Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 858: 858. Shopping at the grocery store

   "Grocery store?" Gu Qizhong took the phone, "I heard that there is a grocery store in Chujia Village. Is it yours?"

  Chu Qingyue said, "It was opened by my natal family. The grocery store sells very cheap things for the convenience of the villagers. If you have time, you can go and look around. They have everything, not worse than the ones in the county town."

   Gu Qizhong thought for a while, and said to Grandpa Ning, "How about we go now?"

  Grandpa Ning is fine anyway, "Okay, I'll let someone prepare the carriage."

  Grandpa Ning asked Chu Qingyue, "Are you still going to the village?"

  Chu Qingyue nodded, "I'll go with you and go shopping."

  They bought a house in the county seat, even if they moved the family here, as the hostess of the family, they need to take care of everything in the house.

   Sitting in the carriage, the three of them and the two servant girls went to Chu's Village.

  After Chunli and Xia Mei saw Chu Family Village, they also liked the village very much. They bought many New Year's goods back and forth back to their small home.


  Chujia Village grocery store.

  After entering the village, Grandpa Ning felt that there were many changes in the village.

For example, there are two more dense houses, those houses are well repaired, green brick houses, small fenced yards, the houses are not big, but they look extraordinarily exquisite, hidden among the dense green woods, every time you look at the past a view.

   Of these two houses, one belongs to Xiao Chen and the others, and the other belongs to Wan Haonan and the others. The construction period was rushed, and it was finally completed at the end of November.

   It has been renovated for more than half a month, and now I am busy moving, and I am busy all day long.

  Looking past the scenery, Grandpa Ning came to the small square in front of the grocery store.

  After getting off the carriage, he looked around, and then his eyes stayed on the workshop area.

  A circle of walls encloses the land. There are many houses in the wall, and there are green trees growing between the houses. Although it is winter, it feels full of vitality.

  He looked back and looked around the village.

  There are many new houses in the village, and the road between the houses is paved with bluestone slabs, extending in all directions, which is better and smoother than the county town.

  There are clumps of flowers and plants on the side of the road. This time, the whole village has become newer and more beautiful than the last time.

  Gu Qizhong looked at the scene in the village, and was amazed again and again, "Brother Ning, I want to come to this village to retire, I wonder if it is possible?"

  Grandpa Ning smiled, "You can ask Qing Zhitong if you agree to move your household registration into the fiefdom. If you agree, you can come to the village to retire."

   It’s okay for him to change the household registration, but his sons are afraid that they won’t agree, so Gu Qizhong had no choice but to give up, “Haha, it’s okay to come and play often.”

  Li Qingyu was helping Wen Shaoyuan prepare the wedding banquet, and came to get some things. Unexpectedly, Grandpa Ning came forward to say hello, "Grandpa Yu Ting, come and sit." Then he greeted Gu Qizhong, "Uncle, come and sit too."

  Chu Qingyue introduced to Li Qingyu, "Mother, he is our neighbor, Grandpa Gu, who came here specially to buy Shaqima."

  Li Qingyu said enthusiastically, "Shaqima Workshop just brought some over, how much do you want, I'll get it for you?"

   "If there are many, I'll ask for ten catties..." Gu Qizhong thought for a while, "I'll look at the others, and if they fit, I'll buy them together."

   "Okay, please come inside."

  Gu Qizhong and Grandpa Ning walked into the grocery store together. After entering, they were once again surprised by the way the items were displayed.

  This grocery store is completely different from what they imagined. There are many shelves neatly placed in the room, and each shelf is full of things. The things look new and practical, making people want to buy them.

   "Grandpa Ning." Chu Qingzhi looked at the accounts at the side, saw Grandpa Ning coming in, and greeted him.

  Grandpa Ning smiled and nodded, "I didn't expect you to be here."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "I have nothing to do now, so I just came over to look at the store, Grandpa Ning, you can choose whatever you want to buy, there is a basket over there, you can use the basket to pack it, and just come here to pay when the time comes."

  Li Qingyu was going to host a wedding banquet. She was fine, so she came to visit the grocery store.

  Grandpa Ning nodded, "OK."

  Du Qiaolan chose something and walked over, "Sister Qingzhi, you can buy all the things you need in your grocery store."

  Chu Qingzhi said modestly, "There are still a lot of things that I didn't think about carefully. If you find something missing, you can tell me, and I will buy it immediately."

  Du Qiaolan nodded with a smile, "OK."

  Grandpa Ning watched and nodded secretly. The way of shopping is also very special.

   Gu Qizhong looked at this scene, and felt it was very novel, and he couldn't wait to choose something, "Brother Ning, let's go."

  Chu Qingyue walked to Chu Qingzhi's side, and out of curiosity, she brought over the account book she was looking through.

  The grocery store has only been open for half a month...

  The net profit on the first day was two hundred and thirteen taels.

  The net profit on the second day was one hundred and fifty taels.

  The net profit on the second day was one hundred and thirty taels.


  The net profit on the thirteenth day was eighty-two taels.

  The net profit on the fourteenth day was seventy-nine taels.

  In the end, the net profit was almost stable at 70 to 80 taels. Now that the Chinese New Year is coming, people come to buy New Year’s goods every day, which is why the profits are so high.

  Chu Qingyue secretly exclaimed, her fifth younger sister really can succeed in anything, even opening a grocery store in the village can make money.

   Gu Qizhong stopped in front of a shelf, looked at the rheumatism plaster, and was surprised, "I didn't expect to sell this?"

  Grandpa Ning said, "This is the medicine made by Qingzhi, and it works very well. After Qingyue took it back and used it for me, the rheumatism on my legs eased a lot."

   Gu Qizhong was a little interested, "Then I will also buy two stickers. If the effect is good, I will buy it again."

  Grandpa Ning nodded, "Buy it, you won't regret it."

   Gu Qizhong took two pieces of rheumatism plaster, and continued to choose things.

  There is a guy standing in front of the shelves. There is no monitoring or anything, and they can only use manual work. "If customers want to find something and don't find it, you can tell me and I will find it for you."

   Gu Qizhong was very satisfied, "This guy is good."

  The clerks were hired later, because there was a theft in the store, no one saw it, and there were so many people coming and going, it was impossible to check, so these clerks were added, and with these clerks, there will be no more theft.

  Grandpa Ning said, "The service is very considerate."

  Gu Qizhong was about to leave, but suddenly stopped, "Do you have anything for children to play in your store?"

   "Yes, please over there." The clerk pointed to the right direction with his finger. After the clerk over there saw it, he would guide the guests.

  A guy manages a shelf aisle. If something is stolen, the guy needs to pay half of the responsibility, and the responsibility falls on the head.

  Gu Qizhong and Grandpa Ning walked over, there is half a shelf here with children's toys, there are wooden horses, dolls, small wooden swords, Nezha guns, ..., all the cheap toys on the market are here.

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