Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 848: 848. The Empress Enters the Village

  The little prince licked his lips and said greedily, "I want to eat something delicious, is there any?"

  Chu Qingzhi looked at the cute little dumpling and couldn't refuse, "Okay, I'll take you to eat something delicious."

  She carried the little prince on Dabai's back and sat down, and they walked towards the workshop together.

  When the children in the village saw the overbearing little prince, they all gathered around and looked curiously, "Sister Qing Zhi, who is he?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "His name is Qi'er, the child of a friend of mine. His parents are off to work now, and they will come to the village to look for him later."

  Chu Xiaoyao was very interested in the little prince, "Qi'er, would you like to play with us?"

  The little prince waved his little hand, then shook his head, "I'll play with you later, I want some snacks."

  Chu Xiaoyao looked at the white and tender little prince, and wanted to play together, "Oh, then you can eat, we will come to you later."

  The little prince smiled, "Yes."

   Came to the workshop, Chu Qingzhi put the little prince in the meeting room, then went to get some snacks, "I have everything, eat slowly."

   "Sister Chu, you are so kind." The little prince picked up a piece of dried pork and ate it, "This is the best."

  Chu Qingzhi touched the little prince's head, human cubs are really cute, "Snacks."

  In this relaxed atmosphere, several voices of conversation came over...

   "Kisaragi, I want to rest during the Chinese New Year, is that okay?"

   "I also want to rest during the Chinese New Year."

   "Kisara, can you think of a way and help us?"

  Listening to everyone's conversation, Chu Qingzhi understood what was going on, and she walked out, "Do you want to ask for leave during the Chinese New Year?"

  Everyone was a little afraid of Chu Qingzhi, but they still nodded and admitted.

  Shen Ruyue looked at Chu Qingzhi helplessly, if all of them asked for leave, the stock would be out of stock, she dared not agree.

  Chu Qingzhi hugged her arms, thought for a while, and said, "I have a way to let everyone have a holiday during the Chinese New Year. Are you willing to cooperate?"

   "As long as we can have a holiday without affecting our livelihood next year, we are all willing."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Starting from today, everyone will work an extra hour and a half every night. By the time of the Chinese New Year, it can almost make up for the two-day holiday. Then we will give everyone a holiday, how about it?"

   "Okay, okay, we'd all like to work a little longer at night."

   "That's fine." Chu Qingzhi patted Shen Ruyue's shoulder lightly, "Ruyue, make some arrangements, work more time now, and give everyone a holiday on New Year's Eve and the first day of the new year."

  Shen Ruyue nodded, "Okay."

   Here in Qing Zhi, all problems are not problems.


  Shuiyun County.

  Ning Yuting and Chu Qingyue stood at the gate of the city to welcome Grandpa Ning.

  When Grandpa Ning heard that Chu Qingyue was happy, he stayed up all night excitedly. After thinking about it all night, he decided to come to Chu Family Village to celebrate the New Year with his grandson. Now nothing is more important than his great-grandson.

  The carriage with the logo of the Ning family slowly drove into the city...

  The two went up to meet him, "Grandpa."

  Grandpa Ning immediately got out of the carriage when he heard the voices of his grandson and grandson-in-law. As soon as he stood still, he was concerned about Chu Qingyue, "Are you feeling better?"

  Chu Qingyue said, "After drinking the anti-fetal medicine prescribed by my sister, my body has completely recovered."

   "That's good, that's good. You must protect your body now, and don't make any mistakes, you know?" Grandpa Ning was very happy, and his whole body was refreshed, and he looked younger by several years.

  Chu Qingyue responded with a smile, "Yes, Grandpa."

  Ning Yuting said, "Grandpa, I bought a house in the county, and I want to wait for Qingyue to give birth before returning to the capital."

  Grandpa Ning paused, and understood Ning Yuting's approach, "That's right, there are no elders to take care of in the capital, okay, grandpa won't go back either, just wait here for the birth of his great-grandson."

  Ning Yuting is very grateful to Grandpa Ning, no matter what he does, he supports him very much, "Grandpa, let's go back first, it's cold outside."

  Grandpa Ning nodded, "OK."

   While they were talking, Ning Yuting's two maidservants, Xia Mei and Chun Li, came over, "Young Master, Young Madam."

   "You guys are here too?" Ning Yuting was a little surprised, the two maids were already married, so she didn't expect them to come.

"Let's take care of the young lady." The two maids were bought by Mrs. Ning to take care of Ning Yuting when they were young. Although they are married, they still think of kindness, but their husbands have also come, so they are not counted. separate.

  Ning Yuting nodded, "Let's go, let's talk about it when we get home."

  The two of them blessed themselves and replied, "Yes."


  Go to Chujia Village on Qingshiban Road...

  The emperor turned his head to look at the queen, "Yu Ni, does your leg hurt from walking? I can carry you..."

  Fan Yuni glanced at the emperor, "Take off the dragon robe and be yourself?" In fact, the emperor is only 21 years old, and he is still very playful.

The emperor said pitifully, "I have been forced by my father to learn this and that since I was born. Except for the New Year, I have no time to rest. I became the throne at the age of seventeen, and I am busy cleaning up the mess left by my father every day. Now I can finally breathe a sigh of relief." Yu Ni won't allow it?"

   After saying this, Fan Yuni immediately felt distressed, and shook the emperor's hand, "Then forget your identity for a few days and have fun."

  The emperor's expression brightened, "Yu Ni will play with me?"

  Fan Yuni smiled and nodded, "Okay."

  The two talked and laughed, and came all the way to the duty booth.

  The emperor stepped forward and took a look, very curious, "Yu Ni, what is this?"

   "I also met for the first time..."

  Chu Yi at the booth on duty saw the stranger coming, so he rushed out to greet him, and asked politely, "Master, madam, who are you looking for?"

  The emperor asked bluntly, "Is Chu Qingzhi in this village?"

  Chu Yi defended, "In this village, but you can't call Xiao Wu by his name directly, it's too disrespectful."


   so fresh!

   "What's that called?"

  Chu Yi glanced at the emperor, he looked very educated, why didn't he even know this, "My name is Miss Chu."

   "Oh—" the emperor stretched out his voice, and then asked, "Can you take us to Miss Chu?"

  Chu Yi nodded, "Okay, follow me."

  Led by Chu Yi, the two entered the village.

  The current Chujia Village as a whole looks like a huge manor, with new brick and tile houses lined with traffic, flowers and trees planted along the roadside, wintersweet in full bloom, and the air is always filled with the cold fragrance of wintersweet...

  The empress looked at each other. She never thought that the village could be built like this. Chu Qingzhi really had an idea. If possible, they all wanted to live in such a place.

"come on! Come on…"

  The shouts of a group of children came over, and the two looked...

  The children in the village formed a circle and were playing cockfighting on the grass. The children wore thick clothes and the grass was there, so they were not afraid of falling.

  The little prince was also standing among the children, with a bulging little cloth bag hanging on his body, and he shouted cheers along with him, holding a peanut candy in his hand, half-bitten.

  Dabai lay lazily on the side.

   Two people, "…"

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