Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 843: 843. Fully completed

  Chu Qingzhi warned, "Be careful, there are frequent changes in Dongling, I'm afraid they will secretly harm you."

   "I know, I've always been on guard."

   "I have nothing to do here, let's rest first, and you should also rest earlier."

"OK, good night."

"Good night."

  Chu Qingzhi took the Golden Feather Phoenix back into her arm, then sat on a chair, and drew the school design.

  The matter of running a school has been officially launched. Now the ground is being surveyed. After the survey is completed and there are no problems, the construction can start.

  The school is not unconventional, but built according to the style of this era.

   There are about 1,000 to 17-year-old children in the fief. These children will also be the main students of the school. One classroom can accommodate 35 students, and about 30 classrooms need to be built.

  In addition to teaching dormitories, there are also office areas for teachers, office areas for relevant personnel, canteens and other places, and there are many places that need to be considered.

  Chu Qingzhi took the largest piece of paper to draw the design drawing, and it would take two or three days to draw the design drawing.

  After thinking for a long time, she began to write.

  The cold wind made the curtains flutter gently, and the paper cranes flew along with it. The parrots finished eating their meat and stayed where they were pecking their feathers. The room was full of rustling sounds.

  There are still a lot of things to do tomorrow, Chu Qingzhi didn't sleep, and drew the design all night.

  Chu Qingzhi cut off the brush, looked at the design drawing carefully, with a smile on her face, the drawing was half done.

  Cleaned up briefly, went downstairs to wash and eat, then rode on Fubao, and went to inspect the North Road.


  Chu Qingzhi, with a handsome face and a cold wind, was wearing a rabbit velvet cloak and riding the majestic Fubao, like a fairy who has strayed into the mortal world.

   The few people waiting at the end of the North Road were stunned when they saw this scene.

  After Chu Qingzhi got off the horse, the person in charge stacked the booklets of various records and handed them to Chu Qingzhi, "Miss Chu, please have a look."

  Chu Qingzhi didn't check immediately, "Get on your horses and go to the county government with me. It's too cold here. We'll wait and see when we get to the county government."


  Six people galloped across the road on horseback. When passing by, the slightly vibrating air shook the frost off the pine branches by the roadside, making a rustling sound.

  When she came to the county government office, Chu Qingzhi sat aside and immediately looked through the record book. In fact, no one dared to falsify the records. Chu Qingzhi could say "the six relatives don't recognize each other", and no one would take such a big risk.

  After looking through it, Chu Qingzhi signed her name, marking the successful acceptance of the North Road.

   "Everyone go back first, if something happens, I will send someone to find you."

   "Yes, Miss Chu."

  Chu Qingzhi sorted out all the record books, and then wrote a notice by herself.

The content of the notice is about the complete completion of the road. All kinds of information will be placed under the notice, and you can browse it casually. There is still one million taels of silver left. Chu Qingzhi means to renovate the shantang in the county and ask everyone for their opinions. .

  The notice released a suggestion box, where comments can be made anonymously. After three days, Chu Qingzhi will come to open the box, and then decide whether to keep the money.

  After doing all this, Chu Qingzhi returned to Chu Family Village.


  Chujia Village grocery store.

   "Qingyu, I'll buy three packs of bacon buns."

   "I buy five sausage packs."

   "I want two packets of sauce packets."

  Many villagers gathered outside the grocery store, wanting to buy seasoning packets for marinated bacon and sausage.

   For a long time, there have been a lot of people who bought seasoning packets. Later, Chu Qingzhi thought of a way to package all the seasoning packets and sell them in grocery stores one by one. Buying one packet can make five catties of cured meat.

  Yesterday, at Chu Xujin’s wedding banquet, everyone ate delicious preserved meat, so today they all bought home to make preserved meat.

   With such a good business, Li Qingyu should be happy, but the sauce packs have been sold out, and now they are out of stock, happiness immediately turned into sorrow.

  Li Qingyu said, "The sauce packs are sold out now, and they are rushing to make them. Come buy them later, everyone."

   "Must be later?"

  Li Qingyu hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, I promise, everyone go back first, or look at other things. There are many new year's goods that were purchased yesterday. You can take a look."

   "You can buy some New Year's goods, let's go, let's go to the shop and have a look."

  Li Qingyu finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that everyone was no longer around her. She thought being a shopkeeper was easy, but unexpectedly there were still many difficulties.

  Ge Lihua came over with a ruddy complexion, "Mother."

   Married, her hair is all pulled up, her facial features are exquisite, and she is still extremely beautiful in a light red cloak.

  Li Qingyu pulled Ge Lihua to sit on the chair, "Sit down quickly, why don't you rest in the room?"

  Seeing that Li Qingyu regarded her as a porcelain doll, Ge Lihua hurriedly said, "Mother, I am a martial artist, so I am not so fragile."

  I felt a little uncomfortable this morning, but I practiced a set of swordsmanship in the yard to activate my body, and it didn't feel so uncomfortable.

  Besides, she was not someone who could stay in the room, so she came out for a walk.

   "Girls should take good care of their bodies, sit down first, and go home to rest later."

   "Yes, listen to mother."


  For the construction of the school, Chu Rong was the chief manager, and all the brothers of the Wang family were assigned to work under him. In addition, Chu Qingzhi brought back those who performed well in the construction of roads to help build the school together.

  Seeing Chu Qingzhi, Zhang Feng couldn't help asking, "Miss Chu, can the other children come to the school to study?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Of course you can, but the school I run is mainly for learning skills, and I can also learn characters and arithmetic, but it doesn't teach the content of scientific examinations. If you want scientific examinations, you can only go to the academy."

  Zhang Feng nodded, "I understand."

  Wang Yuanlin came over, "Miss Chu, the construction plan is too large, the ground is still being surveyed, and it will take some time."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Don't worry, survey slowly, and do a good job in the early stage, so as to ensure that there will be no mistakes in the later stage."


  Chu Qingzhi wandered around for a while, returned home, and continued to draw the school design.

  Time passed unhurriedly, and it was the fourteenth day of the twelfth lunar month.

   On this day, the Lijia Bridge was also completed.

  At this time, the villagers on both sides of the river gathered by the bridge, looking at Lijiaqiao excitedly.

The bridge is about ten meters long. It is built with heavy stones. It is very strong. The bridge deck is arched and the **** is relatively gentle. A line of small characters reads, "Made by Chuqing Zhidu".

   Such a large project that benefits the country and the people, engraved with a name, can be passed down through the ages and become a good story.

   Things like building roads and bridges have already been recorded in the annals of history.

  Qiao is now wearing red silk cloth, which is very festive.

  The old man's eyes turned red with emotion, he walked towards Chu Qingzhi, and saluted very solemnly, "Miss Chu, please cut the ribbon for Lijiaqiao."

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