Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 817: 817. Acceptance of wooden houses

   Chapter 817 817. Acceptance of the wooden house

  Chu Family Village.

  By the pond in the vegetable garden, the children of the village gathered around to see clearly Zhicai lotus root.

   Although it looks like a small pond, it is rich in products, including lotus root, fish, shrimp, mussel, water chestnut, and water celery, all of which are now in harvest season.

  But it can't be eaten all at once, so Chu Qingzhi plans to eat some fresh ones.

  Chu Qingzhi stood by the pond, grabbed a lotus leaf stalk and pulled it, a plump white lotus root came out of the mud to the surface of the water, the lotus root dangled in the water, and the mud on it was washed away.

  The children cheered, "Wow, sister Qingzhi is amazing!"

  Afterwards, Chu Qingzhi grabbed it again, and another white and tender lotus root also surfaced.

   Grab six or seven in a row.

  There is a whole lotus root, there is no injury at all, and there are four or five baby lotus roots in one root, which looks very gratifying.

  Chu Qingzhi carried the lotus root to the stream, washed it in the stream, broke it into sections and handed them to the children, "Eat, one for each."

   "Thank you, Sister Qing Zhi."

   There was one section left, Chu Qingzhi ate it, and then walked home with the remaining two long lotus roots.

  The lotus root is sweet and crisp, with a fruity aroma. I didn't expect to sprinkle some seeds casually, and it grew such a good lotus root.

  He came to the kitchen with the lotus root in his arms, "Mom, shall we have pork ribs and stewed lotus root tonight?"

  Li Qingyu immediately took the lotus root in his hand, "Okay, I'll stew it, you go to rest."

   "Then it's hard work, mother." Chu Qingzhi went to the upstairs room.

  She has already designed the special food for the academy's dinner, and she will have a look at it at the end. If there is no problem, the real thing can be made tomorrow, and Zhuo Yanhai just happens to come to see the finished product.


   Medicine house.

  In the pharmacy, Chu Qingning said to Li Ziyun, "Help me get two or two thistles."

   "Yes." Li Ziyun hurried to the pharmacy to ask Sun Xialan for a big thistle.

  Sun Xialan said impatiently, "The medicine is in the drawer, don't you know how to take it yourself? It's not like I'm just here to do things for you, it's really a lot of things!"

  Ye Qingfu gently tugged on Sun Xialan's sleeve, "Don't say that, if Sister Qingning finds out, she will definitely be upset."

  Sun Xialan didn't take it seriously, "Sister Qingning has a big heart, so she won't care about us, and sister Qingning asked Li Ziyun to get her medicine, and it's not us, so it doesn't matter if you give it to us."

  Li Ziyun listened to Sun Xialan's words, tears welled up in his eyes, feeling extremely wronged.

  The medicine is in the drawer, but there are so many drawers, and she is illiterate, how does she know which one to take? What if you take it wrong and something happens?

  Li Ziyun didn't want to delay Chu Qingning's affairs, so she begged, "I don't know how to read, can you help me get it?"

   "I'll help you." Ye Qingfu saw that Li Ziyun was pitiful, and planned to help her, but was blocked by Sun Xialan, "Do your own thing."

  Ye Qingfu was helpless, "Why do you make things difficult for her?"

  Sun Xialan snorted coldly and didn't answer, but she said in her heart that the position of sister Qingning's assistant was originally her goal, but now she was snatched away by Li Ziyun who knew nothing, she was really not reconciled.

  But she had no choice but to vent her anger on Li Ziyun.

  Ye Qingfu was afraid that Chu Qingning would be angry, "Ziyun, there are big thistles in the third drawer in the fourth row on the left, take as many as you need."

   "Thank you." Li Ziyun was very grateful and hurried to get it.

   This drawer contains big thistle and small thistle, the two herbs are very similar, she really couldn't tell the difference, so after thinking about it, she simply took them together and let sister Qingning choose.

  Sun Xialan looked at Li Ziyun's back, the jealousy in her eyes almost turned into substance.

  Ye Qingfu persuaded, "Li Ziyun is Li Zhangjie's biological sister, and Li Zhangjie is very popular with Sister Qingzhi, so don't target her."

  Sun Xialan clenched her fist, "I didn't target her, I wanted to compete with her."

  Ye Qingfu said, "If the competition is fair, I will support you."

  Sun Xialan snorted, "Wait and see."

  Dispensing the pharmacy, Li Ziyun brought the two medicines together to Chu Qingning, "Sister Qingning, I can't tell the difference between the two medicines, so I brought them together for you."

  Chu Qingning didn't say anything, but asked, "Did you recognize all the characters I taught you?"

  Li Ziyun immediately said, "I admit it, I remember everything."

  Chu Qingning nodded, "That's fine, go get busy."

   "Yes." Li Ziyun responded lightly and left the dispensing room.

  As soon as she came out, she ran to the side and cried.

   I didn't expect that I would be wronged in this small medicine house. It's not intentional that she can't read. Why make things difficult for her?

  Ye Qingfu came out of the room, "Ziyun, don't care about Xia Lan."

  Li Ziyun hurriedly wiped away her tears, "I'm fine, I didn't take it to heart, Qingfu, go get busy, don't worry about me, I'll just calm down for a while."

   "Alright, there is still a lot of work to be done, so don't delay too long." Ye Qingfu kindly said.


  After thinking about it for a while, Li Ziyun secretly made up her mind that she should work hard to learn how to read, and she should not be looked down upon by others.

  Picking herself up secretly, she returned to the medicine house.


  Father Li called Chu Qingzhi to the bamboo house, "Girl, the bamboo house is finished, what do you think?"

  Chu Qingzhi walked into the bamboo house. The door is used for people to wait. There is a door on the left and right, and two doors facing the door. These four rooms are offices for four people, and they are all separated.

  Each house has an ear room, which is used to store relevant documents and things that need to be used.

  Chu Qingzhi walked to the room on the left side of the door. In addition to the side room, there is another door through which you can enter the backyard.

  There is an independent warehouse in the store grain and seeds, one for storing materials, and the other for spare.

  The layout is okay, and the seal between the main bamboo and the main bamboo is also very good, with only a little light projected in.

   Open the window, open the window wide, the room can be brightened. .

  Chu Qingzhi secretly grabbed the weighed wood and shook it, and it didn't move at all. It was quite a skill to build it like this.

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Uncle Li, it was right to hand over the bamboo house to you."

  Father Li smiled, "As long as you can help the girl."

  Chu Qingzhi asked, "Uncle Li, what are you doing now?"

   "It's okay." Li's father said quickly, "You can just tell me what you want, as long as I can do it, I will do it."

  Chu Qingzhi is really blunt, "Then please Uncle Li take a few people to Chu Carpenter's house, and move all the cabinets, tables, stools and other things I made to order and put them in several rooms."

  Father Li should be very straightforward, "Okay, I'll go right away."

  Chu Qingzhi also went to the carpenter's house and took tools to make a plaque.

  She originally planned to let the carpenter do it together, but the carpenter couldn't do it, so she had to do it herself.

  (end of this chapter)

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