Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 849: 849. Empress Story

  The two walked towards the little prince, but they didn't expect a blocker to appear. Seeing that the two were approaching the little prince, Dabai immediately got up, stopped in front of the little prince, and looked at them unkindly.

  The tiger's eyes are cold and frightening.

  But at this time, the little prince saw the empress and shouted, "Father and mother, why are you here so soon?"

  Empress, "..."

  Chu Qingzhi came out of the room, and handed the little prince a glass of boiled water, "Drink carefully, don't choke on it."

  Chu Yi walked towards Chu Qingzhi, "Xiao Wu, they are looking for him."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded to Chu Yi, "I see, Uncle Chu Yi, I'm sorry."

   "This is my duty, you talk to them, I will go back."


  Chu Qingzhi walked towards the empress, and said in a normal tone, "Go to Jing Hong's house, he has a small family and is relatively clean."

  The queen waved to the little prince, "Qi'er, let's go."

  The little prince waved his little hand, took a step back, and refused, "I won't go, I want to watch their cockfight."

  Queen, "…"

  Chu Qingzhi smiled at the little prince, and helped to speak, "Madam, don't worry, Dabai is watching, and there are people around to protect, no one can hurt Qi'er."

   That’s true, Dabai doesn’t even let them approach, the queen nodded, “Let’s go to the general’s house first.”

   "Let's go." Chu Qingzhi took the two of them to Tang Jinghong's house.

  When they passed by, Tang Dengping was watching at the door of Tang Jinghong's house, and when he saw Chu Qingzhi approaching, he ran away in a panic.

  Now that the empress is beside him, Chu Qingzhi didn't stop him, and walked forward as usual.

  Tang Jinghong was about to go out to see the situation, but unexpectedly, he saw the empress as soon as he walked out, "Master, madam, please come inside."

  Chu Qingzhi made a gesture to Tang Jinghong, then turned and left.

  Tang Jinghong brought the empress into the house and went to have a conversation.

  Chu Qingzhi went to find the little prince, now she has arranged everything and is free.

   Halfway through, Tang Dengping came out from behind the tree and blocked her way, "Chu, Chu Qingzhi, I have something to tell you, can you listen to me?"

  Chu Qingzhi slightly raised her eyebrows, a little curious, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

  Tang Dengping was very nervous, "My parents want my eldest brother to celebrate the New Year together, but they dare not come to him. Let me tell you, but I dare not. Can you convey it to me?"

  Chu Qingzhi frowned, "What do you want to do with Jing Hong?"

  Tang Dengping quickly waved his hands, "No, if you don't do anything, just eat the New Year's Eve dinner."

Chu Qingzhi thought to herself, if she was innocent, she would write her name upside down, "Jing Hong will eat at my house for the New Year's Eve dinner, my mother has already told him, but I will tell you for you, would Jing Hong go home to see him?" Own."

   "Thank you, thank you." Tang Dengping ran quickly, and after running far, he took a deep breath. Chu Qingzhi's aura was too strong, and he couldn't breathe when facing him.


  The capital.

   Master Xiang received a letter, and he unfolded it.

"...When Aiqing read this letter, I have been away from the palace for a long time. Aiqing can do a lot of work. The state affairs for the next half month will be entrusted to Xiangye. Xiangye doesn't need to send someone to look for him, just deal with it Just do good things for the country..."

  Master Xiang, "..."

  The elders of the three dynasties, although they want to protect their own interests, they don't only care about their own interests, regardless of their family, country and world, so don't worry too much.

   At the same time, more than a dozen important state officials in the court also received the emperor's letter.

   "This is too willful. I have no sense of responsibility at all, leaving aside the important affairs of the country and running to play!"

   "Is it really okay to leave such a big mess without discussing it?"

   "How can an emperor ignore everything?"

  ... So many ministers coerce each other, and there will be no major problems.

  For a while, the government and the public were full of condemnation of the emperor, but at this time the emperor was already happily eating barbecue in the yard of Tang Jinghong's house.

  Chu Qingzhi didn't take the identity of the empress to heart at all, her words and deeds were no different from usual.

  In his own home, Tang Jinghong is also very casual.

  The Chu family was very restrained, and they surpassed their cognition when eating with the empress.

   Seeing that her family members were really cautious, Chu Qingzhi had to let everyone go back first. Now there are only Chu Qingzhi, Tang Jinghong, the empress, the little prince, Chu Xuyuan, Chu Xuyao, and Dabai, Dalang, and Erlang in the yard.

  Tang Jinghong took the grilled chicken wings to Chu Qingzhi, "I grilled these according to the northern barbecue, you can try it."


  The emperor saw that Tang Jinghong was roasting very easily, so he also came over to roast, "Jinghong, teach me."


  Chu Xuyuan and Chu Xuyao ​​grilled on another grill, "Qi'er, do you want to eat venison?"

   "Yes, give it to me." The little prince walked over holding a small bowl, "The barbecue is delicious."

   Xiaotuanzi was captured immediately after eating barbecue for the first time.

  Chu Qingzhi and the empress sat at the table, and there were some cut fruits on the table. The empress ate an apple and looked at her son, "Qi'er has eaten much better today, will his stomach bloat?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Give Qi'er some digestive herbs later, it's fine."

   "That's fine." The queen didn't care about her son who turned into a snack, it was rare to have such an opportunity to let her son have a good meal.

  Here, the emperor said to Tang Jinghong, "I might disturb Aiqing in the next half month."

  Tang Jinghong, "..."

  The emperor said, "All state affairs have been arranged (all left to the ministers), and I plan to return to the palace after the New Year."

  Tang Jinghong nodded, "It's fine if the emperor makes arrangements, the house is spacious and you can live in whatever you want."

  The emperor waited for Tang Jinghong's words, "Okay."

  Chu Xuyao ​​asked, "Qi'er, do you want to eat grilled sausage?"

  The little prince handed over the small bowl, "Yes."

   "Here you are." The last piece of sausage, and the last two pieces of barbecued meat are all given to the little prince.

   "Thank you." The little prince went to the queen with a small bowl contentedly, "Mother, do you want to eat?"

  The queen carried her son to the stool, "You eat, there are more here, mother."

  The little prince gave the queen a piece of meat with barbecue sauce, full of filial piety, "Let's eat together."

  The queen touched her son's head, "Okay, let's eat together."

  The emperor’s first barbecue, he learned from Tang Jinghong, was a success, “Yu Ni, would you like to do me a favor and **** roast meat?”

  The queen turned her head to look, then came over with a bowl, "I'll try it."

  The empress is a general's tiger girl who has been on the battlefield. Now she is outside the palace, her words and deeds are also relaxed, and she is extraordinarily chic and sassy.

  The queen was fourteen years old at the time. Under the cover of General Fan, she disguised herself as a man and enlisted in the army.

General Fan is also a strange person. He felt that he had a lot of enemies. He was afraid that his daughter would be bullied, so he allowed his daughter to come to the barracks to practice. From this, the queen learned a whole body of skills, and now she is on the battlefield. Compared with some generals, Not too much.

   Back then, in order to protect the emperor, the first emperor sent him to the border, where he met the queen.

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