Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 822: 822. Rheumatic plaster

  Chapter 822 822. Rheumatic plaster

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong looked at each other, and went to the next door in a very tacit understanding.

   To save them trouble, there was no one in the room. After entering, Tang Jinghong locked the door to prevent anyone from breaking in.

  The sound insulation of the house is not very good, and you can hear the other party's voice when you stand by the wall.

  In the room, Mou Yongfeng was pinching the shoulders of a middle-aged man, and at the same time said flatteringly, "Brother, the people under me are not doing their job well, and they messed up the matter of the grain seeds."

  The man suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were gloomy, "I said why it had no effect, but it failed. Such a good plan can also fail, how can we do it?"

  Mou Yongfeng was so frightened that he knelt down and told the whole thing, "Brother, now is not the time to talk about this. Please help me and plead with the master."

   This matter is too serious, even if the master does not kill him, he will definitely be punished.

  The man kicked Mou Yongfeng over and cursed, "Useless stuff!"

  Mou Yongfeng quickly got up and knelt down, "Brother, why don't we kill Tang Jinghong? It's over!"

  The man slapped Mou Yongfeng again, "You dare to make random decisions about things that the master didn't order! It doesn't matter if you die yourself, don't hurt others!"

  Mou Yongfeng covered his face, feeling like he was about to cry, "Brother, what do you think?"

  The man really wanted to beat Mou Yongfeng to death, "I can't help you with this matter, you go and talk to the master yourself!"

  Mou Yongfeng knelt down to the man and climbed a few steps, pleadingly said, "Brother, I dare not, can you help me?"

  The man reached out and patted Mou Yongfeng's face, and told him the news, "Master will arrive in Wancheng tomorrow evening, you should prepare yourself."

  Mou Yongfeng fell to the ground in a slump, muttering incessantly, "I'm dead..."

Next room.

  Chu Qingzhi looked at Tang Jinghong, her eyes were like two Wang Qingquan, "Tomorrow the master of the other party will come to Wancheng, is this going to deal with you personally?"

   Tang Jinghong said indifferently, "Come by yourself, lest I go to him again."

  Chu Qingzhi blinked, "Then let's wait until tomorrow."

  Tang Jinghong smiled lightly, "Let's go."

  The two flew out of the window directly, and they didn't want to watch the scene below.


  Chu Family Village.

  On a winter morning, a few clouds floated in the sky, and the rare sunlight pierced through the clouds and came to the ground, bringing some warmth.

  After a warm breakfast, Chu Qingzhi, Ge Lihua and Chu Qingning came to the ancestral hall together. Today is the time for the children's final exams and the last day of school, so she has to come and see.

  The gate of the ancestral hall.

  The children had already arrived, and they were all standing at the gate, their innocent eyes full of reluctance, looking around, so sad that no one spoke.

  Although they only studied for three short months, they have already realized their unattainable dreams in their lives, and they are really reluctant.

  Xu Songnian walked towards Chu Lan'er, and asked with concern, "Have you got all your things?"

   "Okay." Chu Lan'er nodded shyly, Xu Songnian was very concerned about her, she looked at other girls, Xu Songnian never took the initiative to talk to them.

  Xu Songnian encouraged, "Take the exam well in a while, don't be nervous, you are so smart, you will definitely pass the exam."

  Chu Lan'er nodded, "Well, you too."

  Xu Wenlin touched Tian Xiaoqiu and whispered to her, "Look at my elder brother, is he interested in Chu Lan'er and so considerate?"

  Tian Xiaoqiu smiled, "It's possible, but I haven't seen your elder brother caring about others."

  Xu Wenlin covered her mouth and smiled, "I didn't expect my elder brother to have a crush on Chu Lan'er."

  Xu Songnian turned around and saw Xu Wenlin sniggering. Feeling embarrassed, he quickly took two steps back, pretending nothing happened.

  Xu Wenlin smiled even more happily, there is no silver three hundred taels here!

  Chu Qingzhi, Ge Lihua, and Chu Qingning walked over, while Hong Yujun was busy brewing wine, went to the workshop, and came over after a while.

  When everyone saw the three of them, they were immediately in awe, "Hello, three sisters."

  Chu Qingzhi had a serious expression on her face, and said, "Everyone enters the dormitory, it's cold outside."

  Everyone entered the teaching dormitory one after another.

   There is a brazier at the four corners of the classroom to keep everyone warm.

  The four students went to light the brazier. Otherwise, in such a cold day, their hands would be frozen, so how could they write the test paper.

Chu Qingzhi knocked on the desk to attract everyone's attention, "On the last day of today, we will no longer have classes, but only take exams. There are two papers in total, and only those who pass 90% or above can stay in the workshop. work."

   An invisible pressure squeezed over, and the hearts of the students slowly lifted.

  Chu Qingzhi glanced around, "Everyone sat down on their seats, took out the pens and papers to prepare, after a little incense sticking, we will start the exam, each session will take an hour, and the results will be announced in the afternoon."

   As word spread, everyone became even more nervous.

  Ge Lihua smiled and comforted, "The test questions on the test paper are all what we have said before. As long as you listen carefully, you can do it. Don't be too nervous."

  Xu Zeliang couldn't help asking, "Sister Li Hua, if we haven't passed the exam, can we just go back?"

  Ge Lihua looked at Chu Qingzhi, and said, "Test first, we'll talk after the exam."


   After a stick of incense, everyone's body warmed up and they could do the test papers. The three of them handed out the test papers.

   "The exam begins!"

  Chu Qingzhi turned the hourglass upside down.

  Watching the sand in the hourglass keep falling down, all the children’s breaths became short of breath. This is the test paper that determines their fate. If you make a wrong move, your life will be over.

  Thinking about it this way, their hands holding the pens are a little stronger than usual.

  After the test papers were handed out, Chu Qingzhi sat down on the empty table with a pen and paper, and began to plan what items to sell in the grocery store.

  The grocery store has been tiled and roofed, and is already being renovated. Once the shelves are put in, items can be placed and business can start.

  In addition to their own food, they can sell some daily necessities, such as firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea.

  Second sister’s family can sell some of the fabrics. The weaving workshop of Chu Qingyue’s family produces good quality and inexpensive fabrics, so sales should be good.

You can also sell some hair accessories for women's household, buy from the capital, don't sell those expensive ones, just those with a few coins, the people like the things in the capital very much, after all, they are things used by the nobles, and they naturally have the imitation ability.

You can also sell some cups made by Qingshuang. The cups she made are oddly shaped, round, oval, pot-bellied, etc., each of which has a beautiful pattern on it, which is very popular with everyone. , Many are sold every day.

  There were a little few things, Chu Qingzhi tapped her forehead with a brush, what else could she sell?

  Expensive ones are not easy to sell in the village, so only some cheap ones can be sold.

  By the way, you can sell some rheumatic plasters.

  The elderly in the village generally suffer from rheumatism. Many people have leg pains that make them unable to walk. Herbal medicines for rheumatism are not expensive and can be made and sold.

  (end of this chapter)

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