Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 861: 861. Small business

  Eating and eating, Chu Qingyan felt that something was wrong, looked around with doubts in her eyes, and then walked towards Tang Jinghong.

  She glanced at the young man who had a good chat with Tang Jinghong, and then asked, "Brother Jinghong, have you seen my fifth sister?"

   Tang Jinghong froze for a moment, glanced at the young man out of the corner of his eye, and said, "I didn't see your Fifth Sister."

  Chu Qingyan was a little anxious, "Then look for it quickly, I'll finish eating in a while, what does my Fifth Sister eat?"

   "You go to eat. If your fifth sister doesn't eat later, I'll make it for her alone, okay?" Qing Zhi is by his side, where can I find another Qing Zhi?

  Chu Qingyan looked around again, still worried, "Why don't you look for it?"

  The young man held back his smile and said, "There's no need to look for her. She's back in her room. She's a little tired and resting. Please don't bother her."

  Chu Qingyan looked at the boy, blinked a little embarrassedly, "Really?"

  The young man nodded, "Really, go and eat quickly, your mother left food for her."

  Chu Qingyan hesitated for a moment, let Fifth Sister rest, and deliver her food later, "Oh, then I'll go back."

  The boy laughed, "Go."

  Tang Jinghong looked at the boy and said deliberately, "Eat more, go back and rest after eating."

  The young man raised his eyebrows slightly, "Thank you for caring about me."

  Tang Jinghong served a bowl of soup for the young man, put it in front of him, and said softly, "Drink it."

  Chu Xuhua and Chu Xujin, who were at the same table, kept looking at the two of them. The young man was handsome and handsome, but he was too close to Brother Jing Hong?

  The young man ate with a smile. If he spends more time with Jing Hong, rumors that Jing Hong likes men will spread.

   After a quick meal, the boy said goodbye and left.

  Walking to the entrance of the village, the young man stood in the dark, making a formula in his hand, and with a flash of inspiration, the young man became Chu Qingzhi.

   Having a wedding banquet and having to play two roles, no one is more tired than her.

   Coming out of the darkness, Chu Qingzhi walked towards the village.

  Just two steps away, I saw Tang Jinghong walking towards the entrance of the village. After seeing her, he quickened his pace, "I'm afraid you'll be cold, so I'll bring you some clothes."

   As he spoke, he put the cloak in his hand on Chu Qingzhi's body.

  The cloak is snow-white, and the neckline is fluffy, which makes Chu Qingzhi's skin more delicate and white, and the more she looks, the more beautiful she looks.

  Tang Jinghong looked down at Chu Qingzhi, his eyes slightly fascinated, "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

   Actually said a word of love, Chu Qingzhi pursed her lips, "I will show you more beautiful ones in the future."

  Tang Jinghong stretched out his hand and touched Chu Qingzhi's head, feeling a little helpless, "Don't need to know, no matter who I see, you are the most beautiful in my heart."

  Chu Qingzhi held Tang Jinghong's hand, "Go home."

  The two walked towards the village side by side. They were both slender and straight figures, one white and one black. Under the moonlight, they matched extremely harmoniously.



  Unknowingly, another few days have passed, and the year-end is getting closer.

  Zhang Lingmei and a few children came to Uncle Zhang with a small wooden bucket and said, "Grandpa, we want to water the vegetable field, can we?"

  Old man Zhang nodded, "Okay, but don't step on the vegetable field, water it slowly."

  Zhang Lingmei nodded, "Understood, Grandpa."

  Old man Zhang watched a few children go to the vegetable field, and then continued to make furniture. Now he is making tables. When the shantang is built, these tables will be used as dining tables.

  Old man Zhang’s workmanship is quite good. The table is solid and not wobbly, so it can be sold if it is sold.

  The vegetables in the vegetable field have sprouted. Looking from a distance, it looks like a green veil has been laid on the ground.

  The children fetched water from the well in the yard of Shantang and used it to water the field.

  The children are all used to these tasks, and they are quite familiar with the road. They watered the vegetable field very quickly.

  When Chu Qingzhi arrived, she saw the children gathered around the vegetable field, staring at the vegetable field.

   All children, big and small, are here.

  Chu Qingzhi was a little puzzled, "What are you looking at?"

  Hearing Chu Qingzhi's voice, the children all turned their heads to look over, and raised bright smiles, "Sister, you are here."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, "Come and see you." She said and took the sugar cake she brought to Zhang Lingmei, "Take it and share it with younger brothers and sisters."

  Zhang Lingmei thanked sweetly, "Thank you sister."

  Xia Dongming walked up to Chu Qingzhi and said, "Sister, we were looking at the vegetable seedlings just now, and we come to the vegetable field every day to look at them for a while."

  Chu Qingzhi asked, "Why do you want to watch it?"

  Xia Dongming said curiously, "Look at how they grow up."

   Sure enough, the child's world is full of exploration, Chu Qingzhi said, "These dishes can only be eaten next year, so you don't need to look at them every day. By the way, do you want to start a small business and make some money?"

  All the children's eyes lit up, they didn't grab the snacks, they all gathered around, looking at Chu Qingzhi expectantly.

  Zhang Lingmei swallowed, the desire in her eyes was the strongest, "Sister, can you really teach us how to make money?"

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Yes, as long as you are willing to do it."

  Zhang Lingmei said eagerly, "We are willing, as long as we can make money, we are willing to suffer, no matter how hard it is."

  Chu Qingzhi recognized Zhang Lingmei very much, "That's fine, I'll go buy the materials, and I'll come back later to teach you."

  The children all watched Chu Qingzhi eagerly.

  Zhang Lingmei ran to old man Zhang and shouted excitedly, "Grandpa, grandpa, sister wants to teach us how to do small business, we can make money."

  Uncle Zhang couldn't believe it, "Really?"

  Zhang Lingmei nodded and said excitedly, "Really, my sister went to buy materials, and she will come back to teach us in a while."

  Old man Zhang warned, "My sister is so kind to you, you should study hard, and you must repay her when you will be promising in the future."

  Zhang Lingmei assured, "Grandpa, don't worry, we will."

  Old man Zhang was filled with emotion. With Chu Qingzhi's help, the dozens of abandoned people in Shantang finally had a way out.

  Chu Qingzhi came back not long after. She bought a lot of colorful ropes, and she planned to teach children to weave them. This was the inspiration she got from the jade worn by passers-by.

  The knot can be used on the girl's headdress, and it will be very beautiful when worn with a suitable knot.

  It can be braided into animal shapes, such as butterflies, dragonflies, birds, etc., and can also be inlaid on hairpins as headgears.

  It can also be woven into the shape of flowers and plants, such as chrysanthemums, peonies, and four seasons flowers. It can be used as a decoration for clothes and can be used in many occasions.

  It can also be woven into shoes, small clothes, small pants, and used as decorations. It is small and exquisite, very beautiful.

   Some of these places need to be glued with pigskin glue, but use less pigskin glue and it can be hidden in the knot without affecting the appearance.

   Just do it...

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