Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 844: 844. Meeting a Good Man

   After cutting the color, you can pass.

  Chu Qingzhi took the scissors, walked up to the Lijiaqiao under the eyes of everyone, and cut the red silk on both sides twice.

   "The Lijia Bridge is officially completed!"

   There was thunderous applause on both sides of the strait.

  The old man was moved to tears, and finally rebuilt the Lijiaqiao in his lifetime.

  After Chu Qingzhi came down from the bridge, a group of children happily ran to the bridge, and the people watching also walked up to the Lijia Bridge to experience the feeling of walking on the bridge.

  “Finally, I no longer need to take a boat to cross the river. Every time I take a boat, I am afraid of falling into the river.”

   "It's like a mountain across the river for me to marry. It will be convenient for me to go back to my mother's house in the future."

   "It's convenient for me to visit relatives now, and I don't have to wait for the boat all the time."

  The old man wiped away his tears and walked up to Lijiaqiao step by step. Slowly, tears filled his eyes again, and his long-cherished wish in this life was completely fulfilled.

  Chu Qingzhi stood by the river, watching everyone cross the bridge.

  People kept coming to bow to her and thank her.

   "Miss Chu, thank you!"

   "Sister, thank you!"

   "Girl, thanks!"

   After a while, Chu Qingzhi quietly left.


  Shuiyun County.

  In the county government office, Chu Xujin hugged the suggestion box to Chu Qingzhi, "Fifth Sister, many people have come to comment these days, and the suggestion box is full."

   "Look." Chu Qingzhi opened the suggestion box, picked up a note and read it, "I agree with Jianshantang."

  Chu Xujin also picked up a note, "As long as it benefits the country and the people, we will support it."

   "I agree with Jian Shan Tang."

   "I hope to give porridge to the poor on New Year's Eve, so that the poor can have a full meal."


  Many opinions, Chu Qingzhi counted, 70% agreed with Jianshantang, 10% said porridge, and the rest said whatever they wanted, so they were not considered.

  Based on everyone's opinions, Chu Qingzhi decided to divide the money into two parts, one part was used to build a charity hall, and the other part was used to give porridge to the poor on New Year's Eve, without delay.

  She posted the results of her opinion.

   Soon everyone in the county knew about it and expressed their support for her proposal, but no one came to raise objections.

   Several people were discussing in the room, and a yamen servant came in, "Miss Chu, there are two people outside asking to see you."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Let them in."

  The yamen servant brought He Wenyong and Duan Qidao in, "Miss Chu, they are the ones asking to see you."

  He Wenyong and Duan Qidao saluted together, "He Wenyong (Duan Qidao) met Miss Chu."

  Chu Qingzhi looked at the two of them, it was interesting, one fat and one thin, "What's the matter?"

  He Wenyong said, "We saw the notice, so we came here and recommended ourselves to help build the shantang."

  Chu Qingzhi looked at the faces of the two of them. Although one was fat and the other was thin, both of them were picky and had no tolerance for sand in their eyes. You can rest assured when entrusting the project to such a person.

   "It just so happened that the construction of the shantang did not find a suitable person. Since you have recommended yourself, let's stay."

   "Thank you Miss Chu."

   "Sit down and rest for a while, and later we will go to the original site of the Shantang to see, and then decide whether to strengthen or rebuild."

  Duan Qidao thought for a while and said, "Miss Chu, rebuild it?"

  Chu Qingzhi raised her eyebrows, "Why?"

  Duan Qidao wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth, and finally said, "You will find out after a while."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "I'll talk about it later."

   After waiting for a while, the construction team led by Chu Qingzhi arrived, and the group went to the Shantang together.

  The location of Shantang is a bit remote, and it takes a long time to get there.

  Chu Qingzhi looked at the dilapidated house in front of him and the crumbling plaque, and understood what Duan Qidao meant by rebuilding.

  This place is so dilapidated that there is no way to rebuild it.

  There are dozens of homeless orphans in the shantang, big and small, all of them are wearing thin clothes in the cold winter, their little faces and hands are red from the cold.

  Their person in charge is called Uncle Zhang, a lame old man in his fifties. No one else cares about him. Uncle Zhang is forced to stay and take care of the children, otherwise these children may have no way out.

  Old man Zhang heard that Chu Qingzhi planned to rebuild the shantang, and he was looking forward to it every day. After seeing it for three or four days, he was disappointed and didn't see any more.

  Zhang Lingmei planned to go to the back door of a fixed restaurant to pick up leftovers... There are still kind-hearted bosses in the world, but she didn't expect to see Chu Qingzhi who they were thinking of when she came out.

  She was very pleasantly surprised and shouted, "Miss Chu is here, Miss Chu is here..."

  The philanthropy hall is not big, so everyone was startled immediately. Everyone rushed to the gate at a sprint speed, and they couldn't believe it when they saw Chu Qingzhi.

  Uncle Zhang knelt down in front of Chu Qingzhi with tears in his eyes, "I have been waiting for the girl for many days, and the girl finally came."

  Chu Qingzhi helped him up, "It's okay, I will be responsible for the affairs of Shantang to the end, don't worry, old man."

  Old man Zhang burst into tears, "Thank you, girl."

  Chu Qingzhi asked the people who followed to count how many children there were, first bought some padded jackets for them to wear, and then settled the most important matters.

  Old man Zhang said movedly, "Thank you, girl, thank you for noticing these poor little things."

  Behind him stood all the orphans, everyone stared at Chu Qingzhi with wide-open eyes, and the eyes gradually became bright.

  Chu Qingzhi asked, "Is there anything to eat?"

  Old man Zhang told the truth, "There are two restaurants that give us leftovers, and we go to get them every day, enough to feed our hunger, otherwise these children would have starved to death."

   "I'll send someone to buy food for you right away."

   "The girl's great kindness, the children will always remember it in their hearts."

  Chu Qingzhi sent people to buy food again, and then thought that this place would not be suitable for living if it needed to be rebuilt.

   "The yard next door is empty. I'll rent it out for you to live in. How about you move back when the shantang is rebuilt?"

  Uncle Zhang was very cooperative, "We all listen to the arrangement of the girl."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Alright then, everyone go pack up, I'll rent a house, and you'll all move in later."

   After explaining, Chu Qingzhi walked to the empty yard she said, and after some inquiries, Chu Qingzhi found the owner of the house and explained her purpose.

  The owner of the house is kind-hearted. After hearing what Chu Qingzhi said, he immediately agreed for the children to stay temporarily without paying rent. He just needs to clean the house when he leaves.

  Then gave the key to Chu Qingzhi.

  Chu Qingzhi came back and opened the door, just as the food was bought, the children immediately cooked and ate.

   Eating leftovers is not as good as eating hot rice cooked by yourself!

  Not long after, the yard was filled with smoke and the smell of rice.

   "I bought the cotton-padded jackets." He Wenyong returned with a carload of cotton-padded jackets with a few servants, and immediately distributed them to the children.

   Now that there are cotton-padded jackets and hot dishes and meals, Uncle Zhang couldn't help crying again seeing the happy scenes of the children.

  Zhang Lingmei handed a torn handkerchief to Uncle Zhang, and comforted, "Grandpa, don't cry, my sister will laugh at you later."

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