Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 831: 831. All-time high

  Chapter 831 831. Record high

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong were led into the room by his subordinates.

  Mou Yongfeng got up to greet him, and said with a smile, "Please sit down, both of you, and let's talk slowly."

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong looked at each other and sat down on the stool.

  Chu Qingzhi secretly said, Mou Yongfeng's attitude has changed so much before and after, it seems that there is some twists and turns in the middle.

   Tang Jinghong secretly thought, when he entered the room just now, there was a flash of murderous aura in the room, and now, Mou Yongfeng's eyes flashed with calculations again, what is this person planning?

  Mou Yongfeng sat across from the two, and said with a smile, "I see that the two of you are also full of sincerity, why don't we get straight to the point?"

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Please tell me."

  Mou Yongfeng stared at the teacup in his hand, his eyes turned cold, "I don't want to kill Tang Jinghong for now, I want to get rid of Chu Qingzhi."

   "Tang Jinghong can't move for the time being. Chu Qingzhi is Tang Jinghong's fiancée. If she is killed, Tang Jinghong will have a hard time!"

  Tang Jinghong clenched his fingers, killing intent instantly condensed in his chest, his eyes were filled with coldness, "Why did you suddenly change your target?"

  Chu Qingzhi glanced at Tang Jinghong, and lightly pressed her hand on the back of Tang Jinghong's hand, signaling him to calm down.

  Tang Jinghong loosened his fingers, turned over, and held Chu Qingzhi's hand.

  Mou Yongfeng did not notice the small movements of the two, and said, "Our master does not agree to kill Tang Jinghong, but Chu Qingzhi's plan to harm me failed, she deserves to die!"

  Has Mou Yongfeng already met his master?

  Then what happened to Prince Chen'an they saw?

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong were confused.

   "When will we do it?" Tang Jinghong suddenly thought of the fleeting murderous aura. Could it be that Mou Yongfeng has already acted?

Mou Yongfeng smiled coldly, "I have already asked my subordinates to gather people to go to Chu's Village. If you really want to kill Tang Jinghong, you might as well join in, kill Chu Qingzhi, and then attack Tang Jinghong when he is sad, and take the opportunity to get rid of him? "

   Actually sent a killer to the village, this made the two people's faces change, this Mou Yongfeng, **** it!

  Chu Qingzhi suppressed her anger, "We'll meet up with your subordinates right away, where are they?"

  Mou Yongfeng smiled darkly, drank the tea in his hand, "It should have left, you should be able to catch up if you go after it now!"

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong immediately flew away from the window to chase the killer.

  Just after flying out, five parrots including No. 5 and No. 6 flew over, "The killer is here!"

  Chu Qingzhi's eyes showed approval, "No. 5 will take us there, and the others will return to the inn to monitor Mou Yongfeng closely. I want to know who his master is?"

   Parrot No. 6 replied, "Yes." Then he flew to the inn with several other parrots, and monitored them. They were the most powerful.

  Led by Parrot No. 5, Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong stopped the killers on the Qingshiban road at the junction of Shuiyun County and Wancheng!

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong stood on the bluestone road like strolling in the courtyard.

  The killers were all riding on horses. When they saw the two, they felt bad. The leader of the killers directly ordered, "Kill!"

Chu Qingzhi flipped her fingers, and a bell appeared, filled with spiritual power. After a flash, the crisp ringtone spread like ripples along with the spiritual light. When the killers flew to the sky, the bell sound entered the ears, and the eyes of each killer changed. Sluggish, fell to the ground.

  They are not dead, but their minds have been manipulated.

   There are thirty killers in total, and they are all lying on the ground like zombies at this moment. Chu Qingzhi grasped the bell and asked, "Who is your master?"

The killer headed by    replied, "Mou Yongfeng."

  Chu Qingzhi's voice sank, "I'm asking about the real master."

   "I don't know!"

   "Which organization are you from?"

   "Liang Cheng, Fu Yin."

  Chu Qingzhi looked at Tang Jinghong, "Why would the governor of Liangcheng deal with you?"

   "I'm also very strange." Tang Jinghong analyzed, "Liangcheng is the poorest city among the twenty cities in Dongling. It is located at the edge of Dongling and borders Chen'an Kingdom."

   "The governor, Xi Zhaoping, is upright and upright, and I recommended him to the emperor. Could it be that he is in the same boat?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "It is possible to join forces, but if he is said to be your person, it may also be conveying some information to you."

   Tang Jinghong hesitated, "What do you mean?"

  Chu Qingzhi pondered, "Is Fu Yin making a fuss about rice, is he telling you that Dongling is short of food? Or that Dongling has reached a very serious moment?"

  Tang Jinghong nodded slowly, "It's not impossible."

  Chu Qingzhi turned her eyes to those people on the ground, they must know something, "How is Dongling's situation now?"

   "Dongling government and business collusion, smoke dens everywhere, smoky atmosphere, people are heavily taxed, people are destitute, homeless, farmland is deserted, rich dog meat smells, roads are frozen to death, that is hell!"

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong didn't expect to hear such words, and their hearts tightened. How miserable would it be if a killer used "hell" to describe Dongling?

  Tang Jinghong frowned, "Qing Zhi, I have to return to Beijing as soon as possible."

   "Okay." Chu Qingzhi nodded, and handed a bottle of medicine to Tang Jinghong, "Tomorrow you should go to the capital, after entering the city, drink the medicine with water, and then go to see the grain, and you will know the reason."

  Tang Jinghong probably guessed the reason, he turned around and hugged Chu Qingzhi gently, "Qingzhi, I thank you on behalf of the people of Daling."

  Chu Qingzhi showed her face, "I really hope that you will be disarmed and returned to the farmland soon!"

  Tang Jinghong smiled, and promised, "I will strive to be disarmed and return to the fields before the age of thirty, and I will take you around the world!"

  Chu Qingzhi raised her eyes and stared at Tang Jinghong's handsome face, "You can't break your promise!"

   "No." Tang Jinghong asked the parrot to call Meng Shengdong, kill all the killers, send them to Mou Yongfeng's inn, and spread the whole thing with bizarre stories on the road.

  He wants to frighten everyone, so that they will never dare to do anything to Qingzhi again!


  On the road.

   "Someone sent killers to kill Chu Qingzhi, but the killers were all killed, and they were lined up in the inn where the killer's master lived?"

   "Is it so powerful? Do you know who did it?"

   "Who else is there besides Chu Qingzhi?"

   "Can't it be Tang Jinghong?"

   "Tang Jinghong will have a lot of soldiers, but it is impossible to do so silently."

   "It is said that Chu Qingzhi's martial arts are outstanding, and that martial arts champion has no ability to resist in front of her. It is said that Chu Qingzhi once kicked someone against the wall and welded him to death. No one else could pull him out."

   "She can also make animals listen to her. I heard that she fed a big white tiger and behaved like a cat in front of her."

   "Also, the horse she feeds can understand human speech, which is very strange."

   "I heard that she has a bell in her hand, which can kill people invisible, but everyone who sees the bell is dead..."

  The rumors about Chu Qingzhi, both black and white, were rampant, spreading more and more evil, and some even said that she was the reincarnation of a god, but anyone who offended him would end badly.

  Following the spread, on the underworld bounty list, Chu Qingzhi, who already occupies the first place, has soared from 10 million to 30 million, reaching a record high!

   This is exactly the effect Tang Jinghong wanted.

  (end of this chapter)

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