Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 857: 857. Go through the back door

Chu Qingzhi said, "The people in my fief seem to be doing well, but it is not easy to support a child to study, and many people have more than one child in their families. It is unrealistic to go to the academy and spend a few taels of money to learn A skill is the most realistic."

  For a child to study, the sum of all expenses for one year needs to be thirty taels, which is the minimum requirement.

  Working in a workshop, one person’s salary is about fifty taels a year, which is barely enough to support a child.

  If it's done by two people, it's okay.

  The emperor and queen did not speak.

  Chu Qingzhi thought for a while and said, "Actually, I think you can visit the surrounding villages."

   Only by seeing it with your own eyes can you know the truth.

  The emperor understood what Chu Qingzhi meant, so he said, "We will go around after seeing your school in a while."

   "Okay." Chu Qingzhi didn't say anything more, and continued to walk forward with a few people.

  Chu Rong came over early in the morning, "Xiao Wu."

  Chu Qingzhi walked up to Chu Rong, "Father, have you negotiated with the material supplier?"

  Chu Rong said, "We are discussing, but we haven't decided yet."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Don't worry, talk slowly and try to save costs."

  Chu Rong nodded, "I know."

  The brothers of the Wang family came over, "Miss Chu."

  Chu Qingzhi handed the design drawing to Wang Xuwen, "This is the design drawing of the school, build the school according to this shape, take a look, if there is any problem with the design, you can tell me directly."

  There may be discrepancies between the design and the actual construction. At this time, it is necessary to modify the design drawing.

  Wang Xuwen replied solemnly, "I see."

  Chu Qingzhi is very willing to give opportunities to his subordinates, "Let's go and do it, if you have any questions, just talk about it, and discuss it together."


  The entire school occupies an area of ​​about 15 acres, because Chu Qingzhi's fief is directly divided, and the steps are simple. So far, the progress has been smooth.

  Chu Qingzhi led the empress around the school, "You can study in the school for one to three years, and the annual tuition fee is one or two silver..."

  She introduced the school-running mechanism to the two of them.

  The two listened quietly, feeling like they had learned a lot, and secretly marveled in their hearts, Chu Qingzhi's thoughts were so different, probably there would be no second person with such thoughts.

   Wandering around the school, the emperor and empress followed Chu Qingzhi's suggestion and went to the surrounding villages.

  Chu Qingzhi arranged a guide for them so as not to get lost.


  The little prince was read by Tang Jinghong in his arms. Tang Jinghong was still reading the book Chu Qingzhi gave him. He was delayed by something before, so he read it intermittently and hadn't finished it yet.

  Chu Qingzhi was busy, and the empress was also very busy. The little prince was left unattended, so he temporarily handed it over to Tang Jinghong.

  The little prince is still too young, he needs to be watched by himself.

   "What are you doing?" the little prince asked Tang Jinghong, blinking his eyes, chewing on the pork bun.

   Tang Jinghong looked down at the little prince, "I'm reading a book, do you want to read it?"

  The little prince opened his ignorant eyes, "I don't understand!"

  Tang Jinghong thought for a while, "Do you want to see the picture?"

  The little prince pointed to the paintings on the wall, "A picture? That kind?"

  Tang Jinghong nodded, "Yes."

  The little prince tilted his head and thought for a while, "Then show me."

  Tang Jinghong found an enlightening book for the little prince, brought a stool over and put it aside, "Is it okay to sit here and read?"

  The little prince nodded his head, "Yes!"

   So one big and one small sit in rows and read books together.

   "Knock, knock—" There was a knock on the door, followed by Wen Shaoyuan's voice, "General, can I come in?"

  Tang Jinghong looked up, "Come in."

  Wen Shaoyuan opened the door and walked in, saluted, with an unnatural expression on his face, "General, I want to tell you something."

  Tang Jinghong said, "Speak."

  Wen Shaoyuan lowered his head slightly, "General, I want to marry Yujun, and the time is set on the twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month."

  Tang Jinghong showed some smiles, with blessings in his eyes, "Have you already discussed it?"

  Wen Shaoyuan nodded, "It's been discussed."

  Tang Jinghong said, "Then I'll find someone to help you organize it and have fun."

  Wen Shaoyuan responded gratefully, "Thank you, General."

   Now it will be delayed again, Tang Jinghong has no choice but to close the book, "Qi'er, I have to go out to do some errands, can I come back to read later?"

  The little prince followed Tang Jinghong's example and closed the book, "OK."

  Embracing the little prince, Tang Jinghong came to the grocery store, "Auntie, Shaoyuan and Yujun are going to get married on the twenty-fourth day, can you help me with it?"

   "Okay, I'll find someone to help with the planning right away." Li Qingyu agreed without hesitation, and holding a happy event will also bring blessings to people.

  The marriage between Wen Shaoyuan and Hong Yujun began to be prepared under the arrangement of Li Qingyu. Both of them are now considered to be members of the village, so the whole village was mobilized, and the village became lively again.


  Shuiyun County, Ning Yuting's home.

  In the pavilion, Grandpa Ning and Gu Qizhong were playing chess.

  Gu Qizhong is their current neighbor. The younger generations of the Gu family are busy every day and have no time to accompany him. After Grandpa Ning came, the two met by chance and became friends and kept each other company.

   Gu Qizhong looked at the Shaqima on the plate, and asked in puzzlement, "Isn't this Shaqima sold out every day? Why are there so many in your house?"

  Grandpa Ning smiled triumphantly, "This Shaqima is sold by my in-laws, and they are out of stock, so naturally I won't be out of stock here."

   "Didn't you see that you have such a big background?" Gu Qizhong's eyes widened, "Let's not talk about this, the other party is your in-laws, so can you help me walk through the back door and buy twenty catties of Shaqima?"

  Shaqima will be new in the store every day, but it is often sold out as soon as it is new.

  In addition to Shaqima, other pork shops, small cakes, and potato chips are like this, and they are very popular.

  Grandpa Ning was puzzled, "Why are you buying so much?"

  Gu Qizhong smacked his lips and said, "I'll eat some myself, and then share some with my friends. Everyone has bad teeth, so it's best to eat Shaqima."

  Grandpa Ning laughed, "That's right, okay, my granddaughter-in-law will come back later, I'll ask her, if you can buy it, I'll take you to the village to buy it, and you can choose it yourself."

   "That's a good relationship." Gu Qizhong turned around and asked, "By the way, who is your granddaughter-in-law?"

  Grandpa Ning said proudly, "Chu Qingyue from Chu Family Village."

   Gu Qizhong was surprised again, "Chu Qingzhi's sister?"

  Grandpa Ning asked, "Do you know Chu Qingzhi?"

  Gu Qizhong laughed, "Who in Shuiyun County doesn't know Chu Qingzhi, you are a lucky person, and I can get rich in the future."

  Grandpa Ning said loudly, "Small problem."

  The two were chatting, and Chu Qingyue came back, "Grandpa, I bought you a lot of food again, if you want to eat, let the servant girl take it."

  Grandpa Ning said, "Okay, by the way, Qingyue, can your family still buy Shaqima?"

  Chu Qingyue said, "Yes, there are grocery stores."

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