Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 821: 821. Playing with Flowers

  Chapter 821 Chapter 821. Fun to play

  Mou Yongfeng glanced at Chu Qingzhi, "What do you care about these things? Doesn't my decision to kill Tang Jinghong coincide with your purpose?"

  Chu Qingzhi deliberately put on a worried look, and said, "Although that is the case, but you have violated your master's will, what if you bring us trouble?"

  Mou Yongfeng has a little concern. Disobeying the master's order will end in a very miserable end. Is it worth taking the risk?

  Chu Qingzhi pretended to be kind and reminded, "Why don't you report to your master? We are not in a hurry, we can wait."

  Mou Yongfeng hesitated for a long time. If he failed to complete the task, he would be scolded by his master, and if he went against his master's wishes, he would end up dead. In the end, he chose to be scolded by his master. There is always hope in life.

   "Then wait a while, I'll go ask the master for instructions."

  Chu Qingzhi agreed straightforwardly, "Okay, let's meet here tomorrow night."

  Mou Yongfeng nodded, "OK."

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong flew out of the window, and after a few ups and downs, they disappeared into the darkness.

  Mou Yongfeng stood in front of the window. After seeing the two people disappear, he said, "Keep an eye on Tang Jinghong's movements and wait for orders at any time." Then he left the inn.

  Mou Yongfeng was very cautious. After he left the inn with two of his men, he walked in three directions, obviously guarding against something.

  In the alley, Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong came out from the darkness...

   Three parrots followed in each of the three directions. The parrots were black, flying into the darkness as if melting into it, silently, without anyone noticing.

  Chu Qingzhi patted Tang Jinghong on the shoulder, "Go back to the inn, I'll follow Mou Yongfeng."

  Tang Jinghong stretched out his hand to hold Chu Qingzhi's hand, reluctant to part with her, "Let's go together, and I'll go back at dawn."

  Chu Qingzhi looked at Tang Jinghong, her eyes bent, "Let's go."

  The two chased after them together.

  Mou Yongfeng flew up to the roof and used his lightness kung fu to drive away. He was pretty good at lightness kung fu, but he was already far away in just a short while.

  Chu Qingzhi released her spiritual consciousness and locked on Mou Yongfeng so as not to lose track of her.

  Mou Yongfeng didn't know if he knew that someone would follow him. The route he took was extremely strange, with a feeling of jumping up and down, deliberately leading people astray, and leading people astray.

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong stopped...

  Tang Jinghong narrowed his eyes and guessed, "He probably isn't going to see the master!"

  Chu Qingzhi tapped her forehead with her finger, "The opponent is very cunning and doesn't really trust us, but it doesn't matter, the parrots will find a place."

  She has confidence in the parrots she trains.

  Tang Jinghong looked at Mou Yongfeng in front of him, and suggested, "It's still early, why don't we see where he is going?"

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Let's go."

  Following Mou Yongfeng, they came to the Xiaoguan Pavilion in Wancheng.

The three-storey building of Xiaoguanguan has a magnificent architecture, and there are beautiful lanterns hanging under the eaves. At the moment, the lights are brightly lit, and there are endless sounds in the building. Among the sounds are the sounds of men having fun, laughter Constantly, it can be seen that it is happy.

  Chu Qingzhi looked at the signboard "Qingfeng Pavilion" and said, "This man is so masculine!"

   Tang Jinghong didn't want Chu Qingzhi to go to such a dirty place, so he said tactfully, "Qingzhi, wait for me outside, and I'll go in and have a look by myself?"

  Chu Qingzhi turned her head to look at Tang Jinghong with teasing eyes.

   Tang Jinghong was a little embarrassed, and slightly staggered his gaze.

  Chu Qingzhi snapped her fingers, and the two of them changed again in the blink of an eye, but they were still ordinary.

  She stretched out her arm to hook Tang Jinghong's neck, and approached, "I promise not to look around, just follow Mou Yongfeng."

  Tang Jinghong looked into Chu Qingzhi's bright eyes, and had no way to refuse, "We'll come out right away if we find clues."

   "Yes." Chu Qingzhi suddenly asked Tang Jinghong, "Have you ever been to these places?"

  Tang Jinghong hurriedly said, "I've never been here, even a brothel, how could I come to these places!"

   "I believe you!" Chu Qingzhi took off her arm, took Tang Jinghong's hand, and led him to the small hall.


  The small hall was very lively, just now when the two of them were standing at the door, three or four people had already entered.

  At this moment, an event is being held in the Xiaoguan Pavilion...

  The loud and dynamic vocal music seems to vibrate the eardrums.

  The lobby is overcrowded and everyone wears masks. You don’t know me, and I don’t know you. It’s like holding a masked dance.

  On the stage, a man with a seductive figure is dancing a seductive dance. Chu Qingzhi looks at it with some admiration. That figure is too soft, even softer than a woman's.

  Under the stage, everyone is having fun, drinking with a wine glass in one hand, and stretching out the hand to mop up the oil while drinking. The scene is lewd and unsightly.

  Tang Jinghong took Chu Qingzhi's hand and flew up to the second floor, so as not to run into a pig's hand!

  The second floor is relatively normal, at least no one touches casually. There are many small cubicles separated by screens on this floor. There are ambiguous voices coming from the cubicles. You don’t need to ask to know what you are doing.

  Chu Qingzhi secretly sighed, it turns out that the ancients also played so well!

  She felt the direction locked by her spiritual sense, and pulled Tang Jinghong to go there, but at this moment, a buddy appeared and blocked their way.

   "Two young masters, to enter the building to play, each of you needs to pay ten taels of silver for watching. If you don't pay, please go out immediately!"

  Tang Jinghong looked at Chu Qingzhi and gave the money, "Don't bother us again!"

  When the buddy saw Yinzi, his face was full of smiles, "You two young masters, please play casually. If you have anything to do, call the buddy at any time. You can do whatever you want."

  Tang Jinghong had a chill. He knew that brothels were in chaos, but he didn't expect such chaos. "Go."

  Holding the silver in his hands, the man left cheerfully.

   Tang Jinghong frowned, "It's too messy!"

  Chu Qingzhi saw Tang Jinghong's discomfort, and thoughtfully said, "Then let's get things done quickly and get out of here."

   Tang Jinghong didn't want to stay for a moment, "Yes."

  Following the direction, the two shuttled through the building for a while, and came to the stairs on the third floor.

  There were two tall and mighty men guarding the stairway, one of them said, "If you want to go up to the third floor, you have to pay twenty taels of silver, or you will back off."

  Tang Jinghong had no choice but to give the money, which was really wronged.

   After receiving the money, the two men moved out of the way with obscene expressions on their faces.

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong didn't know why, so they went upstairs in doubt.

  Upstairs were rooms, and there was an unbearable sound coming from the room. Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong couldn't help feeling a little sick, and immediately accelerated the pace of searching.

   After some searching, I found Mou Yongfeng in the innermost room of a corridor.

   There is no such sound in this room, it is very quiet.

  (end of this chapter)

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