Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 839: 839. Before getting married

  Ge Lihua smiled, "I will trouble you to apply my makeup tomorrow."

  Chu Qingyan did her part, "Leave it to me."

  Although the little girl has not yet graduated from the school, she is well-known among all the girls. Everyone says that the makeup on her is natural and beautiful, and they like her very much.

  Grandma Ge walked into the room and said with a smile, "Li Hua, are you nervous?"

  Ge Lihua nodded lightly, "A little nervous."

  Grandma Ge comforted, "It's okay, every girl will go through this experience, and it is also the most beautiful moment in a girl's life. Feel it well, and you can remember it for a lifetime."

  Ge Lihua looked at himself in the mirror and said, "Thank you mother-in-law for explaining, I understand."

   "Yes." Granny Ge turned her head and said to Chu Qingyan, "You stay with your sister-in-law well, I will continue to prepare."

  Grandma Ge has nothing to rely on, and now that Ge Lihua recognizes her as her natal family, she has a support, so she pays special attention to it.

  Chu Qingyan responded obediently, "I know, mother-in-law, go get busy."

  Placing her hand on Ge Lihua's shoulder, she said confidently, "Sister-in-law three, I will draw the most beautiful bridal makeup for you tomorrow."

  Ge Lihua smiled slightly, "Then it will be hard work for you."


  Chu Qingyue and Ning Yuting came to the old house together.

  The old house is filled with a mixed taste of pine branches, cypress branches, and bacon, which is very fresh.

  In the backyard, under the smoke of pine branches, pieces of bacon exude a golden oily luster, and the color is particularly beautiful.

  The sausage is smoked with cypress branches, and a layer of oil shines on the surface, exuding the unique aroma of sausage.

  The two looked at the meat forest in the backyard, and couldn't help swallowing together. The bacon looked delicious, and they were a little greedy.

  Chu Qingzhi put a small bundle of pine branches on the dying fire, and then walked towards the two, "If you want to eat, I will cook a few sausages for you to try."

  Chu Qingyue smiled softly at Chu Qingzhi, "Fifth Sister, you are the best."

  Ning Yuting glanced at the meat forest, and the merchant's sense of smell made him smell a business opportunity, "Fifth sister, do you want to sell these bacon?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "It's for sale, do you want to buy it?"

   "I want to buy it." Ning Yuting said, "The Ning family has opened a restaurant in the capital and the three surrounding big cities. If they sell some novel and delicious things, the business during the Chinese New Year will definitely be good."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "The bacon here can't be sold, I'll eat a lot tomorrow, and Chu Yehui has already ordered the rest with Big Brother, if you want it, you have to wait a few more days, and the second batch of bacon can be given to you."

  Ning Yuting thought for a while and said, "It's okay, there is still so long before the New Year, and there are many people who treat guests to dinner in the first month."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Then I'll tell my elder brother later, don't order it to anyone else."

  Ning Yuting nodded, "OK."

  Chu Qingzhi waved to Chu Qingyue, "Second Sister is here to choose sausages, let's take whatever you want..."

   "Yes." Chu Qingyue left with Chu Qingzhi.

  Ning Yuting stood still and watched them go away, and then went to find Chu Xujin. The groom should need someone who came to accompany him.


  Chu Xujin was alone on the second floor of the new house. He was so excited. At this time, he was no different from a bull seeing red and needed to be quiet.

  Ning Yuting came to the second floor with a jug of wine and two wine glasses, and raised his hand to Chu Xujin, "Would you like a drink?"

   "Okay." There were tables and chairs in the hall, and Chu Xujin pulled the chair away, "Second brother-in-law, sit down."

  Ning Yuting smiled, sat next to him, and filled his glass, "Are you nervous?"

  Chu Xujin was a little embarrassed, and asked, "Aren't you nervous when you got married?"

   Ning Yuting suddenly lowered his voice, leaned closer to Chu Xujin and said, "I'm nervous, I haven't told anyone now, I didn't sleep the night before getting married."

   "Haha." Chu Xujin laughed loudly, "I thought I was the only one restless, by the way, I probably won't be able to sleep at night, do you want to consider staying with me too?"

   "As long as your second sister agrees, I have no problem." Ning Yuting took the wine glass and touched Chu Xujin, and then they drank together.

   After a while, Chu Xuhua came again, and the three men sat at the table and chatted freely.

  Chu Xujin looked at the two of them, enviously said, "It's good that you are actually fathers, my two little nephews will have playmates in the future."

  Chu Xuhua and Ning Yuting looked at each other and smiled, they were also unexpected, it was all fate.

   Ning Yuting poured wine for the two brothers-in-law, and said with a smile, "If you hurry up, you can catch up."

  Chu Xujin smiled shyly, "I can't help myself!"

  Ning Yuting joked, "You can work harder."

   "Haha." Chu Xujin quickly changed the subject, and the conversation would be terrible, "Second brother-in-law, are you really planning to celebrate the New Year at our house?"

  Ning Yuting raised his eyebrows, "Aren't you welcome?"

  Chu Xujin said hastily, "Of course not, I'm happy. We all miss our second sister very much. It is the best to be able to celebrate the New Year together."

   Ning Yuting said, "Then I will fulfill your wish."

  Chu Xujin laughed, raised his glass to toast Ning Yuting, "Good second brother-in-law."

   "Small things." Ning Yuting touched Chu Xujin and Chu Xuhua's wine glasses with their wine glasses, and then the three drank them together.


  Under the night, Chu Qingzhi, Chu Qingyue, Chu Qingning, Chu Qingshuang, carrying the flower lanterns they made, walked on the village road and went to Granny Ge's house.

  At this time, everyone had already eaten, Ge Lihua and Chu Qingyan helped Granny Ge clean up the dishes, and were about to go back to the room, when they heard Chu Qingyue's voice, "Li Hua."

  Chu Qingyan ran to the yard, "Second Sister, Fourth Sister, Fifth Sister, Sixth Sister, are you all here?"

  Chu Qingyue smiled and said, "Let's accompany Li Hua." He raised the snacks and chessboard in his hand, "Everyone hasn't played backgammon for a long time, how about playing?"


  Grandma Ge came over, "It's cold, everyone come to your room, I'll burn two more braziers for you to keep warm."

  Chu Qingyue thanked, "Thank you Granny Ge."

  Everyone walked into the room, found a small table, put it on the bed, laid out a chess board and snacks, and then sat down around the small table, all wearing capes and no quilts.

  Grandma Ge quickly brought two braziers and put them in the corner, making the room even warmer. "Play around, I'm getting old and I can't stand it, so I'm going to sleep first."

  Chu Qingyue handed Granny Ge a pack of snacks, "Grandma, this is specially brought for you."

  Grandma Ge moved the snacks into her hand, "Since I brought them on purpose, I'll accept them. You guys have fun, I'll go out first."

  Chu Qingyue said politely, "Mother-in-law, go slowly."

  After her mother-in-law left, Chu Qingyan went to close the door, then climbed into bed and snuggled up beside Chu Qingzhi. She found that it was the warmest next to Fifth Sister, "Come on, let's begin."

  Ge Lihua played with Chu Xujin twice, but was interrupted by something in the middle, and he never had a good time. He said, "I'll come first."

  Chu Qingyue's hands were itchy, "I'll follow you."

  Then the fight between the two began...

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