Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 837: Qingyue goes home

  Shuiyun County.

  Ling Yanjiang joined Chu's Yimao's delivery team. After earning money, he bought a small yard in the county seat and lived there.

   Today is Ling Yanjiang's rest day, and he didn't come to Chu's Village.

  Ge Lihua came to the small courtyard and knocked on the door, "Brother, are you there?"

  Ling Yanjiang was about to go out for dinner, when he heard Ge Lihua's voice, he hurried to open the door, "A rare visitor, I have lived here for several months, and my junior sister has never been here."

  Ge Lihua suddenly felt that she was ignoring this elder brother, "Eldest brother is busy delivering goods every day, and I can't see anyone when I come."

  Ling Yanjiang joked, "It's not because I'm busy, but you put all your heart on Chu Xujin, right?"

  Ge Lihua lowered his head slightly, thinking of Chu Xujin, his heart filled with sweetness, "Brother, don't make fun of me."

  Ling Yanjiang saw that Ge Lihua was embarrassed, so he changed the subject, "Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, and go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, what's the matter for you to come to see senior brother?"

  Ge Lihua handed the wedding invitation to Ling Yanjiang, "I invite senior brother to come to my wedding banquet tomorrow. I should have sent the wedding invitation to senior senior brother earlier, but senior senior brother has been traveling long distances before, so there is no chance."

  Ling Yanjiang laughed, "My family has a girl who has just grown up, congratulations to you, but you don't have any close relatives here, where did you get married?"

  Ge Lihua said, "I recognized a mother-in-law in the village as my natal family. I will marry from her family. It has been discussed."

  Ling Yanjiang regretfully said, "I knew I should have let you marry me. It is justifiable for the senior brother to be a maiden's family."

  Ge Lihua said, "Even if you don't get married from the elder brother, the elder brother is still my relative."

   "That's because I'm narrow-minded." Ling Yanjiang smiled wryly. After so many years of separation, it seems that they no longer have the intimacy they had before.

   "Brother, it's getting late, I'm going back first."

   "OK, walk slowly."

  Ling Yanjiang sent Ge Lihua out, and watched the latter go away, his eyes were full of relief.


  Chu Family Village.

  In the old house, pieces of bacon and sauced meat were **** with ropes and hung in the backyard. Soon there was a forest of meat in the backyard.

  The marinated bacon has just been hung up, and the color is dark brown, which is not good-looking. It needs to be dried to make the color look good.

  Chu Qingzhi brought some pine trees, lit them and put them under the bacon to smoke them. This would increase the aroma, and also use the heat to dry the bacon. Tomorrow, Chu Xujin will hold a wedding banquet and add a few more dishes.

  Chu Qingning and her sisters were helping out, looking forward to the bacon.

  Suddenly, Li Qingyu hurried over, excited and pleasantly surprised, "Little Four, Little Five, Little Six, come quickly, who do you see coming?"

   Several people looked at each other, who made my mother react like this?

   With doubts in mind, they followed Li Qingyu to the house.

  A large and luxurious carriage was parked in front of the house, and Grandma Chu's excited voice came from the house.

  Who is coming?

  Bewildered, Chu Qingyue came out of the room, her slightly rounded face was full of smiles, "Fourth Sister, Fifth Sister, Sixth Sister..."

  Chu Qingshuang was excited, "Second Sister, Second Sister is back!" While shouting, she ran towards Chu Qingyue, and the two sisters hugged each other tightly.

  Chu Qingzhi and Chu Qingning laughed, and walked quickly, "Second Sister."

  Chu Qingyue hugged Chu Qingzhi and Chu Qingning together, "Second Sister misses you so much!"

   "We miss you too." Chu Qingshuang was so excited, "Second Sister, why are you back? Why didn't you tell us, let's pick you up?"

   Ning Yuting came over, "Your second sister is pregnant, and I came here to announce the good news to you, just in time for Xu Jin's wedding."

   "Ah, Second Sister has a baby!" Chu Qingshuang yelled again, "Second Sister, congratulations!"

  Chu Qingzhi and Chu Qingning hurriedly congratulated, they didn't expect to hear the good news so soon.

   Shen Ruyue who rushed over heard these words, and couldn't help feeling anxious. After Qingyue got married, she would have children, but she didn't get married first.

  Chu Qingyue quickly hugged Shen Ruyue, smiling all over her face, "Sister-in-law."

  Shen Ruyue hid the sourness in her heart, and said with a smile, "Qingyue."

  Li Qingyu was extremely worried, and said, "Qingyue, come and have a seat, the boat is tiring, be careful."

  Chu Xuhua, as Shen Ruyue's pillow, also saw through the disappointment in Shen Ruyue's eyes, held her hand, and comforted, "It's okay, our child just came later."

   After being comforted for a while, Shen Ruyue felt much better, "I'll go to Qing Zhi for a pulse in a while, and see if there's any problem."

  Chu Xuhua said softly, "It must be fine, don't worry."

  Shen Ruyue smiled lightly, "Yes."

  Chu Qingyue came home and made the house lively. Everyone chatted for a while in the main room.

  Li Qingyu was cautious, "Little Four, Little Five, take your second sister's pulse and see how your second sister is doing."

  The two looked at each other and smiled, one left and one right helped Chu Qingyue feel her pulse.

  The brows of the two of them slowly frowned. Seeing their reaction, everyone couldn't help but lift their hearts into their throats, and their breathing eased.

  Ning Yuting asked eagerly, "What's wrong?"

  Chu Qingzhi poured some spiritual power into Chu Qingyue's body, "There is no big problem, but the second sister can't run around anymore, otherwise there will be problems."

  Everyone understands that Chu Qingyue came back from the south and was exhausted on the road, which affected her fetal gas.

  Li Qingyu said, "Little Four, Little Five, you prescribe a pair of anti-fetal medicine for Second Sister, so that she can have a safe pregnancy, and nothing will happen."

  Chu Qingning said, "Mother, we know, with Fifth Sister and I around, how can something happen to Second Sister."

  Ning Yuting said, "Qingyue, we will stay at your natal home for the New Year, and I will write to grandpa later, I think grandpa can understand."

  Chu Qingyue is very happy, but she is a bride, and there has never been a bride and husband who celebrate the New Year at her natal home, and she is not married, "Will this be bad?"

   "Now you and the child are important." Ning Yuting patted Chu Qingyue's hand and got up to write a letter.

  They came back from the south directly, thinking to announce the happy news, and then went home after attending Chu Xujin's wedding. Now that Qingyue was not fit to travel, they stayed here for the time being. It happened that Qingyue was also homesick.

  Chu Qingyue looked at Ning Yuting's back with emotion. After several months of marriage, Yu Ting took good care of her and fulfilled the promise before marriage.

  Li Qingyu held Chu Qingyue's hand, "I'm going to be a mother, and I have to act more prudently in the future, you know?"

  Chu Qingyue nodded, "Mother, I know."

  Li Qingyu helped Chu Qingyue go upstairs to rest.

  Seeing this scene, Shen Ruyue couldn't help feeling a little sour in her heart, and pressed her hands on her stomach, son, why aren't you here yet?

  Seeing this, Chu Qingzhi said to Shen Ruyue, "Come on, let me take your pulse."

  Shen Ruyue smiled wryly, and stretched out her hand.

  Chu Qingning comforted at the side, "It takes time for a woman to conceive a child, sister-in-law, don't worry."

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