Chapter 818 818. Report work

  Using tools to flatten the wooden boards, and then using pigskin glue to join several wooden boards together, this step requires a lot of strength to make the seams fit tightly, and it is very difficult, Chu Qingzhi also spent a lot of effort to complete it.

   Three pieces of wood were used to join together, and after finishing, the edge of the frame was carved.

  Chu Qingzhi intends to carve the edge of the cloud pattern, the carving is similar to engraving the formation method, Chu Qingzhi has also dabbled in this aspect, but she is not very proficient, but it is more than enough for carving patterns.

  Carpenter Chu looked at the small section of pattern that had been carved, and was full of admiration, "Qing Zhi, just say that you don't know how to do it?"

  Chu Qingzhi said modestly, "I'm just kidding, I'm just a quick learner, and I'm not very good at it."

   "Aren't you good?" Carpenter Chu stared at him and said with all his might, "If you're not good, we're all idiots!"

  Chu Qingzhi smiled and said, "Uncle Carpenter, let's keep a low profile."

  Chu Mujiang comprehended, and quickly said, "Yes, yes, keep a low profile."

  After engraving the frame, only two characters "Fengwei" need to be engraved on the plaque in the middle. Chu Qingzhi chose the "running script" font, which is the most majestic.

   Next step, dyeing.

Firstly, dye the entire plaque in reddish brown, and dye the raised moiré pattern on the border and the characters in black gold. This color is golden with some dark colors, and it will not be as bright and vulgar as pure gold. After dyeing, the plaque looks quite It is atmospheric and stylish, which is Chu Qingzhi's favorite style.

  Chu Qingzhi took the plaque and hung it on the gate of the bamboo house. In an instant, the value of the bamboo house skyrocketed several times, causing everyone to rush to watch.

  Afterwards, Chu Qingzhi went to take the paintings she had drawn and hung them in the bamboo house, all of them were landscape paintings.

  Her paintings are colored and extremely vivid. After the paintings are hung in the room, the dull atmosphere seems to be lively, and it even makes people feel relaxed.

  Wang Yuanping moved his eyes away from the painting, and said to Chu Qingzhi, "Girl, these paintings hanging here may attract thieves' attention."

  Chu Qingzhi looked at the paintings on the wall, "No one dares to come to my place to steal things, don't worry."

These words reminded Wang Yuanping of the dozen or so wolves in the village. Those wolves were majestic and fierce, guarding the workshop area, old house, medicine house and other places closely. It seemed that the village had never heard of throwing things. gone."

   "Go and inform them, sort out the paperwork, and move to Fengwei in a while, and you will handle official duties in Fengwei from now on."

   "Yes, girl."

  When the furniture is placed in the room one by one, everything looks decent.

  Chu Qingzhi looked around in the bamboo house, and the more she looked at it, the more she liked it, and decided to use the bamboo house for office in the future. It would be a pity if it was so good that it was demolished.

   Then she went to the nearby medicine shed to fetch some water for daily drinking.

   It can be said that all aspects have been considered.

  After being settled, Chu Qingzhi asked several people to report on the work of the past few days, starting with Wang Yuanping.

  Wang Yuanping is in charge of taxation. He said, "In addition to the girl's family, there are three other businesses in the fiefdom. Yesterday, Landlord Sun came to pay the business tax. Twenty taels..."

  He talked in detail about the taxes in the fief for the past few days. It was very detailed, and it could be heard that he was working hard.

  Chu Qingzhi nodded to him, and then asked Wang Yuanlin to speak.

Wang Yuanlin is in charge of the field. "Recently, two families came to sell their land. They planned to sell the land farther away and buy new land. I recorded it, but they have not sold it yet. There are three families in Xujia Village who open up wasteland. One acre, I went to measure and record it..."

   "Yes." Chu Qingzhi looked at Qin Yuming, "What about you?"

  Qin Yuming was in charge of the population. He said, "Two children were born in the past few days, and an old man died. They were all registered, and ten people applied to join the girl's fiefdom."

  Qianhuhou does not mean that there can only be one thousand households in the fief, but at least one thousand households.

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Go and verify their identities carefully, and if their character is good in all aspects, allow them to join."


  The last one is Xia Zongxian. He has been looking for fish all the time, wandering around every day, and doesn't care about the affairs of the fief at all.

  Seeing Chu Qingzhi asking him, he quickly said, "The fiefdom is quite peaceful, the villagers are very harmonious, and everything is fine!"

These words made Chu Qingzhi, who has always been good-tempered, instantly angry, "Yesterday in Zhoujia Village, Zhou Hai and Zhou Ming fought, and Zhou Hai chopped Zhou Ming with a knife. If the villagers hadn't stopped him in time, Zhou Ming would have been killed. My fief was almost destroyed. There is a murder case, you tell me everything is fine?!"

  Xia Zongxian bowed his head guiltyly, not daring to speak.

  The three people next to her were also silent. I have never seen Chu Qingzhi get angry. I don’t know. When she gets angry, the weather in June will make you feel the temperature of the twelfth lunar month, making you so nervous that you don’t even dare to breathe.

   Now it's useless to be more harsh, what Chu Qingzhi wants is a solution, "Speak, how to solve this matter?"

  Xia Zongxian looked at Qin Yuming, and then resisted Chu Qingzhi's strong pressure and said, "All this is my responsibility, and I am willing to accept the punishment."

Chu Qingzhi severely punished her, "First, there will be no salary for three months; second, take the fief laws and regulations I formulated to the four villages to publicize, and make sure everyone knows about them; third, cancel the one-month bath; are you convinced? "

  Xia Zongxian responded in a low voice, "Convinced!"

  Chu Qingzhi said clearly, "If I find out that you have left your post without authorization and are not doing your job properly, then I can only say sorry. I can't afford a person like you, and we can directly discuss the matter of paying back the money."

   "I see." Xia Zongxian thought to himself, this is a little girl, she is more terrifying than the empress dowager, he underestimated Chu Qingzhi!

  Chu Qingzhi said to the other three people, "I recognize your ability to handle affairs very much. The Chinese New Year bonus will be doubled. Keep working hard."

  Wang Yuanping and Wang Yuanlin are the happiest. If the bonus is doubled, their family will surely have a good year.

  Chu Qingzhi came out from the medicine house, and waved to Li Zhangan who was waiting at the side.

  Li Zhangan walked over immediately, raised his face, "Sister Qingzhi."

Chu Qingzhi looked at the young boy with hopeful eyes, and said, "You asked me for work before, and now there is a job here, cleaning for Wei Feng, closing the door and opening the door, if someone comes to do something, help greet and arrange it, In short, it is to do Feng Weili's chores, are you willing?"

   "Yes, yes." Li Zhangan said without hesitation, "As long as it is arranged by Sister Qing Zhi, I am willing to do anything."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Then you will do this for the time being, and when you grow up, I will arrange other things for you. By the way, if you have time, read and write more, and you will have more choices in the future."

   Li Zhangan was very excited, "I know, I will work hard."

Chu Qingzhi said, "You can go to Wang Yuanping for the matter of Feng Weili. If you can't solve it, you can come to me. From tomorrow onwards, you will come to work, and I will give you a penny. bonus."

  Li Zhangan bowed a ninety-degree bow to Chu Qingzhi, "I remember it all, thank you sister Qingzhi."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded and left Feng Wei.

  (end of this chapter)

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