Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 830: 830. Murder

  Chapter 830 830. Murder

   Medicine house.

  In the dispensing room, Li Ziyun squeezed his hands nervously, walked up to Chu Qingning in small steps, and bowed deeply, "Sister Qingning, there is something I want to say sorry to you."

  Chu Qingning stopped what she was doing, tilted her head and asked, "What happened?"

  Li Ziyun lowered her head slightly, and told Chu Qingning everything that happened between her and Sun Xialan yesterday.

  After speaking, she put the cup she bought for compensation in front of Chu Qingning, and apologized sincerely.

  Chu Qingning frowned and glanced at the cup. Is Sun Xialan's character so bad?

   "Ziyun, go and find Xia Lan, and explain the matter to me together." You can't just listen to one person, so as not to wrong innocent people.

   "Yes." Li Ziyun frankly went to find Sun Xialan.

  Sun Xialan stood in front of Chu Qingning, wringing fingers with each other, bowed her head guiltyly, and at the same time was thinking in her heart how to deal with this matter.

  Chu Qingning looked at Sun Xialan and said, "Ziyun has already told me the matter just now, do you have any excuses?"

  Sun Xialan denied, "Sister Qingning, I didn't deliberately bump into Li Ziyun. I was not careful. She turned the truth around. Sister Qingning, don't trust her."

  Chu Qingning frowned even tighter, and said seriously, "Xia Lan, I'll give you another chance, if you don't tell the truth, I'll let you go."

  Sun Xialan was so frightened that she knelt down on the ground, and immediately told the whole story truthfully, "Sister Qingning, I, I'm just not convinced, I really didn't break the cup."

  A trace of disappointment flashed in Chu Qingning's eyes, "If you hadn't caused trouble first, the cup wouldn't have been broken, and you should be fully responsible for this matter."

  She asked Li Ziyun, "How much is the cup?"

  Li Ziyun said, "I bought it from Sister Qingshuang, she gave me a lot cheaper, it cost 50 Wen."

  Chu Qingning said, "Xia Lan, give Ziyun fifty Wen."

Then he said sternly, "Xia Lan, this is the first time you have made a mistake. Our family will give anyone who made a mistake for the first time a chance to correct it. If you make another mistake next time, you will not be able to come to the medicine house. Remember clearly .”

  Sun Xialan gave Li Ziyun a dark look, and replied in fear, "Yes, sister Qingning, I will definitely change my past."

  Chu Qingning nodded, "Go and get busy."

   "Yes." Li Ziyun and Sun Xialan left the dispensing room together.

  After coming outside, Sun Xialan gave Li Ziyun a hard look, "Li Ziyun, are you happy now?"

   "What can I be happy about? Sun Xialan, I really don't want to argue with you. Can you stop being so narrow-minded?"

   "I'm narrow-minded?" Sun Xialan pointed at herself, unconvinced, "Did you just pretend to be indisputable in front of Sister Qingning?"


  Sun Xialan interrupted Li Ziyun, "You better not fall into my hands, or I won't let you go." Putting down her harsh words, she strode away.

  Looking at Sun Xialan's back, Li Ziyun pursed her lips. Sister Qingning's assistant didn't mean that there could only be one, so why did she have to keep an eye on her?



   It was night, and the weather was so cold that frost had formed on the grass by the roadside, which was white.

  On the wide and flat official road, a group of people and horses are marching, and the rhythmic sound of the carriage wheels and horseshoes echoing in the dark night.

  Looking at the support of the team, there are many guards, and the carriage is luxurious, which is extraordinarily grand.

  The team has a very strong flavor of a foreign country. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that this is a team from another country.

  An impatient voice came from the man in the carriage, "How long before we can enter the city?"

  The head of the guards came back on horseback, "If you go back to the prince, you have already seen the city gate."

   As soon as the voice fell, the curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a man dressed as a foreigner raised his voice, "Go faster, this prince is almost exhausted."

   "Yes, Prince." The head of the guards responded, and then raised his voice to order, "Accelerate!"

   The speed of the convoy immediately increased, approaching the city gate and entering the city.

  In the woods, Chu Qingzhi folded her arms and leaned on the tree trunk, frowning slightly, "Which country is this prince from?"

  Tang Jinghong stood on one side and said, "It's the subsidiary country of Dongling, the eldest prince of Chen'an, Dong Dengyu. It's almost the end of the new year. I don't know why their country sent the prince here at this time?"

  Chu Qingzhi said thoughtfully, "Earlier Mou Yongfeng's eldest brother said that their master would come at this time. Could it be this prince?"

  Tang Jinghong was not sure, "The Tangling side has become a mess, and no one is a good person."

  Speaking of this, Chu Qingzhi suddenly asked, "After the New Year, are you going to Dongling?"

  Tang Jinghong held Chu Qingzhi's hand, "Yes, the people sent by the emperor and me to Dongling died, were injured, and all kinds of conspiracies and schemes emerged one after another. If you don't go and see, there may be riots in Dongling."

  Chu Qingzhi didn't speak again, after a while she pointed to the front, "Let's follow up and see if that prince is the master behind them."

  Tang Jinghong nodded, "OK."

   Halfway through, the No. 3 parrot flew towards Chu Qingzhi, "Mou Yongfeng is here."

  Chu Qingzhi, Tang Jinghong and Mou Yongfeng agreed to meet the next day, but they didn't expect him to come so early.

  Chu Qingzhi was puzzled, "Has Mou Yongfeng's master changed his schedule?" Otherwise, instead of coming to pick up his master, he ran to meet them?

  Tang Jinghong was confused, "I didn't get the order from above, what did he talk to us about?"

  Chu Qingzhi couldn't figure it out for the time being, "Let's go and have a look first."

  Tang Jinghong nodded, "OK."

  The figures of the two flew into the distant darkness like a falcon.



  Mou Yongfeng was reading a letter, which was passed on to him by his elder brother Fei Ge, "The master has entered the city, and he is very angry when he hears that your plan failed. Think about how to explain it yourself!"

  After reading the letter, Mou Yongfeng turned pale, fell down on the chair, put the letter on the candle and burned it.

  The plan failed, everything was caused by Chu Qingzhi's sabotage, the person who should be killed is Chu Qingzhi!

  Yes, it is Chu Qingzhi!

  Mou Yongfeng shouted, "Come here!"

  A subordinate came, "Master."

  Mou Yongfeng's eyes were full of murderous intent, "Go, gather people, go to Chu Family Village, and kill Chu Qingzhi!"

  The subordinate persuaded, "Master, think twice before acting!"

  Mou Yongfeng said frantically, "There are so many people in the village, just arrest some threats, Chu Qingzhi and so many family members, all arrested, I don't believe she won't compromise!"

  The subordinates had no choice but to respond, "Yes, master."

   "Remember, summon the most elite killers, use the most powerful means, and definitely kill Chu Qingzhi!" Only by killing Chu Qingzhi can he perform crimes and meritorious deeds, and maybe even become famous in the underworld.

   After a while, another subordinate came into the room and reported, "Master, those two people who claim to be under Prince Zhang are here."

  Mou Yongfeng restrained his murderous intent, "Let them in!"

  (end of this chapter)

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