Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 833: 833. Congratulations

   Chapter 833 833. Congratulations

  Ji Youshan was also confused, but when asked, he replied immediately, "I have already gone to the capital to hand over the grain seeds."

  The man in black thought to himself, does General Tang understand what it means?

As Chu Qingzhi guessed, Xi Zhaoping had already joined forces with some people from Dongling on the plane. This incident was designed by Xi Zhaoping to show his loyalty, but the deeper meaning is that Xi Zhaoping wanted to show his loyalty. The opportunity to tell Tang Jinghong something.

  Xi Zhaoping's feigned surrender must not be known by the Dongling people, otherwise it is unknown how many innocent people will die in vain.

  In order to be realistic, Xi Zhaoping only told three confidants about the matter, and the other subordinates didn't know about it. He didn't expect so many twists and turns.

  However, with these twists and turns, things seemed more real, and the other party believed in Xi Zhaoping even more. If Tang Jinghong could understand what Xi Zhaoping meant, then the plan would be more perfect.

   Now that everything is done, it depends on God's will.

  The man in black ordered, "Let our people retreat immediately and return to Tanglin."

   "Yes, master."

  Ji Youshan escorted the bewildered Mou Yongfeng out of the room, left Wanyuan, and returned to Dongling overnight.

  The man in black picked up his pen again, intending to write a letter to Xi Zhaoping.

  At this time, the door of the room was pushed open, and Chu Qingzhi walked in.

  She has no disguise. If it is an enemy, this person will die. If it is a friend, she can gain the trust of the other party.

  The people watching around are all confused by her, and they won't notice the slightest difference.

  The moment the man in black saw Chu Qingzhi, he thought he was dazzled, "You, you are Miss Chu?"

The tone was very polite, not like an enemy at all, Chu Qingzhi became more and more confused, "I have dealt with all the people around me, I will not leak a single word we said, and no one knows that I have been here, can you explain ?"

  The man in black clasped his fists and knelt down, "Miss Chu, please save the people of Dongling..."

  Chu Qingzhi, "???"

  It turned out that Tanglin really became **** as those killers said.

  The king of Dongling extorted violently, the officials and bandits colluded together, and the government and businessmen colluded. In the squire fish and meat town, the streets are full of opium halls and prostitution halls...

  I won’t talk about these things. What’s more, the king of Dongling blocked the news, and also blocked the road from Dongling to the capital, so that little news about Dongling reached the capital.

  The officials sent by the emperor to inspect Dongling either chose to work with them, or were killed because of their integrity, and it was difficult for the court to obtain real news.

  The current Tanglin is called Hell, which is no exaggeration!

  Chu Qingzhi secretly thought, it is so difficult, it seems that this matter has to fall on Jing Hong’s head, no wonder Jing Hong said that he will go to Dongling after the Chinese New Year.

   "Tell me what your lord wants to tell Jing Hong, and I will tell him. Please rest assured, I will not harm the people of Dongling."

  The man in black said, "Your Excellency, I want to tell General Tang that Dongling is in danger and has been shaken to the foundation. Please come and rescue General Tang quickly."

  Chu Qingzhi said in a complicated tone, "It's really hard for you adults to think of such a difficult plan, and even a little stupid person can't understand it."

  The man in black secretly said, there is no way, if you don't hide it a little bit, the consequences of being noticed by those people are unimaginable.

  Thinking of this, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief. There is no need to doubt Chu Qingzhi's character, she will definitely tell General Tang that once General Tang knows, Dongling will be rescued, and it will not be in vain to waste half a month of hard work on the strategy that your lord came up with.

   "Miss Chu, please take care of everything."

After thinking about it, Chu Qingzhi took out a bottle of anesthetic from the bag and handed it to the man in black, "If there is really no other way, feed this medicine to the other party. This bottle is the lethal dose for twenty people. Use this To poison people to death, to ensure that no one can find out the cause of death."

  Some extremely bad villains cannot be punished, and it is necessary to use some extraordinary means.

  The man in black took it with both hands, "Thank you for giving me the medicine."

   This matter is almost finished, Chu Qingzhi still has doubts in her heart, "What is that prince doing in Dongling?"

  The man in black said, "That's the eldest prince of Chen'an Kingdom, Dong Dengyu. He also came to Dongling to ask for help. Smallpox is raging in Chen'an Kingdom. They heard that Miss Chu can cure smallpox, so they came here to invite you."

   Has your name been passed on to the dependent country?

The man in black continued, "Originally smallpox only spread in one city, but after a heavy rain, it infected several surrounding cities, and the entire Chen'an country was in dire straits. The country is destroyed!"

   This reminded Chu Qingzhi of the plague that happened in Daling before, and now the source of infection is likely to be Chen Anguo.

   "When did the smallpox break out in Chen'an Kingdom?"

   "It's been four or five months."

  Chu Qing Zhian secretly thought, that’s all right, someone deliberately threw the smallpox-infected corpse into the forest, infecting the animals, and then infecting the villagers, in an attempt to drag Da Ling into the disaster of the disease.

  This person... his heart can be punished!

   "I will tell Jing Hong exactly what you told me, and you should be careful."

   "Thank you, Miss."

  Chu Qingzhi stepped away and left Wanyuan.

  The man in black walked to the window, looked at the bleak moon in the sky, and murmured, "My lord, your efforts have not been in vain, and your wish will surely come true."


  Chu Qingzhi returned to Chu Family Village.

  The parrots have followed her back, and she already knows everything, so she doesn't need to monitor anymore.

  As soon as she came back, she wrote a letter to Tang Jinghong, writing down everything she had just learned on paper, and asked the eagle to send it to Tang Jinghong, so that Jinghong could make arrangements early.

  Chu Qingzhi took out many small caterpillars and put them on a plate for the parrots to eat, and then gave some spiritual power one by one.

   "During this period of time, each of you performed the task very well. The little caterpillars can eat whatever they want, and I will cut some meat for you tomorrow."

  The parrots surrounded me happily, took a bite of a small caterpillar, and obediently went to sleep in the nest after eating. They were too tired these days.

  Chu Qingzhi also went to bed to rest. In the past few days, she has used her consciousness and soul attack a lot, and she is also tired.


   "Crackling, crackling, crackling..."

   "The grocery store in Chu Family Village is open!"

  After many days of preparation, the grocery store in Chujia Village finally opened.

  At this time, folks from all over the world gathered in front of the grocery store in Chujia Village. Fortunately, a small square was built in front of the grocery store, otherwise there would be no way to accommodate so many people.


   "Sapphire, congratulations!"

   "Congratulations on the opening of the grocery store, it will be convenient for us to buy things in the future."

  Li Qingyu beamed with joy, "Welcome everyone to the grocery store. Everything you buy today is 10% cheaper. The more you buy, the more you save..."

  She yelled very hard, and the Chu family who couldn't squeeze in stood on one side, and laughed when they saw the radiant Li Qingyu.

  Li Qingyu turned her body sideways, smiling all over her face, "Please come inside."

  The villagers flocked in.

  (end of this chapter)

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