Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 842: 842. A Crying Child

   "Leave a piece for me!" Chu Junbao had just finished eating the sauced pork slices, and the three dishes were on CD.

   "You are so cruel." Chu Junbao directly brought over the plate and snatched the last piece of sausage. If he was a little late, there would be nothing left.

  Chu Xiaoyao said, "You are the one who is cruel, and you actually grabbed the plate."

  Chu Junbao said confidently, "If I don't grab it, it will be gone."

   "Haha—" Everyone laughed.

   "Wow--" A child at the next table didn't get the sausage, so he cried.

  This is a wedding banquet, how can you cry, the parents hurriedly coaxed, "Don't cry, don't cry, mother will find it for you."

  The little baby stopped crying, her eyes were red, and she said pitifully, "Mom, go quickly..."

   Reluctant to give up, Chu Junbao gave him the sausage he had just grabbed, "Give it to you, don't cry."

  Everyone praised him, "Good boy..."

  Xiaowa was finally happy when she saw the sausage in the bowl, "Thank you brother."

  Chu Junbao stared at the sausage reluctantly, "Eat it quickly."

  After learning about it, Li Qingyu brought two more plates of sausages to the child, "Let's eat, but these are the last two plates, and there will be nothing left after eating."

  The children thanked together, "Thank you, Aunt Qingyu."

   "Let's eat." Li Qingyu waved his hand and went to greet other guests.

  Here, Chu Qingyan whispered to Chu Qingzhi, "Fifth Sister, sausages are so popular that the children are crying."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled slightly, "It's normal, it's the first time I see you, it's unavoidably strange."

  Tan Mengyang and his business partners sat next to Chu Qingzhi, surrounded by several tables, and they were also discussing the issue of sausage and bacon at the moment.

   "I don't know if Miss Qingzhi sells this bacon and sausage?"

   "I want to sell, but it has already been settled."

   "Who, move so fast?"

   "I don't know, but I think it must be related to Miss Qingzhi, otherwise I don't know these meats, how can I buy them?"

   "That's right, if you fight for relationships, then there is no way."


  There were more than 100 tables in the whole wedding banquet, and I couldn’t get enough of the bacon and sausages, and I liked it very much.

  Here, after toasting the guests, Chu Xujin slipped to the wedding room, "Li Hua."

In the wedding room, two big red candles were burning quietly, emitting red flames, making the wedding room even redder. Originally, there were matchmakers and Mrs. Quanfu accompanying them, but Ge Lihua asked them to eat. It's quiet here.

  After hearing Chu Xujin's voice, Ge Lihua twisted her hands together and became nervous again. She responded softly, "Xujin."

  Chu Xujin walked up to Ge Lihua and took off the hijab.

  Under the hijab, Ge Lihua was dressed in red makeup, his almond eyes were clean, his face was flawed with white jade, and decorated with pearls of flowers, he was so beautiful.

  Chu Xujin was dumbfounded.

  Ge Lihua pursed his lips, touched Chu Xujin lightly, and said with a hint of embarrassment, "I've recovered."

  Chu Xujin was quite bold in the first place. After regaining consciousness in a blink of an eye, he leaned over and kissed the bride, smirking, "Li Hua, the thing I wanted to do the most before was to kiss you, and now I can finally."

  Ge Lihua's fair and beautiful face was flushed with a tinge of blush, "It's time for a cup of wine."

   "Yes, all the etiquette has to be fulfilled." Chu Xujin brought over the wine, drank the glasses, and then dragged Ge Lihua to dinner, "I prepared a banquet by myself, and I'll just eat it for the two of us."

  Ge Lihua pursed her lips and smiled. She thought she was going to be hungry, but she didn't expect Chu Xujin to be so thoughtful, "Okay, I'm just hungry."

After the two got up, Chu Xujin pulled Ge Lihua into his arms, "Let me hug you for a while before going to eat. Before getting married, I wanted to get close to you all the time. Li Hua, being able to marry you is the luckiest thing in my life." thing."

  Ge Lihua gently leaned on Chu Xujin's chest, "I am also very lucky to meet you..."

  Chu Xujin tightened his arms, and said softly, "From now on, I have the most precious thing in the world."

  Ge Lihua laughed, "No matter what happens from now on, we will face it together."

  Chu Xujin nodded, "OK."


   "Slow walk, slow walk..."

  Li Qingyu sent the last guest away, returned to the main room, sat on a chair to rest, after two days and two nights of busy work, she was exhausted.

  Everyone had a wedding banquet, and the villagers all helped clean up together, and now everyone is resting.

  Chu Rong brought Li Qingyu a bowl of white fungus and lotus seed soup, "It's specially reserved for you."

When Li Qingyu saw the white fungus and lotus seed soup, her fatigue disappeared, and she took it in her hand with a smile. She picked up the spoon and stirred it twice, and said with a little emotion, "We have been married for almost twenty-two years. Do you still remember that I like it? Drink white fungus and lotus seed soup."

  Chu Rong sat beside him and looked at Li Qingyu intently, "No matter how long it takes, I will always remember it."

  Li Qingyu said with a smile, "Chu Rong, now our three children are married, and the marriage is good, and the marriage is good. I am so happy as a mother."

  Chu Rong held Li Qingyu's hand with a smile on his face, "I'm happy too, everything is fine now, everything is fine..."

  Li Qingyu nodded, "The stone in my heart has finally fallen."

  Chu Rong deepened his smile, "I'm even happier that my daughter-in-law and daughter are both pregnant, and I'm going to be a grandfather and grandfather soon."

  Li Qingyu smiled happily, "I want to be a grandma and grandma too..."

  The two chatted a lot, and seeing that Li Qingyu was cold, Chu Rong dragged her back to the room. "It's cold outside, go inside and talk slowly."

  Li Qingyu looked at Chu Rong's generous back. A woman's marriage is too important to a person. For her, she will never regret it in this life.


  Chu Qingzhi stood in front of the window, watching Shuang'er eating, with apologetic eyes.

  In the afternoon, she was too busy and forgot to feed them. As soon as she returned to the house, all the parrots flew over and surrounded her.

  Shuang'er even filed a complaint, saying that it was starving to death.

  Chu Qingzhi quickly went to get some chopped chicken **** to feed them, and now the parrots are devouring them.

  Watching the parrots eating for a while, Chu Qingzhi turned and looked at the sky outside the window, the winter sky was extremely dark, there was no moon or stars tonight, it was like being covered with a layer of black cloth, a bit stuffy.

  She summoned the golden-feathered phoenix that was carrying the message, and gently teased it with her fingers, "Jing Hong, what are you doing now?"

   Tang Jinghong replied after a while, "I just came home from the palace, did Xu Jin's wedding go well today?"

  Chu Qingzhi said in a relaxed tone, "It went well, but there were also some dumbfounding things happened..."

  Tang Jinghong said, "The food you make is so delicious, it's normal for a child to cry. I really want to taste the taste of bacon."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "I left some for you to cook for you when you come back. By the way, when will you come back?"

  Tang Jinghong said, "There are still two more days, and I won't be going to Beijing after I come back."

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