Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 838: 838. Triple Happiness

   "Qing Ning, I'm fine." Shen Ruyue looked down at Chu Qingzhi's hand giving her pulse, secretly praying for a miracle.

  She and Xuhua have been married for several months. It stands to reason that she should have had a child long ago, but her stomach hasn't moved for a long time. I'm afraid there is something wrong with her body?

  Thinking of this, her whole heart throbbed.

  Chu Qingzhi's eyes bent, "Congratulations to Ruyue, you are also happy, but it's still early, only twenty days."

  Shen Ruyue was stunned, and stared blankly at Chu Qingzhi, "Really, are you really happy?"

  Chu Qingzhi nodded and said affirmatively, "Really."

  Chu Xuhua rushed over, squatted in front of Shen Ruyue, and said helplessly, "Ruyue, we also have a child."

  Shen Ruyue nodded, the child was finally looking forward to it, "Xuhua, you are going to be a father."

"Yeah, I'm going to be a father, and you're going to be a mother too." Chu Xuhua looked at Shen Ruyue tenderly, like a baby in his palm, "Don't do anything from now on, I'll do it, I'll do it Come on..."

  Shen Ruyue smiled and nodded, "Okay, I'll leave it to you."

  Chu Qingning laughed, "Double happiness is coming to our family! No, triple happiness is coming!"

  Grandpa Chu and Grandma Chu hadn't calmed down from the joy of Chu Qingyue's pregnancy, and they heard that Shen Ruyue was pregnant, and this was their great-great-great-grandson, and they couldn't see the bottom of their laughter.

  Grandma Chu came over and put her favorite bracelet on Shen Ruyue's wrist, "Take good care of your body and give birth to a healthy child."

  Grandpa Chu also cared, "You leave the work of the workshop to your subordinates, and take good care of the baby at home."

  Shen Ruyue smiled and nodded, "I'll start making arrangements tomorrow."

   She will do her best to take care of the child she finally got.

  Chu Qingning held Shen Ruyue's hand, and said, "I always saw you frowning before, but now I understand why."

  Shen Ruyue glanced at Chu Xuhua, and said, "Many girls are unable to conceive for one reason or another, and I am also worried about me."

  Chu Qingning said, "Facts have proved that you are worrying unnecessarily, stop thinking about it in the future, take good care of your body, and give me a cute little nephew."

  Shen Ruyue gently caressed her stomach with her hands, with a gentle face, "Okay."

  Li Qingyu settled Chu Qingyue, and when she went downstairs, she saw Chu Rong circling at the stairs, and asked strangely, "Chu Rong, what are you doing?"

  Chu Rong is not good at talking, and now because of excitement, he can't talk even more. He held back for a long time, "You have a grandson."

   "Grandson?" Li Qingyu didn't respond, "How can there be any grandson?"

  Chu Rong pointed in the direction of the main room, "It's like the moon is happy."

   "Jiyue is happy..." Li Qingyu finally came to his senses, and walked quickly to the main room, "Ruyue."

  Shen Ruyue stood up, a little shy, "Mother."

"Sit down quickly." Li Qingyu treated Shen Ruyue like a treasure, and said with concern, "Be careful in your words and deeds in the future, the one in your stomach is not a worry, and the next year will be hard for you , but don’t worry, mother will take good care of you.”

   "Thank you, mother." Shen Ruyue is very grateful to Li Qingyu. After getting married, she took care of her like a real mother. She didn't get pregnant for several months, and didn't put any pressure on her. It would be a long time ago for her to be another mother-in-law.

  The happy events of the Chu family can be described as one after another.


  Tomorrow there will be a wedding at home, Chu Qingzhi will call a few people to go with her to the pond to catch fish and pick lotus roots.

   Dabai walks in the front. In winter, Dabai grows more and thicker body hair to keep warm, making him look more majestic.

  The big wolf and the second wolf guarded the surrounding area with their wives and children, and did not follow them.

  Although Chu Qingzhi only called a few people, there were quite a few people who followed. As soon as they came to the pond, they surrounded the pond.

  There is a problem. There is a lot of water in the pond, and it is not easy to catch fish or pick lotus roots. Unless the water is drained, not many people dare to enter the water in winter.

  Chu Mingyuan said, "Qingzhi, what should I do with the water?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "I'll catch it, you just need to help me carry it." After speaking, she picked up a net and copied it into the water, and the three fish were caught.

  The children cheered, "Sister Qingzhi is amazing!"

  Chu Mingyuan and the others admired it when they saw it. If they caught fish like this, they might not catch a single one.

  Chu Qingzhi threw the fish on the shore, and the people who came to help picked it up and threw it into the bucket.

   so repeatedly...

   Several fish in one net, several in one net, almost no fish can escape her catch.

  Chu Qingzhi caught all the fish weighing more than three catties in the pond. Of course, others didn’t know that they had caught them. There were more than one hundred fish in total, and all the white ones were fish.

  Then picking lotus roots, she grabbed the dead leaves of the lotus roots, the spiritual power extended down along the lotus leaves, wrapped them around, and when it turned around, the lotus roots were pulled out of the water in one piece.

  Chu Mingyuan hurried forward to take the lotus root in his hands, "Girls born with supernatural powers are different."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, said nothing, and continued to pick lotus root.

  After a period of time, she picked all the lotus roots, and there was not one left.

  Chu Junbao glued his eyes to Chu Qingzhi's hands and applauded, "Sister Qingzhi is the most powerful lotus root picker!"

  Chu Xiaoyao continued, "Sister Qing Zhi is the best at everything."

  Surrounded by the children, a group of people returned home with their things and handed them to those who came to help.

  The wedding banquet will be held tomorrow, and everything must be prepared one day in advance.

   There is nothing else to do now, Chu Qingzhi walked to the old house.

  The old house is slaughtering pigs, and the second batch is being slaughtered. Firstly, pork is used for the wedding banquet, and secondly, it is to marinate the second batch of cured meat. All the villagers of Chujia Village have mobilized and are busy back and forth.

  Many people also came from the three surrounding villages. Chu Qingzhi's third brother got married.

  Li Qingyu handed over the grocery store to the five children, and she concentrated on bringing two Quanfu wives to do the final cleaning and arrangement for Chu Xujin's new house...

  The whole Chu Family Village was filled with joyful atmosphere of holding wedding events.

  Ge Lihua moved to Granny Ge's house and stayed at Granny Ge's house tonight. At this time, she was sitting in front of the dressing table, looking at herself quietly.

  Her appearance is beautiful and flawless, when she is not smiling, it seems to be covered with a layer of frost. Qing Zhi often says that she is a cold beauty.

  Xu Jin also said that when she laughed, it was like melting ice and snow, so beautiful that he would be dazzled every time.

  Thinking like this, she unconsciously curled her lips. Is she really beautiful?

  Chu Qingyan walked into the room and came here specially to accompany Ge Lihua. She walked behind Ge Lihua, looked at the beauty in the mirror, "Sister Lihua, after tomorrow, you will become my sister-in-law too."

  She secretly lamented Ge Lihua's beauty, her third brother was really lucky to be able to marry such a beautiful sister-in-law.

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