Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 826: 826. Seek justice

   Chapter 826 826. Seek justice

   Medicine house.

  A young woman in her twenties came to the medicine house alone, covering her stomach, "Miss Qingning, my stomach hurts, please help me."

  The young woman’s face was distorted in pain, and there were bloodstains on her pants. She had seen a doctor before and was diagnosed with pregnancy. In this situation, she didn’t even need to feel her pulse to know that it was a sign of a miscarriage.

  Chu Qingning hurried out from behind the consultation table, and Li Ziyun and Li Ziyun helped the pregnant woman to the ward.

  Chu Qingning said, "Lie down quickly, don't move around." She hurriedly took the pulse of the pregnant woman, "The belly was hit hard, which affected the fetal gas."

  The pregnant woman was terrified, and tears kept pouring out, "Miss Qingning, can the child be kept?"

   "Yes, don't worry." Chu Qingning went to the pharmacy and took out a pill to feed the pregnant woman, "Take the medicine and lie down quietly for half an hour without moving."

   "I'll listen to you." It didn't take long for the pregnant woman to feel less pain, and she said happily, "Miss Qingning, it doesn't hurt anymore."

   "I'll take your pulse again now, you relax, and then I'll give you a comprehensive physical examination, relax, understand?"


  Chu Qingning first took the pulse of the pregnant woman, then lifted up the latter's clothes, and listened to the child's heartbeat with her ears, so that she could judge whether the baby was dead or alive, healthy or unhealthy.

  However, Chu Qingning frowned, the fetus seemed to have no heartbeat.

  She listened carefully again, but still didn't hear the heartbeat.

   It is reasonable to say that a three-month-old fetus can clearly hear the heartbeat, otherwise it may be a stillbirth.

  Chu Qingning encountered such a problem for the first time, and felt a little uneasy, "Wait a minute, don't move around, I will come as soon as I go."

   Then she called Li Ziyun over, "Go and make a bowl of brown sugar water for her to drink."

  Li Ziyun nodded, "Yes, sister Qingning."

  Chu Qingning went to find Chu Qingzhi...

Brown sugar is placed in the tea room. This room is dedicated to drinking water. In addition to brown sugar, there are medicinal sugar, coarse sugar, fine sugar, many kinds of sugar, and other things such as tea, which are soaked in water. They are placed in a jar .

  The jars are all similar in appearance, lined up in a row, with labels on them, and the names of the things in the jars are written on the labels.

  Li Ziyun walked into the tea room, just as Sun Xialan also walked into the tea room.

  Sun Xialan deliberately bumped into Li Ziyun, and then pointed at Li Ziyun in the opposite direction, "Can you walk a little bit, such a wide room, can't accommodate your small body?"

  Li Ziyun turned her head to look at Sun Xialan, and said to herself, she couldn't be weak, so she rushed over and bumped back.

  Sun Xialan was not wary that Li Ziyun would fight back, and the cup in his hand fell to the ground with a "crash", and it fell apart.

  The sound startled both of them.

  Ye Qingfu heard the voice, walked over quickly, looked at the mess on the ground, "Did you break the cup?"

  Sun Xialan glared at Li Ziyun viciously, "She broke the glass because she bumped into me on purpose, it's none of my business."

Li Ziyun argued, "You hit me first, and I hit you when I was too angry. I didn't expect to break the quilt. I'm half responsible. I'll talk to Sister Qingning later, and then buy one to pay for it. Sun Xialan, you You have to pay half of it, if you didn't recruit me, I wouldn't recruit you either."

  Sun Xialan said ferociously, "I bumped into you just now because I was not careful, but you did it on purpose, so I won't pay, you alone."

  Ye Qingfu looked at the two of them, he knew that Sun Xialan was jealous of Li Ziyun, so what Li Ziyun said should be the truth, "Each of you will pay half, and then go and apologize to Sister Qingning, this matter will be over, don't be angry."

  Sun Xialan insisted not to pay, "It's none of my business for Li Ziyun to pay for it alone."

   "Whatever you want!" Li Ziyun thought that she still had to take care of the patients, and didn't want to get entangled with Sun Xialan, so she hurried to make brown sugar water without saying a word.

  Sun Xialan knew that Li Ziyun was illiterate, so she stopped Ye Qingfu, "You are not allowed to help her,"

  Li Ziyun walked to the table where the sugar bowl was placed, turned around and smiled at Sun Xialan, "Sorry, I can read!"

  Sun Xialan didn't believe it at all, "I didn't know a single word two days ago, but today I said I knew each other, you are lying!"

  Li Ziyun ignored Sun Xialan, she opened the brown sugar jar accurately, scooped a spoonful of sugar from it and put it into a bowl, then brought the kettle that was warm on the small stove next to it and poured a bowl of brown sugar water.

  Li Ziyun stirred it twice with a spoon, and deliberately said, "This brown sugar smells so good!" Then he carried it to the ward.

  Sun Xialan stomped her feet angrily, and pointed at Li Ziyun's back, "Qingfu, look at that villain Li Ziyun's success!"

  Ye Qingfu persuaded, "Don't keep getting in trouble with Li Ziyun, this matter is your fault."

  Sun Xialan was fierce to Ye Qingfu, "Did you fall in love with Li Ziyun and speak for her everywhere?"

  Ye Qingfu was speechless, "I didn't, I just spoke fairly."

   "The devil will believe you, Qingfu, Li Ziyun is good-looking, he won't fall in love with you, you should die!" Sun Xialan dropped a heart-warming word and left.

  Ye Qingfu was also **** off. He tried to persuade the fight with good intentions, but in the end he didn't get any good, and he had to clean up the mess.

  Here, Chu Qingzhi and Chu Qingning hurried to the medicine house, and stroked the young woman's stomach with their hands, "The child has no heartbeat, Fourth Sister, go prepare the abortion medicine."

  The young woman immediately became excited, "Sister Qingzhi, take a good look, the child was fine just now, how could there be no heartbeat?"

  As long as there is still a trace of life, she can save it, but she is not so good at bringing the dead back to life. "Your child had no heartbeat half an hour ago."

  The pregnant woman quickly recalled what she was doing half an hour ago...

  Chu Qingzhi lifted up the sleeves of the pregnant woman. There were several bruises on her arm, and one was new. She pressed her hands on several places on the pregnant woman's body, and she heard the sound of pain from the pregnant woman.

  She had a judgment in her heart, and her voice was low, "You were beaten?"

  The pregnant woman lowered her head, not daring to answer.

  Chu Qingzhi asked, "Who hit it?"

  Chu Qingning frowned, "Aside from his husband, who else would beat her during pregnancy?"

  Chu Qingzhi observes the expression of the pregnant woman, fearful and apprehensive, it seems that Qingning is right.

  She hates men who beat women, especially pregnant wives!

  Chu Qingzhi walked towards Feng Wei, "Zong Xian, go and see the lady in the medicine hut, and call her husband here later."

  After Xia Zongxian was severely criticized by Chu Qingzhi, he no longer dared to fish in troubled waters. He made inspections every morning, noon and evening, and he did a decent job.

  After hearing Chu Qingzhi's words, he immediately walked to the medicine house, asked some simple questions, and then went to the young woman's village.

  Chu Qingzhi returned to the ward and asked the young woman, "I sent someone to invite your husband. Do you want to seek justice for your child?"

  (end of this chapter)

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