beg for food. I'm here to ask you, to ask you..."

  Li Qingyu was anxious, "What's the matter, tell me."

  Li Xiangxiu took Li Qingyu's hand, "Qingyu, you must help me, I, I can't live anymore."

  Li Qingyu was worried, "Tell me, what's going on?"

Li Xiangxiu cried, "Half a month ago, my husband fell off the roof when he was going to work and broke his leg. If he hadn't been injured, the family would have had a good year this year, but now not only have no money, but also owe money." There are a lot of foreign debts, and I came to you only when I was desperate."

  Li Qingyu understood what the other party meant, "You want to borrow money from me, right?"

  Li Xiangxiu nodded, pleading with red eyes, "Qingyu, as long as this year passes, my husband will pay you back the money he earns next year."

  Li Qingyu is kind-hearted, seeing that Fa Xiao is suffering so much, she chooses to help her without hesitation, "Wait a minute, I'll get you some money."

   Li Xiangxiu was very moved, "Thank you Qingyu."

   "It's okay." Li Qingyu came back with ten taels of silver, "Xiangxiu, you can spend it, if it's not enough, come to me again."

  Li Xiangxiu looked at the ten taels of silver, and was surprised for a while. Qingyu was really rich, and she could lend ten taels of silver in one go. "Qingyu, I will always remember your kindness in my heart."

"It's okay, just wait for me, I'll go back when I go." Li Qingyu patted Li Xiangxiu on the shoulder, then went to the workshop to get some broken biscuits, went to the cellar to get a pork leg back, and put it in Li Xiangxiu's In the basket, "You can take these back and eat."

  Li Xiangxiu declined, "I can't ask for this, Qingyu, it's good enough for you to lend me money, so I can't ask for anything more."

  Li Qingyu said, "Take it back and give it to the children. It's okay. It's almost Chinese New Year. Let's replenish our bodies."

  Li Xiangxiu burst into tears. She thought that Qingyu would not talk to her now that she was developed, but she never expected to treat her so well. "If it weren't for you, I might not be able to survive this year."

  Li Qingyu patted Li Xiangxiu on the shoulder, "It's okay, don't cry, everything will pass."

   "By the way, Xiangxiu, your husband is healed. You can come to our village to help repair the house. The wages are one penny a day, which is definitely enough for your family's life."

  Li Xiangxiu was overjoyed, she didn't expect such a good thing, "Okay, Qingyu, I'll tell my husband when I get back."

  Li Qingyu nodded, "OK."


   Li Xiangxiu told her husband about the matter when she went back.

  Unexpectedly, Zhao Changliang frowned, "Li Qingyu's family has such a big business that they only gave you ten taels of silver, some broken biscuits and a pork leg?"

  Li Xiangxiu nodded, "Changliang, after all, there is not much left of the friendship we grew up with, and it is already very face-saving to give me so much."

  Zhao Changliang took out a piece of broken biscuit and ate it, but cursed, "She's sending a beggar, and you're the only one who is innocent, thinking she treats you very well."

  Li Xiangxiu's ears softened, "What do you mean?"

  Zhao Changliang dissatisfied, "If she really wants to be your friend, she will give you at least one hundred taels, and ten taels is just to send off beggars, and the broken biscuits are given to you because you can't sell them. You are grateful to her."

  Li Xiangxiu whispered, "Don't say that, Qingyu is really good."

  Zhao Changliang scolded, "Stupid woman, I can't explain it to you. I was really sold and returned the money. I can't save you."

  Li Xiangxiu lowered her head, feeling a little shaken in her heart, "Qingyu and I are neither related nor related, so giving me these is considered benevolence and righteousness."

Zhao Changliang cursed, "Renyi is a fart, she is hypocrisy, only a simple-minded person like you believes it." After scolding, Zhao Changliang said, "Take the pork leg to stew, I haven't eaten meat for a few months, a little There is no fat or meat, how can I heal my wounds."

  Li Xiangxiu was submissive, "I'll get you right away, don't be angry."

  Zhao Changliang roared, "Go quickly."


  Wangjia Village.

  Xu Fumei blocked Wang Yuanping's way, "Yuanping, you have lived in our village for so long, and no one made things difficult for you, did you?"

  She is the eldest daughter-in-law of Village Chief Wang, and she is very respectable in the village.

   It is not obvious that it is embarrassing, but the silent rejection makes people more uncomfortable, but Wang Yuanping is not a narrow-minded person, so he talked to the other party peacefully, "Sister-in-law, what do you have to say?"

  Xu Fumei thought for a while, and then said, "That's right. I saw that the wheat on Chuqingzhi's fief generally grows better than other people's. I want to ask where their wheat seeds come from?"

   Obviously the wheat was grown together, but the wheat in the Chuqingzhi fief is much taller and greener than those in other villages, which looks great.

  She still has two vacant lands, and she plans to plant wheat together. Originally, the seeds have been bought, but when she saw the wheat on the fief, she couldn't help being moved.

  Wang Yuanping said, "That's the wheat seed that Miss Chu prepared for everyone. I don't know where she got it from, and she didn't accept money from the people under her jurisdiction. She only asked that all the wheat grown tomorrow be sold to her."

   "Is there such a good thing?" Xu Fumei hated that she was not a commoner in the fiefdom.

  Wang Yuanping nodded, "Indeed."

   Xu Fumei was full of expectations, "Is there any more? Can I go and buy some?"

  Wang Yuanping said, "I don't care about this, I don't know, but you can ask."

   Xu Fumei couldn't help asking, "Then who cares?"

  Wang Yuanping said, "Yuanlin is in charge."

  Xu Fumei immediately abandoned Wang Yuanping, "That's okay, I'll go find Yuanlin."

  Wang Yuanping shook his head, and continued to go to Xujia Village to do errands. He must finish what Chu Qingzhi told him. The family is still waiting for his salary to buy new year's goods.

  Thinking of this, he became more down-to-earth.

  (end of this chapter)

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