Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 859: 859. You Are a Fairy

   Gu Qizhong thought about the hobbies of his two grandsons, and chose a small wooden sword and a Nezha gun.

  Grandpa Ning watched Gu Qizhong buy toys, and he was looking forward to the birth of his great-grandson even more. When the time came, he would definitely bring his little grandson to buy toys.

  Li Qingyu chose things at the grocery store, asked Li and Mei to keep accounts, and then they will calculate together, and then they are going to take the things to Wen Shaoyuan's house.

   At this moment, Li Xiangxiu, who had borrowed money from her before, came over with several women.

  These people played very well with Li Qingyu when they were young, but they didn't have much contact with them after they got married.



  Everyone greeted Li Qingyu warmly.

  Li Qingyu put down the things in his hand, and greeted several people, "Welcome, welcome, on New Year's Eve, there are cheap things in the store, you can choose whatever you want."

  However, a few people did not come to buy things.

  Li Xiangxiu thought about what her husband said to her, her eyes turned red, and she cried, "Qingyu, can you help me again?"

  Seeing people crying, Li Qingyu quickly asked, "Has something happened at home again?"

Li Xiangxiu nodded, "Zhao Changliang's health has deteriorated. All the silver you lent me before was given to him for medical treatment. Now that it's Chinese New Year, I don't have a single grain of rice at home. If I hadn't lost my way, I wouldn't have come to see you again." , Qingyu, can you help me?"

  Li Qingyu hesitated, ten taels of silver, plus the medicine prescribed by Xiao Wu, Zhao Changliang's body should improve faster, how could it get worse?

  Before Li Xiangxiu came to Li Qingyu to borrow money, Li Qingyu told Chu Qingzhi about the matter, and Chu Qingzhi saw that Li Qingyu valued the handkerchief, so she gave her a medicine.

  Li Qingyu immediately asked fellow villagers to take it back to Li Xiangxiu.

   "Xiangxiu, didn't you give Zhao Changliang the medicine I brought back for you?"

  Li Xiangxiu paused guiltily, and said, "I ate it, but it didn't improve."

  Actually, Zhao Changliang got better the next day after taking the medicine. After taking the medicine for half a month, he could get out of bed, and now it doesn’t affect his daily life anymore. There is no deterioration at all.

  Li Qingyu became more suspicious. She would still believe the medicine prescribed by Xiao Si if she said it didn't improve, but the medicine prescribed by Xiao Wu would definitely cure the disease, and it would never aggravate the disease.

  Lee Hyang-soo is lying!

  Thinking of this, Li Qingyu was disappointed. Li Xiangxiu must have lied to borrow money from her.

  She took pity on her back then, and kindly lent her money without even thinking about asking her to pay it back. She also helped her husband find work. Unexpectedly, Li Xiangxiu was not grateful at all.

"Xiangxiu, let me ask you again, is it true that Zhao Changliang's condition has deteriorated?" The smile on Li Qingyu's face disappeared, "There are people working in the workshop in your village, and I can verify the truth of what you said immediately." Fake?!"

  Li Xiangxiu even forgot to cry, Li Qingyu found out that she had lied, she was flustered for a while, she showed her weakness, "Qingyu, I really have to, don't blame me, okay?"

  After Zhao Changliang tasted the sweetness, he brainwashed Li Xiangxiu every day, wanting to be a white wolf with empty hands, so this scene happened.

Li Qingyu didn't want to make too much trouble, so she said, "If you leave now, I can act as if nothing happened. By the way, when will you pay me back the money I lent you? Tell Zhao Changliang to go out and find a job." Do it, return it to me as soon as possible."

  Li Xiangxiu was dumbfounded. She originally wanted to borrow money, but she didn't expect to be asked to pay it back. Such a gap was hard for her to accept.

   But Li Qingyu is not her mother, so she will not spoil her, and there is no way to take advantage of her.


   "It's not negotiable!" After Li Qingyu said that, she took her things and left.

  The women who followed Li Xiangxiu looked at each other. They also came to borrow money, but they haven't had time to speak yet.

   Li Xiangxiu borrowed money from Li Qingyu, and was very happy. She talked about it and many people knew about it.

   Hearing that Li Xiangxiu borrowed money so easily, they also wanted to try it, but...

   Several women looked at Li Xiangxiu complainingly. If she hadn't lied and deceived others, Li Qingyu would have borrowed it. Not only can she not borrow it now, but she is also disgusting!

  They looked at each other, left Li Xiangxiu and left together.

  Li Xiangxiu "betrayed all relatives", and finally had no choice but to leave in despair.

   Now only these people come to the Chu family to borrow money, and other relatives and friends will not.

Everyone knows that if you come to the Chu family to borrow money, you can borrow money, but you need to write an IOU, and you have to write when to pay it back. If you don’t pay it back, it will implicate the people who work in the workshop. Under such circumstances, most people will not come to borrow money. .

  Chu Qingzhi and Chu Qingyue listened to the words outside, looked at each other and smiled, their mother was getting smarter.


  At night, Tang Jinghong carefully prepared a supper table.

  Yes, a table of supper, sesame drink fine powder, plain sugar, ice and snow cold yuanzi,..., crystal corners and other ten kinds, each of which looks very delicate and delicious.

  Chu Qingzhi was invited to come, seeing the table full of suppers, she couldn't help but smile, "Prepare me so much food?"

  Tang Jinghong pulled the chair away, "Sit down and talk."

  Chu Qingzhi sat on the chair and asked with a smile, "It's so grand, do you have something nice to tell me?"

  Tang Jinghong sat next to Chu Qingzhi, held his hand, and stared at Chu Qingzhi, with distressed and novelty in his gentle gaze, which was a bit inconceivable.

  He slowed down, and said in a low voice, "Qing Zhi, the book you showed me, the Chu Zixi written in it, is you, right?"

   It's very unusual, so he believed the story that broke the inherent thinking.

Chu Qingzhi narrowed her gaze, looked into Tang Jinghong's deep eyes, and slowly withdrew her smile. A lot of guesses about Tang Jinghong's feelings about reading appeared in her heart, but she quickly suppressed them all, and she opened her lips, "It's me. .”

  In an instant, Tang Jinghong's eyes were filled with distressing pain...

  In the book, Chu Zixi was abandoned since she was a child, and was bullied in the orphanage because of her small size, and was finally adopted by her master.

  Master is a man who pretends to have deep hatred in his heart. He thinks of revenge every day, and has brought Chu Zixi into danger several times.

  Later, after she cultivated a little higher, she helped her master avenge her death, but in the end, her master's deadline came again, and she was left alone again.

  Although her cultivation base is high, she also experienced life and death several times while traveling, and was plotted against by her closest friends. Chu Zixi almost died that time, but luckily other friends caught up...

  The brutal killings in the realm of comprehension filled the entire page, and he was terrified watching it, and kept sweating.

  At this moment, Tang Jinghong felt that Chu Qingzhi was the moon in the sky. He could only look at it, but couldn't touch it. The sense of distance made him a little powerless, "I really didn't expect you to be a fairy."

  Chu Qingzhi reached out and caressed Tang Jinghong's handsome face, "I haven't become a fairy yet, so I can't be considered a fairy."

   "As long as you go back to the sky." It's hard to imagine that there are gods in the sky, and I don't know how lucky he was to meet a fairy. He has no regrets in this life.

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