Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 823: 823. Formal Farewell

   Chapter 823 823. Formal farewell

   You can also sell farm tools, sickles, hoes, etc. These are the necessities of every household. You don’t have to worry about selling them. It doesn’t matter even if they are kept for a long time, and they will not expire.

  I think so much for the time being, and I will add what I think of in the future.

  Chu Qingzhi folded the paper and put it away, and walked outside the teaching dormitory, "Qing Ning, Li Hua, I'm going to check the grocery store, I'll be back in a while."

  Chu Qingning and Ge Lihua nodded together, "OK."

  The grocery store has been confirmed and will be handed over to Li Qingyu. She is very active and will come to the grocery store to help whenever she is free, and she is here at this time.

  It's winter, my forehead is full of sweat.

  Chu Qingzhi took the broom in Li Qingyu's hand, "Mother, go and have a rest, I'll sweep."

   "No, no, no, seeing that the grocery store is about to be finished, I am so happy, I can't stop for a moment, but you are busy with your work." Li Qingyu was very excited, took the broom back, and continued to clean.

   Seeing this, Chu Qingzhi had no choice but to let her go, "Pay attention to your health, Chinese New Year is coming soon!"

   "It's all right, I'm in good health."

  At this time, the third grandma and several mother-in-laws in the village came over.

   Several people greet each other.

  The third grandma looked at the grocery store and said with a smile, "Qingyu, when your grocery store opens, it will be convenient for us to buy things. I have been looking forward to it."

  Li Qingyu replied with a smile, "It's only been two days since the grocery store opened on the first day, and things will be cheaper. Then you should come to cheer."

   "We must come, we will go back in a while to see what is still missing at home, and we will come to you to buy when the time comes."


  The news of the opening of the grocery store was publicized by the third grandmother, and the whole village soon knew about it, and after the publicity by the workers in the workshop, the whole fief and surrounding villages knew about it.

  Li Qingyu suddenly thought of a question, "Qingzhi, should our grocery store have a name?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "I've already thought about it. It's called the Chu Family Village Grocery Store. Once everyone hears it, they will know the location of the grocery store, which is more convenient to attract customers."

  Li Qingyu firmly believed in Chu Qingzhi, "Okay, let's call it this name, it's quite easy to pronounce after a few more times."


  Chu Qingzhi went to Carpenter Chu's house, planning to make a plaque for the grocery store.

  With the experience from last time, Chu Qingzhi became more comfortable, and made the plaque at noon. It was very beautifully made, and it looked better than Feng Wei's.

  Carpenter Chu looked at the finished product and couldn't help but praise, "Qingzhi, even the master craftsman is not as good as you."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, "Be low-key."

  Carpenter Chu hurriedly echoed, "Low-key, low-key..."

  Chu Qingzhi carried the plaque to the warehouse of the grocery store. At this time, when the children finished their exams, Chu Qingzhi walked to the ancestral hall.

  Ge Lihua and Chu Qingning put away the test papers, and Ge Lihua said, "Everyone wait a moment, your sister Qingzhi will come later."

  As soon as she finished speaking, Chu Qingzhi came to the teaching dormitory.

  Chu Qingzhi said to everyone, "Everyone stay in the teaching dormitory after eating, don't run around, we will come over and announce the results after grading the test papers."

   "Yes, Sister Qing Zhi."

  Chu Qingzhi, Ge Lihua, and Chu Qingning returned home with the test papers.

  When I got home, I had dinner. After eating, the three of them went to the hall on the second floor to correct the test papers. The three of them corrected together, and everything was done in half an hour.

  Chu Qingzhi looked at the score sheet and showed a smile, "Not bad, take a look." She handed the score sheet to the two of them.

  Ge Lihua and Chu Qingning took a quick look, and couldn't help laughing.

  Ge Lihua reassured, "I spent the past three months preparing and attending classes every day. The children are very good."

  Chu Qingning was also very pleased, "Seeing the good grades of the children, I feel a sense of accomplishment."

  Chu Qingzhi said with a smile, "Let's go, go and announce the results, I guess we have to wait."

   "Let's go."

  The three of them went downstairs, and Shen Ruyue happened to walk over, and the four of them walked towards the ancestral hall together.


  Ancestral hall.

   There was no sound in the teaching dormitory. Everyone sat in their seats, packed their things neatly, and lowered their heads to stare at the white paper in front of them. The sadness of parting echoed in their hearts.

  A few footsteps sounded...

  The children immediately raised their heads and looked towards the classroom door, their eyes full of anticipation. When they saw the person coming, they all stood up involuntarily.

  Chu Qingzhi walked to the podium, smiled and said, "The results are out, are you nervous?"


   "Don't be nervous." Chu Qingzhi changed the subject, "I have good news for you."

  The children held their breath slightly, their hearts immediately rose to their throats, and their eyes were fixed on Chu Qingzhi.

  Chu Qingzhi said slowly, "You all passed!"

  The children were taken aback for a moment, and then all cheered, "Wow!! Passed! I passed!"

  After the children cheered, Chu Qingzhi said again, "Now let's read how many points everyone got in the test, so we can all be happy."

  The classroom immediately quieted down...

   "Xu Songnian, Xu Wenlin, Chu Lan'er, Tian Xiaoqiu, ..., Xu Zeliang, you have perfect scores in both subjects."

   "Sun Dinggui,..., Li Yuncai, the four of you scored ninety-nine in both subjects."

   "The remaining four people scored more than 95 points in both subjects."


  The children had very happy smiles on their faces, their eyes were as bright as two suns, and they were full of expectations for the future.

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Next, we will distribute some rewards."

  Xu Zeliang said happily, "Is there any reward?"

  Chu Qingzhi looked at the innocent faces, "Yes, this is your graduation gift, and it is also a welcome gift to welcome you to join Chu's Trading."

  Ling Yanjiang brought a box over, in which were rewards for the children, all wrapped in red paper, and a beautiful paper flower was pasted on it.

  The four girls distributed the gifts to the eighteen children one by one, and distributed the papers to everyone casually.

  After getting the test paper, Xu Songnian said, "I want to seal up all these things as a souvenir."

  Chu Lan'er immediately said, "I want it too, I'll take it out when I'm old."

  Tian Xiaoqiu said, "That will take many years."

  Xu Wenlin said with a smile, "Isn't that more meaningful?"

  Xu Zeliang said seriously, "Indeed, I will also keep it well. When I take it out to look at it in the future, I will definitely be very moved."

   As the children talked, they carefully wrapped up all the things they had learned during this period, and then pressed the presents on top, saying a formal farewell.

  Chu Qingzhi said, "I'm asking you sister-in-law Ruyue to arrange things for you."

  The children immediately sat up straight and looked at Shen Ruyue.

Shen Ruyue suppressed her smile, her pretty face was expressionless, and she looked a little serious, "According to the agreement with you, anyone who gets 90% in the exam can stay and work in Chu's Yimao. Now that you all pass, Let me first say congratulations to you."

  (end of this chapter)

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