Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 824: 824. Technical schools

   Chapter 824 824. Technical School

   "Next, I will arrange for you one by one."

   "Songnian, Zeliang, Wenlin, Laner, you will follow me and be my assistants."

  Xu Songnian deals with accounts, involving calculation of costs and profits, and distribution of wages. In short, everything related to finance belongs to the position of confidants.

  Xu Zeliang handles the delivery. The workshop sends out a lot of goods every day. When delivering the goods, he needs help to lift them. Men are strong, so this is more suitable.

  Xu Wenlin handles the receipt of the goods, and the raw materials are all shipped from other places. Xu Wenlin is careful, patient, and has another very important characteristic. Her judgment is very strong.

  On one occasion, we trained everyone to receive the goods. More than 20 bags were piled up together, and one of them was five catties missing, which she could tell with the naked eye.

  So it is very appropriate for Wen Lin to do these things.

  Chu Laner deals with personnel affairs. Every day in the workshop, some people come and some people leave. Of course, few people leave, many people come, and many people take turns to ask for leave. Things are quite complicated.

   "Dinggui, Yuncai, go and learn how to make purchases from Chu Haodong." Chu Haodong had already told him in private that he wanted Sun Dinggui and Li Yuncai, two eloquent children, to be his assistants.

   "Xiaoqiu follows Qingzhi." Chu Qingzhi needs someone with culinary talent for product development, and Tian Xiaoqiu is especially good.

  She has a talent, that is, her tongue is relatively sensitive, and when she tastes food, she can taste what is in the food, which is impossible for ordinary people.

  She can also be a wine taster, this skill Chu Qingzhi will train her alone in the future.

  When Tian Xiaoqiu heard this arrangement, he was immediately elated. Sister Qing Zhi is the most powerful person in the entire Chu Family Village, and following her must have a bright future.

   Half an hour later, Shen Ruyue made clear arrangements for all the children's whereabouts.

   "Is there anything you don't understand? If you are not clear, you can ask me immediately, otherwise it will be very troublesome to adjust in the future."

   "We are all clear, there is nothing unclear."

   "That's good." Shen Ruyue nodded, "You don't need to work today, and I will give you a day off tomorrow. You will officially report to the workshop the day after tomorrow. Now everyone go home first, and pay attention to safety on the road!"

  After all that should be said, the children bowed to the four sisters one by one, and then went home.

   The four girls looked at each other and smiled, their hard work was not in vain.


   After Xu Songnian and Xu Wenlin ran home, they shouted happily, "Mom, we are back."

  Li Qingyin was working in the duck shed, when she heard the voices of the three children, she was puzzled, she came back too early today, "Mother is here."

  The three children put down their things, but took the presents, and ran towards Li Qingyin.

   "Mother, we have passed. From now on, we will be members of Chu's Yimao. This is a gift from my fifth cousin. I want to give it to my mother." Xu Songnian held the gift in front of Li Qingyin.

   "Mom, I passed too. I got 200 points in the test. It's amazing."

   "Mother, I have also passed. This is my gift, and I will give it to you too. Thank you for taking me in."

   "That's great, you guys are amazing." Li Qingyin looked at the three presents in front of her, feeling relieved, she stretched out her hand and pushed them back, "The presents must be very precious to you, keep them by yourself, mother doesn't want them."

  Xu Songnian insisted, "Mom..."

  Li Qingyin patted her son's back. Over the past year, her son's back has become much thicker. "Mother knows that you have such a heart, so just keep it by yourself."

  Xu Wenlin suggested, "Mom, since you don't want to accept it, let's go home and open the present together?"

  Li Qingyin smiled and nodded, "OK."

  Back home, the four of them sat down around the table, and the exquisite gift was placed in front of them, and the three children were reluctant to open it.

  Xu Songnian looked at the two younger sisters, "Shall we dismantle them together?"


  The three of them brought the gift in front of them, and first carefully removed the flower. After removing the flower, the gift wrapping paper fell apart by itself, revealing the immediate gift.

   This is a round box surrounded by red hard paper. Open the lid, and there is a small circle in the middle. There are four small grids between the small circle and the big circle, and there are five kinds of things in total.

  The small circle is filled with gold ingot candies, the size, color and shape are similar to gold ingots. The four small compartments hold small cakes, walnut crisps, pork jerky, and peanut candies, which add up to two catties.

  Xu Wenlin sighed, "Wow! This gift is too exquisite!"

   "It's so delicate, it's the first time I saw such a good gift." Tian Xiaoqiu slightly widened her eyes, full of surprise, and suddenly, she found, "There are words written on the lid."

  Xu Songnian and Xu Wenlin immediately took the cover over to have a look...

  Xu Songnian said, "Mine is 'the edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold', what is yours?"

  Xu Wenlin said, "Mine is 'Thousands of scouring and ten thousand scouring are hard work, but blowing all the sand can only lead to gold'."

  Tian Xiaoqiu said, "Mine is 'thousands of blows return strength, let you wind from east to west, from north to south'."

  Xu Songnian was very moved, "It's all words of encouragement for us, the sisters are really kind to us."

  Tian Xiaoqiu said sincerely, "Let's repay the sisters well in the future."

  Xu Wenlin nodded, "That's for sure. If it weren't for the fifth cousin, our family wouldn't know what it is like now."

  Li Qingyin emphasized, "Wen Lin is right, your fifth cousin's family has helped us a lot, and you must remember it in your heart for the rest of your life."

  Xu Songnian said solemnly, "Mother, we know, don't worry."

  Li Qingyin touched her daughter's head, "You were also rescued by my fifth cousin. If it wasn't for her, mother might have lost you."

  Xu Wenlin smiled and said, "That's right, fifth cousin is still my savior!"

  Tian Xiaoqiu also secretly remembered the kindness of Chu Qingzhi's family in his heart.

  Students’ homes are experiencing warm moments at this moment, and everyone is extremely happy.


  Chu Qingzhi took the contract and went to the village chief's house. He rented the ancestral hall from the village chief for three months. Now that the time is up, it's time to hand over.

  After hearing Chu Qingzhi's intention, the village head took the key, and then thought for a while and said, "Qingzhi, I have an idea, let me tell you, okay?"

  Now that Chu Qingzhi is the immediate boss of the village chief, he has become more polite when speaking.

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "The village chief please tell me."

  The village chief hesitated for a while before saying, "Qingzhi, why don't you set up a school in the fief?"

   "There are about a thousand children in the fief. If they can read a few big characters when they grow up, it will be easier to find work no matter where they are."

   "Everyone has money, and you can collect more taxes then, can't you?"

  Chu Qingzhi thought about it for a while, and this proposal is okay, it feels a bit beneficial to the people and self.

   Just set up a technical school to cultivate children's survival skills... After thinking about it, Chu Qingzhi became a little moved.

  (end of this chapter)

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