Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 834: 834. The Shop Opens

  Chapter 834 834. Shop opens

   This is the first time someone has opened a grocery store in the village. How strange it is, everyone wants to see it.

  Chu Xuhua raised his chin at several brothers and sisters, "Go and help."

  Chu Qingning tilted her head, "Let's go."

  In the grocery store, Li Qingyu is the shopkeeper.

  Four graduated children, Xu Dafei, Li Hemei, Li Jianyong, Zhou Anlan, are helpers.

  Xu Dafei is responsible for the purchase and update of goods.

   Li and Mei are in charge of the accounts.

  The remaining two are responsible for selling goods, weighing people, or telling customers the unit price and other things.

  Besides, there was a six-fingered boy from the same village, who was ridiculed for having six fingers on his hand, and felt very inferior. His mother came to beg Li Qingyu, but Li Qingyu was soft-hearted and let him work.

  He is responsible for cleaning, and other times he helps with new ones or does some other chores.

  Although he has low self-esteem and doesn't like to talk, he is a good hand at work and is very diligent. After a day of work, Li Qingyu likes him very much.

  Opened today, many people came to the grocery store, at least 1,000 people. The grocery store is only 100 square meters, and there are shelves and other things. When it opened, it was crowded with people.

  To everyone's surprise, everyone rushed to grab the salt.

   "I want five catties of salt."

   "I want ten catties."

   "I want three catties."

   It’s Chinese New Year, and the price of salt has risen sharply. Grocery stores will give people 10% cheaper, but it will save a lot of money, and salt is a necessity, so naturally more people buy it.

  Two of the five children went to help weigh the salt.

  Bought something and took it to the front desk to check out. Li and Mei are good at mental arithmetic, so they arranged for her to do this job.

   The first one to pay the bill was Uncle, Grandma Chu's elder brother, "Little girl, calculate how much it is."

Li Hemei read while doing the calculations, "Dry tobacco is fifty cents a catty, soju is one hundred cents a catty, and rheumatism plaster is thirty cents a piece, a total of one hundred and eighty cents, 18 cents cheaper, one hundred and sixty-two for the bill." arts."

   While settling the accounts, she took off the hang tags on the products and used them to finalize the accounts.

  After the accounts are checked, the hang tag can be hung on the new goods and reused.

  Uncle paid the money readily, "I'll come back later when there are fewer people."

  Li and Mei smiled and said, "You can come anytime, take your time."

  Slowly, more and more people came to pay, and Chu Qingzhi came to help, and the two of them were much faster.

   "Qingzhi, come and do the math for the third granny." The third granny put the basket in front of Chu Qingzhi, and the grocery store provided baskets for everyone to put things in, and the third granny's basket was full.

"Okay." Chu Qingzhi also read the goods and prices while paying the bill, "Five catties of salt is 350 Wen, two catties of biscuits are 100 Wen, a bottle of bamboo shoots and soybean paste is 50 Wen,... Third Granny, count When you come down, you need to pay two taels of silver, and if you fill up one tael, you will get a basket."

   Baskets are divided into three sizes, large, medium and small. The purchase prices are ten, seven, and four respectively, which are very cheap.

  The third mother-in-law said pleasantly, "Qingzhi, thank you."

   "It's okay, Third Granny, go slowly."

   One basket full of one or two will be given away, and the people who are waiting for the checkout will count their own things, and almost turn around and leave the line immediately to get something to replenish.

   Two aunts who bought something went home together...

   "I didn't expect Qing Zhi's grocery store to sell everything, food and clothing. It will be much more convenient to buy things in the future."

  “The key is that it is cheaper than the county’s, and it really benefits the neighborhood.”

   "The salt in the county town sells for 80 renminbi a catty, but here it is only 70 renminbi. It's still cheap. The more I think about it, the better I feel."


  Du Qiaolan brought her two younger sisters to Chujia Village, planning to buy some salt.

  Ten-year-old Wang Lingling pointed at the grocery store and exaggeratedly said, "Sister-in-law, there are so many people!"

  Six-year-old Wang Qiaoqiao took Du Qiaolan's hand and nodded, "Sister-in-law, I'm afraid we won't be able to squeeze in."

  It is inconvenient for Du Qiaolan to bring two children, "Then let's go see your elder brother first, and go shopping when there are fewer people."

  Wang Qiaoqiao worried, "Will it be sold out?"

  Du Qiaolan comforted with a smile, "No, if they are sold out, they will replenish the goods."

  Wang Qiaoqiao felt relieved, "Then let's go find Big Brother."

   "Let's go."

  A large wooden sign was erected next to the duty booth at the entrance of the village.

  The wooden sign is very beautifully made, with a piece of red paper pasted on it, on which is written "Congratulations on the opening of Chujia Village Grocery Store".

   Below it, it is written in smaller characters, "Big opening on the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month. The whole store is 10% cheaper. Welcome."

   Below is a simple map of a grocery store, which can be understood no matter how you look at it.

   At this time, several merchants gathered around the wooden sign.

   "I didn't expect Chu Qing Zhizhen to spread the groceries in the village."

   "Chu Qingzhi is a person who can perform miracles. Opening a grocery store is nothing. I don't think it's unusual for her to open a restaurant."

   "Haha, let's go, go see what the grocery store looks like, and talk about business by the way."

   "Let's go."

   Several people came to the grocery store, went for a stroll first, bought some bread to eat, and then came to the small square to wait for Chu Qingzhi, their eyes full of amazement.

  It is a miracle that the grocery store is doing so well in the village.

   This is of course due to Chu Qingzhi's identity, and the things are really cheap, and the things they sell are things that everyone can use. After all, the business will naturally improve.

  The grocery store was a little less crowded until noon.

  Chu Qingzhi came to the small square, ready to take a breath, she obviously wanted to be lazy, but she was so busy every day.

  Several small businessmen saw Chu Qingzhi coming out, hurriedly walked towards her, and saluted, "Miss Chu."

  Chu Qingzhi looked at several people, "What's the matter with you?"

  One of the small businessmen said flatteringly, "We're here to talk to you about business."

  Chu Qingzhi did not directly refuse, the grocery store is not afraid of having too many things, "What business are you talking about?"

   "I sell shoes. My shoes are very well made and not expensive. Miss Chu, let's take a look." He opened the bag next to him and took out two pairs of shoes, one pair of women's shoes and one pair of men's shoes.

   There are no shoes for sale in the grocery store now. Shoes are necessities and have no shelf life, so they can be considered, so Chu Qingzhi took the shoes in her hand and looked at them.

  The shoes are made of thick fabric with neat stitches and embroidery. Women's shoes are blue and men's shoes are black. They look pretty good.

   "How much is a pair of these shoes?"

   Seeing that Chu Qingzhi seemed to be interested, the small businessman immediately became more enthusiastic, "If you buy a lot, you can buy a pair for 70 yuan, and if you sell it, you can sell a pair for 1 yuan, and you will definitely make a lot of money."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Sixty Wen, send me a thousand pairs in a while, five hundred pairs of women's shoes, five hundred pairs of men's shoes, okay?"

  The little businessman was overwhelmed with surprise, and hurriedly responded, "All right, all right, just do what Miss Chu said."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Go back and ship it now."

   "Yes, thank you Miss Chu." The little businessman left happily.

  (end of this chapter)

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