Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 827: 827. The Heli Incident

  Chapter 827 827. Heli Incident

  The young woman wept softly, "He drank some wine just now, and I told him not to drink, so he hit me and punched me in the stomach."

   She didn't know what she was thinking, and she cried even louder, "He also killed my last child."

  The young woman cried so sadly that the whole ward became sad.

   "His parents don't care about him. He is such an old man, and he still dotes on him. If I say something, they will scold and beat me together. The wounds on my body have never been broken."

   "I married into their family for seven years, and I have lived this kind of life for seven years. I am tired of living this kind of life. I want to be free. Sister Qing Zhi, I want to be divorced, and I want to live alone. Is that okay?"

  The young woman is a commoner in Chu Qingzhi's fiefdom.

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Of course, there are many vacant houses in our village, you can rent them, and you can come to work in the workshop when you are healthy. Your life must be better than before."

  With Chu Qingzhi's encouragement, the young woman's desire to reconcile and leave gradually became firmer, "Sister Qingzhi, you are so kind."

  Chu Qingzhi comforted me, "We are the only ones who can help us. Women are already weak, so we must become stronger ourselves, otherwise others will not be able to help you even if they want to help you. Do you understand?"

  The young woman nodded, looked up at Chu Qingzhi, her eyes could not hide her envy and admiration, "You are a role model for all our girls, and we all feel very lucky to live in your fief."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, "Since you take me as an example, you should strive for a better life."

   "I will." The young woman and Li's heart was completely determined.

  Chu Qingzhi asked Li Ziyun to tell Qin Yuming about this matter. He is in charge of the population issue of the fief, and he needs to participate in this matter, and even lead it.

  The things in the fief were exposed one by one, which just happened to let her see their abilities.

  After Qin Yuming got the news, he immediately started to prepare. This was the first major matter he dealt with, and he had to pay attention to it.

  Chu Qingning personally grabbed the abortion medicine, let Li Ziyun decoct it, and gave it to the young woman. Not long after, her stomach started to explode.

  Chu Qingzhi’s medicine was good, the young woman solved her problem after suffering a little suffering, and then she stayed in bed to recuperate.

  Chu Qingning gave her a pill to help restore her body. Miscarriage hurts her body very much. If it is not handled well, it is very likely that she will not be able to conceive again in the future.

   "We will decide your affairs for you in a while, don't get excited, your body is important, and you will have children in the future."

  The young woman couldn't hide the sadness between her brows and eyes, she nodded, "Yeah."

  She is from Xujia Village, her husband Xu Changfu.

  When Xia Zongxian went to find Xu Changfu, Xu Changfu was as silent as a cicada and fearful. He didn't look like a domestic violence person at all.

   It really confirmed that word, bullying the weak and fearing the strong!

  In Xujia Village, Xu Changfu asked Xia Zongxian flatteringly, "Brother, can you tell me what happened to our family?"

  Xia Zongxian kicked Xu Changfu, "You don't know what you did?"

  Xu Changfu rubbed his legs, but asked Xia Zongxian even more obsequiously, "Brother, please explain clearly, I really don't know what I am doing."

  Xia Zongxian folded his arms and squinted at Xu Changfu. He was extremely contemptuous of this kind of coward who beat women.

   "You beat the child in your wife's belly to death, didn't you know?"

  When Xu Changfu heard that the child had died, he just froze for a moment, not at all sad, "How did I know that, the child is not in my stomach!"

  When Xia Zongxian heard this, he couldn't help it. Is this something that people can say?

   "You have violated Miss Qing Zhi's taboo, and you know what kind of person Qing Zhi is, so you should think about how to die!"

  Xu Changfu heard that he violated Chu Qingzhi's taboo, his face turned pale for an instant, then his legs softened, and he knelt directly on the ground.

  Xia Zongxian was speechless when he saw him like this, "What? Are you going to kneel down three times to plead guilty?"

  Xu Changfu was terrified, he grabbed Xia Zongxian's sleeve, "Brother, please save me, I didn't hit her on purpose, not on purpose."

   "Was it intentional? You go to Miss Qingzhi and tell her, I don't know anything." Chu Qingzhi's eyes can scare people into paralysis, and he dare not provoke them.

  Xu Changfu's parents were unclear, and after hearing Xia Zongxian's words, they became angry.

   Xu father said angrily, "How can Chu Qingzhi be so lenient about beating his own wife and outsiders?"

  Xia Zongxian opened his mouth slightly, old man, do you think you didn't die fast enough?

  There happened to be three passers-by next to them. They were tall and burly, and they looked bluffing. One of them turned his head and looked over, clenched his fists, "Are you talking bad about us Qianhuhou?"

   Father Xu quickly took a step back, and hurriedly said, "Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, I just made a slip of the tongue!"

  The man turned his neck and threatened, "Next time let me hear you speak ill of our Marquis Qianhu, don't blame me for not recognizing people with fists."

  Father Xu, like a frightened mouse, hurriedly said, "Don't dare, don't dare."

   "Be careful!" The three men left.

  Xia Zongxian thought to himself, Chu Qingzhi is really deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, no one can say a bad word about her.

   Seeing this posture, Xu Changfu was so frightened that his body trembled. He didn't want to see Chu Qingzhi. It was too scary. Just thinking about it, he couldn't bear the pressure.

  So he made a stupid decision and ran wildly.


   In front of him, he saw Xu Changfu fall and eat shit.

  Xu Father and Xu Niang ran over like protecting their children, "Chang Fu, are you alright?"

   Xu Niang couldn't take it anymore, "Damn Sangmenxing, didn't he just beat a child to death? Why did you disturb Qianhuhou, because you think our family is not embarrassing enough?"

  Xia Zongxian was dumbfounded, feeling that the lower limit of his cognition had been refreshed again. He scolded others when he was obviously wrong, and scolded so badly!

  How could there be such a brazen person?

  He walked over, grabbed Xu Changfu by the collar, picked him up and dragged him to the Chu Family Village. This family is nothing short of scum! Sanctions must be imposed!

  He suddenly felt a sense of responsibility.

  Feng Weili, Qin Yuming has already prepared the venue to deal with this matter openly, to make an example to other people in the fief who beat their wives.

  The venue was arranged in Feng Wei's yard. There were a few chairs in the yard for Chu Qingzhi and other seniors to sit in, and other seats were vacated for people to watch.

   At this time, many people have come.

  As the second relatively big event that happened in the fiefdom (the first one was the killing incident), many people were shocked. It happened that it was winter and there was no farm work to do, so naturally there were more people watching the excitement.

  Chu Qingzhi and Chu Qingning walked in front, Li Ziyun and Sun Xialan supported Xu Fu (young woman) to Feng Wei and sat on the chair.

  At this time, Xia Zongxian came back with Xu Changfu and the three of them. He also grabbed Xu Changfu by the collar, walked into Fengwei's yard, and threw them away.

  Xu Changfu fell to the ground, causing a lot of jokes.

  (end of this chapter)

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