Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 863: 863. Completion of Shantang

  There is a door on the left side of the main house, through the door, it is an inner courtyard, surrounded by houses, a bit like a courtyard, each house is very spacious and bright.

  This includes the children's residence, Mr. Zhang's room, the area for daily activities, the kitchen, the dining room, etc., everything that needs to be used is available.

  The flower beds in the inner courtyard can also be planted with some flowers and plants. If you want to be more practical, you can plant fruits and vegetables.

  Chu Qingzhi looked at every house, made a formal inspection, and finally came to the front yard, "Brother Nie, the house is well repaired, please go and inform the children, it can be used as a home."

  Nie Huiyang responded with a smile, "Okay, I'll go right away."

   It happened that He Wenyong and Duan Qidao had sorted out the various record books and brought them to her.

  Chu Qingzhi brought over the account book and looked through it. I believe it will take a while, but I still have to read it so that I know what I know.

  Seeing that there were still a few books left, Tang Jinghong picked up one to read.

  The record booklet is not thick, so I read it in half an hour.

  Chu Qingzhi signed her name on the booklet one by one, and the business of Shantang was completely over, but she added an item in the account, giving Shantang one hundred taels of silver as a gift.

  These children are all good-natured, hardworking and motivated, and they can give some support as appropriate.

  Old man Zhang was holding a hundred taels of silver in his hand, and was so moved that he said, "Don't worry, girl, I will definitely spend the money on the children."

  Chu Qingzhi believed in Uncle Zhang, "For Shantang, you can just look at the flowers."

  Hearing that Chu Qingzhi was leaving, the children of Shantang stopped moving and came to the gate of Shantang to see her off.

  Zhang Lingmei bowed deeply to Chu Qingzhi, "Sister, thank you."

  The other children also bowed and thanked Chu Qingzhi.

  Chu Qingzhi stretched out her hand and patted Zhang Lingmei's shoulder, "You will have to go on your own in the future, but if you encounter any unsolvable problems, you can come to Chu Family Village to find me."

  Zhang Lingmei said gratefully, "Sister, we know."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Weave the knot well, I have taught you all the tricks, if you can, you can try to innovate, you don't have to follow the rules, understand?"

  Zhang Lingmei nodded, "Sister, I understand."

  Chu Qingzhi didn't know that the handicrafts she casually gave to the children today would be made bigger and stronger by Zhang Lingmei in the future, becoming Daling's largest knitting supplier.

The children continued to move, and after cleaning, Chu Qingzhi took the keys and returned them to the owner of the house, and then went to the county government to write a notice to tell everyone about the completion of the Shantang, and put the accounts and other books in the house. I went to the notice to show everyone, and then went back to Chujia Village.


   Qingwan women's clothing store.

  The shopkeeper handed an account book to Chu Qingyue, "Young Madam, this is the general account, please take a look."

  Chu Qingyue sat on the chair and opened the account book. The accounts have been calculated, so you can just read the end.

  The total turnover of the store since its opening is 3,000 taels, of which 1,800 taels are costs, and the net profit is 1,200 taels.

  Chu Qingyue was very happy. It is very rare for a store selling clothes to make so much money. There are no more than ten shops in the entire county.

  In the first half of the year, Wumei sent her a batch of high-quality fabrics. She said she would give Wumei a dividend, and now she can give it to her.

  Chu Qingyue gave fifty taels to the shopkeeper, and asked him to share it with the people in the shop as a New Year gift, leaving one hundred and fifty taels for the operation of the shop, and she took the rest of the money back to her natal family.

   "Fifth Sister, come quickly." Chu Qingyue pulled Chu Qingzhi upstairs.

   "Second Sister, pay attention to your belly, don't walk so fast." Chu Qingzhi hurriedly reminded that if there is a bump, it will not be good to affect the child.

  Chu Qingyue slowed down her pace, smiled and said, "Now the person in my stomach is small, I don't feel anything, just ignore him if you don't pay attention."

  Chu Qingzhi was also worried, "The Ning family values ​​this child very much. If an accident happens, the situation of the second sister in the husband's family may be very difficult."

  Chu Qingyue's face froze, "I was negligent, and I will pay attention to it in the future."

  Chu Qingzhi saw that Chu Qingyue had listened, so she returned to the topic, "Second Sister, what do you want from me?"

  Chu Qingyue handed the five hundred taels of silver to Chu Qingzhi, "How about it, surprise?"

  Chu Qingzhi looked at the bank note, not knowing why, "Second Sister, what do you mean?"

"This is a dividend for you, I have always kept it in my heart." Chu Qingyue pulled Chu Qingzhi's hand over and put the bank note in the latter's hand, "Don't refuse, Second Sister really appreciates your support , and the fabric you gave me, the fabric is all sold out now..."

  After hearing what Chu Qingyue said, Chu Qingzhi had no choice but to accept the banknote, "I wish my second sister's business will get better and better."

  Chu Qingyue smiled and nodded, "It will definitely."

   "By the way, Qingzhi, on the twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, Yu Ting booked a private room at the Fortune Restaurant and invited everyone to have a reunion dinner."

   "Brother Jing Hong will also come, Yu Ting has already told him, you call him when the time comes."

  Chu Qingzhi agreed, "Okay."


  The people from the post station came to Chu Family Village and handed Chu Qingzhi a letter.

  Chu Qingzhi took out the letter to read it, her lips curled up slowly, it was a thank you letter written to her by the people from the Shantang in the capital.

  It is said that they have successfully lived a prosperous and good life by selling braised pork, and some children have gone to apprentices to learn crafts, and even some children have gone to other people's shops to work as small stewards...

  With over 2,000 words in eloquence, he wrote down all the changes in the Shantang on paper.

  Chu Qingzhi read it carefully, from beginning to end, at the end of the letter, she wished sister Chu more and more beautiful, happy New Year's Eve!

  Chu Qingzhi bent her eyes and smiled, and wrote a reply letter to the children.

  I didn't expect these children to write letters to her, which surprised her.

  After writing the letter, she asked the delivery team to take it to the capital and hand it over to the children of Shantang.


  Tang Jinghong's family.

  Tang Jinghong walked towards the emperor who was painting in the yard, "Master, I'm going to the county town for a reunion dinner tomorrow, how do you arrange it?"

  The little prince happily replied, "You don't need to ask, we will go too."

  The queen quickly said, "Don't listen to Qi'er, tomorrow you go to the county town for dinner, and we will cook for ourselves."

  When she was in the palace, she wanted to live a common life with the emperor. Now that she finally had the chance, how could she miss it.

  The emperor understood what the queen was thinking, "I listen to Yu Ni."

  Tang Jinghong hesitated for a moment, and asked, "You guys... know how to cook?"

  The queen glanced at the emperor, "It's easy, Brother Tang, don't worry, we can take care of ourselves."

  Tang Jinghong didn't say anything more, "If you have anything to do, you can go to the village chief, I've already talked to the village chief."

   "We know." The queen couldn't help but smile, why are they so worrying?

  The little prince ran to Tang Jinghong, "Sister Chu?"

   "She's going." Tang Jinghong lowered his head and asked with a smile, "What's wrong?"

  The little prince bulged his cheeks and sighed, "I want to go too."

   Tang Jinghong smiled, "I'll take you there next time."

  The little prince replied reluctantly, "Okay."

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