Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 862: 862. One hundred fish

  Chu Qingzhi called the children over, put the colored ropes on the table, and taught everyone to weave little by little, starting with the simple ones, the ones in the style of copper coins.

  The copper coin is brown, so I used a brown color rope and weaved it with a double-coin knot. One thread was woven by Chu Qingzhi's skillful hands, and after some weaving, it became a copper coin.

  A child applauded, "Wow, my sister is amazing."

  Chu Qingzhi asked everyone, "Did you see clearly what I did just now?"

  The children all shook their heads, only Zhang Lingmei nodded, "I see clearly, sister, I will make it up for you."

  She took a brown colored rope in her hand, folded it in half, turned it over, threaded it, pulled it, and a copper coin was woven.

  Chu Qingzhi took the copper coins in her hand and looked at them, "It's a good weave. You will teach your younger brothers and sisters to make up five hundred first, and I will pay you two cents each."

   It’s Chinese New Year, and the workshop also distributes some souvenirs.

  Zhang Lingmei felt that the pie was falling from the sky, she was about to be knocked out, "Sister, we all listen to you."

  Chu Qingzhi patted Zhang Lingmei on the shoulder twice, "Then make it up, work hard, and life will get better in the future."

  Zhang Lingmei nodded, "Yes, sister."

  Chu Qingzhi and Zhang Lingmei taught the children to weave copper coins. With the craft, they will have the ability to make a living. Everyone has learned it seriously.

  When Tang Jinghong came over, he saw Chu Qingzhi teaching the children to weave in the yard, and old man Zhang beside him was making a table.

  The originally plain courtyard became full of color because of Chu Qingzhi's presence.


  Chu Qingzhi waved to Tang Jinghong, "Come here."

  Tang Jinghong walked quickly to Chu Qingzhi, and asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

  Chu Qingzhi pointed to the colored rope, "What kind of pattern do you like, I'll weave one for you?"

  Tang Jinghong looked at Chu Qingzhi's smiling face, and asked in a strange way, "Can you weave a girl just like you?"

   "Your idea is really novel." Chu Qingzhi glanced at Tang Jinghong and said, "I haven't made it up, I'll try."

   Tang Jinghong said, "Do you need help?"

   "No, just watch it." Chu Qingzhi secretly thought, Jing Hong was also working hard, although he was at home, he was always dealing with military affairs, and he often didn't sleep until late at night.

  Tang Jinghong didn't really just watch. After watching Zhang Lingmei weave two copper coins, he picked up a red rope and learned to weave.

   "Quite simple."

   "You can do it too?" Chu Qingzhi stopped knitting in her hands and looked at Tang Jinghong's hand. His knuckle fingers were holding a copper coin.

  Tang Jinghong nodded, "Well, just take a look."

  The kids felt overwhelmed, "Why can't we watch it once?"

  Tang Jinghong said, "Because you are too young and lack learning ability, you will be fine when you grow up."

  The children exclaimed, "It's great to grow up."

  Tang Jinghong smiled and encouraged, "Eat more, work more, you will grow up soon."

  The children nodded in unison, "We will."

  Under the teaching of Zhang Lingmei, after a period of time, the children all learned to weave copper coins, and they weaved well, looking decent.

  Zhang Lingmei showed the braided copper coins to Chu Qingzhi, "Sister, is this okay?"

  Chu Qingzhi took the copper coin in Zhang Lingmei's hand and adjusted it, "This way, don't leave thread ends, weave slowly, don't worry."

  Zhang Lingmei responded obediently, "I see."

  He Wenyong came over and saw everyone knitting, "Are you knitting for fun, or are you selling them?"

  Chu Qingzhi replied, "It's for sale, do you want to buy it?"

  He Wenyong said, "I'm not in business, but I have a friend who is in the headwear business and is worried about the colors. If this knot is more delicately woven, or made into flowers or something, he should want it."

  This is an opportunity, Chu Qingzhi said, "Where is he, can I invite him to talk?"

  He Wenyong thought for a while and said, "I'll go and talk about it. If I'm free, I'll bring him here directly."

   "Then I will trouble you."

   "It's too serious."

  In the afternoon, He Wenyong brought over his friend, Yin Xuegui, a businessman specializing in various accessories.

  Chu Qingzhi compiled a lot of knots, including animals, flowers, and decorations, a total of twenty types, "Shopkeeper Yin, take a look, if it doesn't fit, you can make another one."

  Yin Xuegui picked up a butterfly-shaped knot, looked back and forth carefully, "Miss Chu, you made these up?"

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Well, what's the problem?"

  Yin Xuegui waved his hand and said hastily, "No problem, what I want to say is that it's too delicate, those girls will definitely like it."

   Zhang Lingmei and other children stared closely at Yin Xuegui, hoping that he would buy their knot.

  Yin Xuegui said again, "I like these knots very much. If the price is right, I will accept it."

Chu Qingzhi observed Yin Xuegui's expression, and said, "If shopkeeper Yin accepts it for a long time, we can charge the simple ones for five cents a piece, and for more complicated ones, if necessary, we can also edit them, but they need to be calculated separately. price."

  Two ropes cost a penny, and five pennies is already a lot of money.

   "Just do what the girl said." Yin Xuegui was quite straightforward, "It's Chinese New Year now, and many people buy new year's goods. First, you use red rope to weave a hundred fish. I'll pick them up tomorrow. How about it?"

  Chu Qingzhi agreed on behalf of the children, "Yes."

  In order to increase the confidence of the children, Chu Qingzhi asked Yin Xuegui to write the contract. With the guarantee, everyone's enthusiasm will be higher.

  Yin Xuegui was busy going back to do business, and left after talking.

  Chu Qingzhi, Tang Jinghong and the children weaved fish together.

  Zhang Lingmei worried, "Sister, if we help him weave fish, we may not be able to weave the copper coins you want."

  Chu Qingzhi didn't care, "It's okay, as long as you have at that time, it counts."

  Zhang Lingmei looked at Chu Qingzhi with gratitude in her eyes, "Sister, thank you."

   "I can help so much, and the rest is up to you. By the way, remember to come to Chujia Village to seal the Wei and get the grain seeds during the spring plowing next year. Don't miss the time."

  "I remember it firmly, and I will never forget it."

  Nie Huiyang strode over, "Qing Zhi, the house is finished, come and take a look."

  The children took the lead and said, "Uncle, is the house really built?"

  Nie Huiyang smiled and nodded, "It's finished, you can come and see it."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Let's go together."

  Old man Zhang heard that the house was built, and the ax in his hand fell off. Zhang Lingmei stepped forward to support him, and they went to the shantang together.

  Shantang is just next door. It is no longer dilapidated and in disrepair, but a brand new one.

  The entrance is a big yard, with houses on the left and right sides, and some farm tools or harvested grain will be placed in the future.

  The front is the main house.

  Walk into the main room, it is very spacious, it is used to receive guests, or hold gatherings, and there is no furniture yet.

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