Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 828: 828. Institution of marriage

  Chapter 828 828. Marriage system

   Xu's father and Xu's mother hurried forward to help their son up, and dared not speak out in their hearts. It is too much for so many people to bully their orphans and widows!

  After helping Xu Changfu up, Xu's mother suddenly saw Mrs. Xu sitting on the chair, and immediately became furious, and rushed towards Mrs. Xu.

   "You bitch, you didn't protect the child yourself, and you went to sue, and you lost all the face of my family!"

   Seeing this, Xu's mother became conditioned to be afraid, her body trembled, her face turned pale, and she curled up.

  Xia Zongxian stood aside, seeing this, drew out his sword to stop Xu's mother, and shouted, "Presumptuous!"

  Xu's mother was terrified, her impulse faded away, leaving only fear.

  Father Xu, don't be startled, and hurried forward to pull Mother Xu over. If they rush over like this, not only will they not be able to save their son, but they will also catch themselves.

  Seeing the two retreating, Qin Yuming stepped forward and asked with a cold face, "Xu Changfu, do you know your mistake?"

  Xu Changfu bent over, stuck his neck, and said firmly, "Caomin don't know."

  Qin Yuming had no expression on his face, and secretly said, "Is Mrs. Xu your wife?"

  Xu Changfu nodded, "Yes."

  Qin Yuming said again, "Ms. Xu is three months pregnant. She was beaten by you an hour ago and died in her womb. Do you know your mistake?"

  Xu Changfu argued, "I don't think I was wrong. First of all, I hit my wife, which is only right and proper."

   "Secondly, I punched her in the stomach. It must be that she didn't protect the child well. She deliberately told the truth and asked you to deal with me."

   "Finally, she has an affair with Xu Weichun from the same village. She definitely wants to take this opportunity to abort the child and be with that bitch."

   The regulations are quite clear, and there is no problem with my mind.

  Ms. Xu was so angry that her lips trembled, "He slandered me. My relationship with Brother Weichun is very simple, and there are no such dirty things as he said!"

  She reached out and grabbed Chu Qingzhi's sleeve, and said anxiously, "Sister Qingzhi, I didn't, I was innocent, and I didn't do anything to offend Xu Changfu."

  Chu Qingzhi patted Xu Fu on the shoulder, "I believe in you, don't get excited, your body is important."

  She looked at Xu Changfu with daunting eyes, "First of all, whether it is your parents, your wife, or your children, it is wrong to beat someone, there is no such thing as a matter of course."

   "Secondly, the fetus died from a violent blow. It wasn't that she didn't protect it well. On the contrary, she felt unwell and went to see a doctor immediately. She wanted to save the baby."

   "Finally, catching thieves and filth, catching **** and catching couples, did you see with your own eyes that the two were hugging each other, were they swearing at each other?"

  Xu Changfu couldn't explain a single word, he pursed his lips, but there was an expression of resentment on his face.

  Chu Qingzhi winks at Qin Yuming.

  Qin Yuming nodded lightly, and said to Xu Changfu, "If you have anything to say, just say it, everyone is here now, and you won't be wronged!"

  Xu's mother stepped forward and said, "Cheating is always done in secret, who will see it?"

  Qin Yuming asked back, "Since no one saw it, how did you see it?"

  Xu's mother made unreasonable words, "Paper can't wrap fire."

  Qin Yuming said, "So, do you believe that the two are having an affair?"

  Mother Xu said emphatically, "Yes."

  Qin Yuming raised his head and asked loudly, "Are there any villagers from Xujia Village?"

   "Yes." Xu Weichun walked out of the crowd together with a dozen villagers from Xu's family, "My lord, we are all from Xu's village."

Xu Weichun's daughter-in-law is also on the list, she said, "Miss Chu, my son, Xu's mother is bloody, my father-in-law and Xu's wife are innocent, I will be there every time they meet, don't they do it in front of me? Like that?"

  With the testimony of Xu Weichun's daughter-in-law, everyone believes that the two are innocent. After all, no wife can allow her husband to mess with other women in front of her.

   "The truth of this matter is revealed." Qin Yuming glanced at Xu Changfu, and asked Xu Fu, "What are your plans?"

   Xu Fu gritted her teeth and said firmly, "I want to reconcile."

   Xu's mother was stimulated again, she bared her teeth and said, "I don't agree to divorce, I can only divorce my wife!"

  Divorce and divorce are two concepts.

  Heli does not have that much impact on the woman's reputation, at least she can remarry, she is an innocent woman.

  Where the wife is divorced, it means that the woman has made a serious mistake, such as seven out of the rules, childlessness, prostitution, neglect of uncle, etc.

  Any one of these is a fatal blow to a woman, basically unable to remarry, and being cast aside by others, even if the wife of a wealthy family is divorced, she will not escape the condemnation of the world.

  Xu Changfu roared angrily, "Yes, I can't divorce, I can only divorce my wife!"

  Things are deadlocked...

  Chu Qingzhi suddenly said, "Since he doesn't agree to reconcile, then let's divorce!"

   These words made all the men look sideways!

  Since ancient times, I have never heard what Xiu Fu said. What does Chu Qingzhi want to do?

  What does she want to do?

  She has no control over other places, but in her fief, she intends to implement an equal husband and wife system.

  In villages, monogamy is generally practiced, and polygamy does not exist. Don’t consider this situation, and it won’t be too difficult to implement it.

   "Listen everyone, starting today, if the husband and wife disagree, you can come to Feng Wei to apply for a divorce."

  "First: If it is a peaceful divorce, the property of both parties is divided equally, and one party can voluntarily give it up."

   "Second: Regarding the custody of children under the age of three, there is no need to discuss it, just talk to the mother directly, if the mother doesn't want it, then talk to the father; from three to seven years old, discuss it; over seven years old, the child chooses by himself."

   "Third: If the party is at fault, the property will be distributed as appropriate, or even not."

   "Fourth: If you and your family are very difficult after you leave, you can apply for assistance."


  Chu Qingzhi's voice was transmitted with spiritual power, and everyone could hear it clearly.

  The men became distressed, while the women became joyful. No matter which one of these clauses is, they are on their side.

  Women have been oppressed and treated unfairly for a long time. It is obviously only fair, but it makes them feel that it is towards them.

  Chu Qingzhi asked in a deep voice, "Did everyone hear clearly?"

   No objection was raised.

  Xu Changfu yelled, "I agree with reconciliation, I agree with reconciliation, but you can't take property."

  Xu Fu hurriedly said, "I don't want anything, I just want to make peace."

  Chu Qingzhi made a gesture to Qin Yuming. Qin Yuming wrote down the reconciliation and departure in duplicate, and asked the two to press their fingerprints, and then back up. After that, the two of them successfully dissolved the relationship between husband and wife.

   "Shameless bitch, who dares to want you in the future!" Xu Changfu pointed at Mrs. Xu and scolded, then pushed away from the crowd and ran away.

   Xu's father and Xu's mother didn't dare to say anything more. Xu's wife had Chu Qingzhi's support, and they must be the ones who suffered. Seeing their son run away, they also left cursing.

  (end of this chapter)

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