Chapter 829 829. Uproar

  Chu Qingzhi asked Qin Yuming, "Have you recorded all the clauses I just said?"

  Qin Yuming nodded, "It's all recorded."

  He handed the paper to Chu Qingzhi.

Chu Qingzhi looked at the clauses carefully, and then gave it to Xia Zongxian, "Continue to inform, the relationship between husband and wife will be implemented in accordance with this "marriage law" in the future, and you can handle it flexibly according to the matter itself. , strive for perfection.”

  Xia Zongxian took the paper and replied, "Yes."

  Chu Qingzhi turned her head and asked Xu Fu, after remarrying, she changed her original name to Xu Fengzhu, "Are you rich?"

  Xu Fengzhu took out the money bag, and there were three taels of silver, "This is the money I have saved in the past few years. It was originally used to save the child, but I didn't expect the child to be saved."

   As he spoke, his nose became sore, and he couldn't help crying, and it took a long time to calm down.

  Everyone didn't bother her and could understand the feelings of a mother who had just lost a child.

  Xu Fengzhu pressed her throat and asked, "By the way, how much is the consultation fee? I paid the consultation fee, and then took the rest of the money to rent a house in the village and settle down temporarily."

   "The consultation fee is five renminbi." After speaking, Chu Qingning asked concerned, "Aren't you going to get the clothes back?"

  Xu Fengzhu shook her head and said with lingering fear, "I dare not go back."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "I'll send someone to get it back for you. After getting it back, I'll send it to your home directly. You go to settle down first."

  Xu Fengzhu got up and knelt down in front of Chu Qingzhi, and kowtowed, "Miss Chu, thank you, if it weren't for you, I would have died to get out of that pit of fire."

  Chu Qingzhi helped him up, "Take good care of your body, let's not talk about the past."

  Xu Fengzhu nodded, "Yes."

  With the help of kind-hearted people, Xu Fengzhu settled down in Chujia Village and started a new life.


  After the "Husband and Wife Law" was propagated, it immediately aroused heated discussions in the fiefdom.

  Several girls gathered together.

   "Fortunately, the Marquis of Qianhu in our fief is a woman, otherwise why would he be so oriented toward our girl's family?"

   "I won't be afraid of getting married in the future, and men don't dare to hit us casually."

   "That's right, we women suffer a lot. You can't fight back when you hit me, and you can't fight back when you scold me. Otherwise, you will have your wife divorced and you will have no way of life. Now you don't have to be afraid, there is a place to reason."


  Several men gathered together.

   "What do you think of this Marquis of the Thousand Households? Allowing women to reconcile and leave, if it is a little unsatisfactory, what should the women do if they want to reconcile? It is not conducive to the stability of the family at all."

   "It's not bad. Women were originally married to serve men and serve their families. Now that there are thousands of households supporting them, can they still serve our men in peace?"

   "With these rules, women must become more uncomfortable in the room."


   There was a lot of discussion in the fief, and many people came to Chuqingzhi's fief to do business. Soon Chu Qingzhi's "marriage law" spread throughout several counties, and even spread to the capital, Wancheng and other surrounding cities.

  Everyone's views are polarized.

  Women naturally like it very much, after all, this will not make them suffer, but no woman wants to make peace.

  Most men are against it, and only a few rational men are looking at this issue objectively.


  Yunfei Academy.

  By the lake, the sound of the piano is ethereal and melodious.

  Fang Mingyi finished playing a song, looked at the calm lake for a while, opened the door and asked, "Brother Guannan, what do you think of the "marriage law" stipulated by Miss Chu?"

  Xu Guannan pondered for a while and said, "Very good."

   "Very good?" Fang Mingyi slightly raised his voice, disapproving, "Don't you think it's too harsh on men and too loose on women?"

  Xu Guannan asked back, "Then what do you think?"

  Fang Mingyi said, "After a woman marries a man, it is the man's private property. How can they be in charge of their own destiny? Only men don't want to live with them and take the initiative to divorce their wives. The reverse is impossible."

  Xu Guannan did not express his opinion, but continued to ask, "In your heart, what do you think of your wife?"

  Fang Mingyi has no way to answer this question. If it is an object, it can be like what they said. If it is a person, no one wants to be the kind of woman he said!

   After a while, Xu Guannan lowered his head and continued playing the piano, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

  People in the world don't realize that the better a man is to his wife, the more harmonious his family will be, and the better his future will be.

   On the contrary, those who suppress their wives never end well.


  Imperial Palace.

  After reading Chu Qingzhi's "Marriage Law", the emperor frowned slightly, and took the paper to the central palace, "Empress, take a look."

  The empress didn't know, so she put the letter from Feng Wei on the table... Hao Ran also wrote Chu Qingzhi's "law of husband and wife" on the letter, then took the emperor's paper in his hand, and looked down.

   When reading the first sentence, the queen couldn't help laughing, what a coincidence.

  The emperor saw that the queen was actually smiling, and said in disapproval, "Does the queen think that the "marriage law" drawn up by Chu Qingzhi is good?"

  The queen suppressed her smile and asked, "Does the emperor feel bad?"

  The emperor snorted, "I am afraid that no family can be peaceful if it is stipulated like her."

  The empress ignored the emperor's displeasure. She felt that Chu Qingzhi's "marriage law" was really good for the girl's family, but the world looked down on the girl, so she might strongly oppose it.

   "Don't men think their wives are unimportant? What does the safety of the house have to do with women?"

  The emperor frowned, "Empress, I'm afraid this is not what you should say?"

The queen frowned, "Since the emperor doesn't want to listen to the opinions of his concubine, why did he come to ask me? But I still want to say something from my heart, as a queen, I will not support Chu Qingzhi's point of view, but as a wife , I really like it."

   Fortunately, the emperor was not a person who could not hear advice. After listening to the queen's words, he thought seriously, and then his brows gradually relaxed.

  He thought about the problem from the perspective of the queen, and immediately understood how the queen felt.

   "I understand what you mean."

  He stretched out his hand to hold the queen's hand, "Although Chu Qingzhi's "marriage law" cannot be implemented, I promise that during my reign, I will try my best to improve the status of women and avoid so much oppression."

  The queen smiled, and didn't care about anything with the emperor, "Your Majesty, Qing Zhi's "Marriage Law" aims to make the relationship between men and women more equal in the relationship between husband and wife. In fact, there is nothing wrong with it. It's just that men rule the country now, so they are so opposed."

   "I figured it out. Besides, Chu Qingzhi is a girl, so naturally she is more towards a girl. I understand."

   "Your Majesty, I want to visit Qingzhi's fiefdom. She is so open-minded, she must manage the fiefdom well, and the scenery must be good."

  The emperor was silent for a moment and said, "I will make arrangements as soon as possible."

  (end of this chapter)

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