Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 835: 835. Two Reconciliations

  Chapter 835 835. Two reconciliations

  The second one sells fireworks and firecrackers. The small businessman said with a smile, "Miss Chu, it's Chinese New Year. Everyone must set off fireworks. My fireworks are very cheap. Do you want to think about it?"

  Fireworks and firecrackers in winter are likely to cause fires. If the workshop is burned, who will be responsible?

  However, on the day of ancestor worship in the village at the end of the year, you can let it go.

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Grocery stores don't sell fireworks, but I need some fireworks, please bring me some."

  There is another village where the willows are dark and the flowers are bright. The small businessman smiled and said, "How much does the girl need, I will go back and bring it to the girl right away?"

  The two had a discussion, and the little businessman left happily.

There are five small businessmen in this group, and Chu Qingzhi talked with them one by one. That's it, hits and misses.

  Chu Qingzhi returned to the grocery store and continued to help.

  Zheng Guixiang, Fan Limei, Cao Zhilan, two granddaughters, and some villagers from Lijia Village are walking on the Qingshiban Road towards Chujia Village.

  The villagers complimented, "Aunt Guixiang, you will have a daughter and marry such a good husband, and now you have opened a grocery store."

  Zheng Guixiang couldn't help feeling elated, "It's okay, they are the ones fighting for their spirits, otherwise we wouldn't have such a good day."

  Fan Limei and Cao Zhilan were also very proud of hearing the compliments from the villagers. Whoever has such good relatives as them, but amidst the pride, they couldn't help but feel sad.

  Although Qingyu and the others made a lot of money and their days got better and better, they didn't get any delicious food at all.

   Fortunately, Li Chunfeng and Li Chunzhou competed and survived the training through their own efforts. Now they are learning wine making under Hong Yujun.

Not afraid that they will learn the technique, Chu Qingzhi gave Hong Yujun a special material, this material will make the wine taste more mellow and more fragrant, but no one knows this material, and it cannot be brewed with the same method. out of the same wine.

   In addition, a deed was signed, and everyone in the workshop signed this deed. If they start from scratch, they must not imitate any item in the workshop, otherwise they will be compensated a hundred times and have to go to jail.

  Because of this incident, Li Qingyu's natal family restrained a lot, and they didn't dare to take advantage of it anymore.

  The villager said again, "We're going to buy things later, can you make Qingyu cheaper for us?"

  They heard that the salt in the grocery store was cheap, so they came here to buy it. Otherwise, how could they travel so far to Chujia Village.

  Lijia Village is quite a distance from Chujia Village. Even if the bridge is built, it will take half an hour to walk.

  Zheng Guixiang said with a smile, "I will definitely tell her."

  The villagers don't know about the two families, "Then thank you in advance."

   Talking and laughing, a group of people came to Chu Family Village.

  It is already afternoon, but there are still many people in the grocery store.

  During the twelfth lunar month, the villagers didn’t have much to do. They were all idle, so they gathered to chat.

   Li Qingyu greeted the guests at the door, and saw Zheng Guixiang at a glance, a little surprised, "Mother, two sisters-in-law."

  The children shouted, "Third Aunt."

   "Okay." Zheng Guixiang's two children each took a handful of candies, "Take and eat."

   After all, she is the child of the two elder brothers. When she was not married, the two elder brothers treated her very well, not to mention that the adults would not hold grudges against the children. Li Qingyu didn't care if they didn't see each other for a few months.

  The two children were very happy, "Thank you, Third Aunt."

   "There are stools over there, go and sit."


  Li Qingyu knew everyone in Lijia Village. Seeing them carrying baskets, she knew that they were here to buy things, so she greeted them warmly, "Go to the store to choose what you want to buy, and then go to the counter at the door to check out."

  The villager took Li Qingyu's hand and said with a smile, "Qingyu, can you give us some money?"

  Li Qingyu nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will give you a cheap price. The more you buy, the cheaper it will be."

  The villagers smiled, "Thank you in advance."

  Li Qingyu smiled, "You're welcome."

  Fan Limei and Cao Zhilan walked towards Li Qingyu, Fan Limei said awkwardly, "Qingyu, congratulations on the opening of your store."

   This is a good word, Li Qingyu accepted, "Thank you sister-in-law."

  Cao Zhilan took out a large piece of glutinous rice cake from the basket and handed it to Li Qingyu, flattering him, "This is specially brought for you. We made many mistakes in the past. Don't take it to heart, we won't do it in the future."

  For the sake of their son's future, neither of them dared to be demons anymore.

  Li Qingyu was extremely surprised that the stingy second sister-in-law actually gave her something.

  She gently pushed Cao Zhilan's hand back, "Keep it for yourselves, there is nothing missing at home."

  Cao Zhilan insisted, "I know you have no shortage, but this is our wish, Qingyu, do you still mind the past?"

  Zheng Guixiang came over, took the glutinous rice cakes and put them in Li Qingyu's hands, "Qingyu, you can just accept it, it was my mother's wrong thinking in the past, so let us apologize to you."

  Li Qingyu accepted the things now, and the two families have reconciled, "Mother, let's not mention the past, and get along well in the future."

  Zheng Guixiang nodded, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

   Both Fan Limei and Cao Zhilan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time couldn't help regretting that they should have lent them the money if they had known that Qingyu and the others were so prosperous.

  Unfortunately, there is no medicine for regret in the world!


  Chu Rong came to the gate of the grocery store and waved to Chu Qingzhi, "Qingzhi, come here."

   "Here we come." Chu Qingzhi came to the small square outside the grocery store, "Father, what's the matter?"

  Chu Rong said with a sense of accomplishment, "The roads to the fief have all been repaired, take a look."

   This is the completion of the construction period ahead of schedule, Chu Qingzhi said, "Father, you send the accounts and other related record books to Wang Yuanping, let him check it, and I will check and accept it."

  Chu Rong nodded and agreed, "I'll send it to him personally in a while."

  Chu Qingzhi called Fu Bao out, rode away on horseback, Tian Xiaoqiu chased after her, "Fifth Cousin, can I go with you?"

  Tian Xiaoqiu is now following Chu Qingzhi, but she can also follow.

  Chu Qingzhi pulled the rein, "Can you ride a horse?"

   "Yes." Tian Xiaoqiu said proudly.

  Chu Qingzhi is currently not researching new products, and the previous four new products have not been launched yet, so there is no rush, so Tian Xiaoqiu is now learning various skills.

  Tian Xiaoqiu completely regards Chu Qingzhi as an idol for studying. She is extremely serious in studying and has already mastered several skills.

  Chu Qingzhi called out a horse, "Let's go."

  Tian Xiaoqiu is a bit short, but she is very smart. She led the horse to a nearby stone, stepped on the stone and got on the horse easily, "Fifth cousin, let's go."

  Chu Qingzhi's eyes showed a hint of appreciation, "Be careful, you will be paralyzed if you fall off the horse."

   "Yes, Fifth Cousin." Tian Xiaoqiu held the rein tightly with her little hands, and stepped on the pedals with her little feet, not daring to relax for a moment.

  In the afterglow of the setting sun, the two rode away.

  (end of this chapter)

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