Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 832: 832. Not the same

   Chapter 832 832. Not the same

  Tang Jinghong led the team to the capital overnight, while Chu Qingzhi stayed in Wancheng and continued to follow.

  During the day, Tang Jinghong and his party entered the capital, "Shengdong, find a big basin of water."

   "Yes, General." Meng Shengdong went to the homes of the surrounding people to ask for a basin of water. Tang Jinghong poured the medicine into the basin, stirred it with a spoon, "One drink per person."

  After Tang Jinghong gave the order, Meng Shengdong scooped up half a bowl and gave it to Tang Jinghong. After Tang Jinghong drank, all the officers and soldiers took turns to take a sip.

  After submerging in the water, after a while, everyone felt as if they had smelled cooling oil, and their heads were relaxed and clear.

  Tang Jinghong said, "Go directly to the household department."

  Meng Shengdong stopped Tang Jinghong, "General, these are stones, not grain seeds, so they cannot be transported over."

  He originally thought that his general and Chu Qingzhi had other arrangements, but he didn't expect to transport the stones directly to the household department, even if they broke the cans and smashed them!

  Tang Jinghong had a plan in mind, "Transport it there first, and you will know the reason after a while."

  Although I was worried, I had to obey the general's order, so I had to keep walking. No matter how worried I was, I finally came to the Ministry of Finance.

  Shangshu Hubu greeted him personally, "General Tang has worked hard."

  Tang Jinghong got off his horse and said politely, "My lord, please check and put it into the warehouse."


  Meng Shengdong and other people who know the inside story have their hearts in their throats, and the strings in their bodies are tightly stretched. If any more pressure is applied, it will break.

  The Minister of the Household Department led the people under his hand to open the bags one by one to check. After the inspection, he walked towards Tang Jinghong, "Thank you, General, please sign the document, and then you will enter my Household Department."

  Tang Jinghong took a brush and signed his name on the handover document, "Thank you, my lord."

  Meng Shengdong and others were stunned, what's going on? Isn't it a stone? Can this be accepted successfully? Are the people in the household department all idiots?

  Tang Jinghong gave Meng Shengdong a wink, Meng Shengdong hesitated to look at Gu Zhong, and then his eyes turned into copper bells...

   Valley, grain seeds! !

   Countless question marks instantly rose in his heart, what's going on?

   Seeing his reaction, the others stretched their necks to look at it. When they saw that it was Gu Zhong, they were also shocked and puzzled. When did Gu Zhong change back?

  All eyes are on Tang Jinghong, general, please explain!

  After leaving the household department, Tang Jinghong saw Meng Shengdong's incomprehensible expression, so he told everyone the reason.

  After everyone heard this, they all wanted to beat each other violently. It was too vicious. What if they saw the grain seeds turned into stones and threw them away?

   "General, we must find out this person, and if we don't kill him, we must also maim him!"

   "As long as you can find it, you can do whatever you want!"

   "Yes, General."


  Because of an accident on the side of the killer, Mou Yongfeng didn't go to see his master again, but that elder brother came to him instead.

   It's already the second night.

  As soon as Ji Youshan came to the inn, he beat Mou Yongfeng violently, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he became a pig's head.

  Ji Youshan roared, "What's the matter with you?"

  Mou Yongfeng's face hurts, his stomach hurts, his legs hurt, everything hurts everywhere, "Brother, what's going on? Why are you beating me?"

  Ji Youshan was so angry that his beard trembled and he panted heavily, "You have caused a catastrophe, and you still know how to cry out in pain."

  Mou Yongfeng still looked at a loss, "I didn't do anything, what kind of disaster can I cause?"

"You sent someone to kill Chu Qingzhi, but all the killer's corpses were sent back. I also received a threatening letter. Can you use your brain before doing things?" Ji Youshan couldn't help but kicked again. Mou Yongfeng kicked.

   "I, I..." Mou Yongfeng's body stiffened.

   "What me? Idiot! I have been implicated by you!" Ji Youshan hated Mou Yongfeng, a pig teammate, to death.

   At this time, a letter was delivered. After Ji Youshan read it, he restrained his anger, "Hurry up and pack up, and follow me to see the master."

  Mou Yongfeng was so frightened that his calves became weak, he stammered and asked, "Brother, can you not go?"

   "What do you think?" Ji Youshan winked at his subordinates, and the two subordinates set up Mou Yongfeng, one left and one right, and left the inn.

  Chu Qingzhi heard the conversation between the two of them clearly from the next door, and secretly said, it was not in vain for her to squat for so long, and finally the dinner was served, she greeted a few parrots, and followed.



  Chu Qingzhi was wearing night clothes, cast flying, flew in mid-air, followed silently, and finally followed to Wanyuan.

   This is specially used by the government to entertain foreign envoys or other princes and princesses. The interior is very luxurious, and the flowers, plants and trees are all precious species.

  At this moment, there are a few red plums in the corner and a few small flowers hanging on the branches, exuding a faint fragrance.

  Chu Qingzhi landed on the roof, crossed her arms, and watched several people walk through the Wanyuan, their steps were so light that they could barely hear the sound.

  Shuang'er landed on Chu Qingzhi's shoulders, staring at the few people with a pair of small round eyes.

  Chu Qingzhi frowned suddenly, and the other party walked in a more and more deviated direction, not as if she was looking for the prince.

   Watching several people enter a remote room, she flew over and landed on the roof of that room.

  In the room, a man in black with a veil was sitting at the table, and was about to write something. The arrival of Ji Youshan and others interrupted his work.

   "Master!" Ji Youshan knelt down on one knee.

   "Master." After Mou Yongfeng knelt down, he shouted in fear.

   "The plan failed?" The man in black turned his head and glanced at the two of them. His eyes were calm but frightening.

  Mou Yongfeng's body trembled, and he knelt down on the ground directly, "Master, it's the subordinate who is incompetent! Please punish me, master!"

   "It should be punished." The man in black paused, "I told you to set a trap for Tang Jinghong, and it's fine if you fail. Who asked you to attack Chu Qingzhi?"

  Mou Yongfeng hurriedly said, "If it weren't for Chu Qingzhi, the plan would never have failed, and my subordinates just want to make up for it."

   "Idiot!" The man in black closed his eyes and slapped Mou Yongfeng in the face with his backhand. It's fine if the plan failed, and he made his own decisions, which almost ruined the plan!

  Bleeding from the corner of Mou Yongfeng's mouth, he begged in fear, "Master, calm down, master, calm down, this subordinate will never dare again."

  The man in black said angrily, "Do you know that your master's plan was almost destroyed by you!"

  Mou Yongfeng was puzzled. He covered his face and stared blankly at the man in black.

  The man in black was about to be **** off by the pig's subordinates, "Fortunately, the killer was intercepted, otherwise you will not be able to atone for your sins even if you die a hundred times!"

  Mou Yongfeng was even more puzzled, what exactly does the master want?

  Chu Qingzhi was also very puzzled, it seemed that it was different from what she thought.

  The man in black had already abandoned Mou Yongfeng, and turned his gaze to Ji Youshan, "Where is Tang Jinghong now?"

  (end of this chapter)

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