Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 845: 845. An Autobiography

  Old man Zhang patted Zhang Lingmei on the back, "I'm not crying, I'm crying with joy, you guys, I met a good man."

  Zhang Lingmei looked back at Chu Qingzhi who was walking towards the Shantang, "Grandpa, we know that we will keep my sister's kindness in our hearts."

  Old man Zhang nodded, "Hurry up and eat, and call the girls."

  Zhang Lingmei said, "I've already called for it, but my sister said they've already eaten it, so let's eat it."

  Old man Zhang said, "Then eat quickly, and go help after you eat."

  Zhang Lingmei said, "Yes."

  Here, Chu Qingzhi came to Shantang to investigate with the construction team, trying to start construction as soon as possible and give the children a safe place to live.

  During the investigation, Chu Qingzhi discovered that the shantang was dilapidated, old and smelly, not like a place for people to live at all.

   But there is one good thing. Although the Shantang house is dilapidated, the foundation is very good. It can be directly rebuilt on the foundation, saving a lot of construction time.

  Nie Huiyang is in charge of the construction team. He said, "We are demolishing the house while preparing materials. When the house is demolished, we will start construction immediately."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Just do as you said, and start working."

  The construction team consisted of 15 people, all of whom were strong laborers, and they were unambiguous in their work. As soon as the "ding ding dong dong" sounded, most of the houses were demolished.

  Zhang Lingmei walked towards Chu Qingzhi and said, "Sister, we want to help with work, can we?"

  Chu Qingzhi looked at Zhang Lingmei, "The construction site is dangerous and not suitable for you."

  Zhang Lingmei thought for a while and asked, "Then what can we do, sister can arrange something suitable for us?"

  Chu Qingzhi thought about it, "How about this, there are about twenty people building houses here, you cook for them, and I will give you wages, how about it?"

   "We must cook the meals well for the uncles." Zhang Lingmei raised her head happily, "My sister doesn't need to pay us, this is what we should do."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "With the wages, I can buy some delicious food for the New Year."

  Chu Qingzhi called He Wenyong over, "Leave your meals to them in the future, and arrange for someone to go shopping with her."

   It wasn't that she didn't trust Zhang Lingmei, but that she was afraid that if she gave her money, she would be targeted by bad guys, and there were a lot of pickpockets at the end of the year.

  He Wenyong nodded, "OK."

  Zhang Lingmei looked at Qingzhi as if looking at a god, and said solemnly, "Sister, thank you."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Hurry up and get busy, otherwise the uncles will be hungry at night."

  Zhang Lingmei responded excitedly, "We'll go right away."

   "Qing Zhi!"

  The deep and familiar voice echoed in her ears, Chu Qingzhi turned her head in surprise, "Jing Hong."

  Tang Jinghong raised the corners of his mouth slightly, wearing a black cloak, facing the wind from a jade tree, staring at Chu Qingzhi with his dark eyes, tender and affectionate.

  Chu Qingzhi walked quickly towards Tang Jinghong, her eyebrows and eyes curved, "It's a day late."

  Tang Jinghong took Chu Qingzhi's hand and explained, "Do you still remember the prince of Chen'an? He insisted on asking me to accompany him on the hunt, which delayed me for a day."

  Chu Qingzhi frowned slightly and said, "Has he not gone back yet?"

  Tang Jinghong said with disgust in his tone, "He is afraid of death, so he probably won't go back."

   "Uh—" Chu Qingzhi nodded, "This should be more in line with his personality."

  Tang Jinghong was noncommittal, "Is the arrangement here?"

   "Okay." Chu Qingzhi led Tang Jinghong to the street, "Did you come here directly, or have you already returned to the village?"

  Tang Jinghong kept his eyes on Chu Qingzhi, "I've gone back to the village, otherwise I wouldn't know you were here."

  Chu Qingzhi asked, "Where are we going next?"

  Tang Jinghong looked at Chu Qingzhi's profile, "I don't want to go anywhere, I just want to stay with you."

  Chu Qingzhi secretly thought, why didn't I find Jing Hong so clingy before, "By the way, where are my two little apprentices?"

   Tang Jinghong didn't know what he thought of, so he couldn't help laughing, "The two of them came to propose marriage at the same time, which caused a sensation in the entire capital. The emperor felt that they were too high-profile, so he sent them on a secret mission."

  Chu Qingzhi, "..."

   "It's fine, let's go back to the village."

  On the way back, Chu Qingzhi suddenly thought of something, "Yunfei Academy has an end-of-year banquet tomorrow, did you send you an invitation?"

  Tang Jinghong nodded, "The invitation has been sent out, let's go together when the time comes."

  Chu Qingzhi looked at Tang Jinghong, her eyes were shining brightly, and she asked jokingly, "Why don't you ask me if they sent me an invitation?"

  You don't need to ask, Tang Jinghong said, "You are a famous person in this area. You have reputation and public opinion. It is impossible for the academy not to invite you. If you don't invite you, then I won't go either."

  Chu Qingzhi laughed, "Willful!"

  The two walked slowly towards the village. After a while, Chu Qingzhi's smile subsided, and she tilted her head and asked seriously, "Jinghong, I wrote a book for you to read, do you want to read it?"

  Tang Jinghong was flattered, "You wrote a book for me?"

   "Well, it's specially written for you." Chu Qingzhi nodded, feeling a little uneasy, wondering if Jing Hong could accept her origin?

  Tang Jinghong said eagerly, "Then I definitely want to read it. Are you finished?"

  Chu Qingzhi glanced at Tang Jinghong, with vague expectation in her eyes, "It's finished."

  Tang Jinghong was very moved, "I must read it carefully, word by word."

  Chu Qingzhi lowered her eyes slightly, "Then I'll bring it to you when I go back."

  Tang Jinghong looked forward to it, "Okay."

  Back home, Chu Qingzhi went to the room to get the autobiography.

  She secretly thought, can Jing Hong accept such a bizarre story? Although Jing Hong's thinking is enlightened enough, the content in the book must be beyond his comprehension.

  Holding the autobiography in both hands, Chu Qingzhi took a deep breath. After living for such a long time, she was extremely nervous!

   That's all, let's die early and be reborn early.

  Chu Qingzhi hurried to Tang Jinghong's house, "Jinghong, this is what I wrote. No matter how bizarre it is, you should read it and then tell me how you feel."

   Tang Jinghong became more curious when he saw Chu Qingzhi's solemn expression, "Don't worry, I can read every word."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Then look, I won't bother you anymore." After speaking, she ran away.

  Tang Jinghong felt that Chu Qingzhi was a little abnormal, but then he thought it must be related to the book, so he didn't delve into it, and planned to read the book before talking.

  He turned around and went to the study, sat upright behind the desk, and read every word.

  Beijing Orphanage.

  One night when there was heavy snowfall, a dying baby girl was thrown at the gate of the orphanage.

  In the stroller, the hungry and cold baby girl let out heart-piercing cries.

   It was this cry that saved the baby girl's life.

  Hearing the crying, the dean came out of the orphanage, looked left and right, but there was no one around, so he sighed and carried the baby girl into the orphanage...

   Some words and sentences don't know what they mean, so they can only guess at random, but Tang Jinghong looked at them and was still fascinated.

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