Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 866: 866. A couplet

  Watching the performance on the stage, Chu Qingzhi could feel Tang Jinghong's affection for her. If possible, she would also like to try this different life.

  She stretched out her hand to hold Tang Jinghong's hand, and said in a promised tone, "Jinghong, I strive to live such a life with you."

  Tang Jinghong looked down at the hands of the two, and nodded slightly, "I believe it."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, "Don't worry."

  Tang Jinghong looked up at Chu Qingzhi's charming face, and really wanted to hide her, so no one could find her.

   This scene sang for a long time, and it was already afternoon when the two left the Guangxi Theater. They had nothing else to do, so they went back to the village directly.


  The twenty-ninth afternoon of the twelfth lunar month is the time for the workshop to pay wages.

  I got paid today, and I will have two days off next, and I won’t start work until next year.

   Shen Ruyue handed over the payment of wages to the four children.

  The four children did not disappoint her. After growing up during this period, they are basically able to stand alone.

   Today’s wages will be different from the usual ones. The wages will still be the same, but the bonus will be doubled. There will also be a New Year’s gift package, which is the same as that issued by the paper workshop, and there is another thing, which is copper coins.

  The copper coins were taken back from the children of Shantang, each one as a souvenir.

   "Chu Xuede..."

  After he stopped selling ice cream, Chu Xuede joined the freight team and became a short-distance steward, very serious and responsible.

  Chu Xuede walked up to Xu Songnian, took the silver and the New Year gift package, then thanked Shen Ruyue and Chu Qingzhi who were standing beside him, and returned after saying thanks.

   "Du Xiu'e..."

  She has become the chief manager of beer brewing. Chu Qingzhi didn't misread her at the beginning. She taught herself big characters, and later learned to calculate accounts.

  She came over to get her salary and gift bag, and also thanked Chu Qingzhi and Shen Ruyue before returning.

   After watching it for a while, Chu Qingzhi went to the breeding side.

  Wages are also being paid here. The wages paid are the same as those in the workshop, wages, double bonuses, and annual gift packages.

  Wan Haonan hosted here, "Girl, you are here."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "How's it going?"

  Wan Haonan smiled and said, "It will be finished soon, how many more are there, and the ones from the workshop are ready?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "The workshop is not so fast, I'll come and see you."

  Wan Haonan brought the chair over, "Sit and watch?"

   "No, I'll go to Fengwei after a while." Chu Qingzhi stood there watching for a while and then left.

   There are only a few people in Fengwei, and the salary has not yet started, everyone is waiting for Chu Qingzhi to come.

  Chu Qingzhi joked, "How many of you, do you want to formalize?"

  Wang Yuanlin cupped his hands and said with a slight smile, "Girl watching, we will feel more at ease."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled and said, "Then you start posting, I'll watch."

   "Yes." Wang Yuanlin replied, and then distributed the wages or salaries of the five people one by one.

  Chu Qingzhi said, "You guys also have two days off from tomorrow, so you can reunite with your family."

  The five of them were very pleasantly surprised, "Thank you, girl."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Clean up Feng Wei, check the doors, windows, water and fire when locking the door, be careful."


  After explaining Feng Wei's matter, Chu Qingzhi returned home and helped prepare the food for the New Year.


   Wang family.

  As soon as he got home, Wang Yuanlin gave the money bag to Du Qiaolan, "This is my salary and bonus, take a look."

  Du Qiaolan smiled sweetly, opened the purse to look, "Thirty taels of silver?"

   "Well, my salary is ten taels, and the double bonus at the end of the year is thirty taels of silver, and there is a gift package." Wang Yuanlin was very happy, "Qiaolan, we finally have hope to build a house."

  Du Qiaolan touched Wang Yuanlin's much thinner face, "I know, I will save the money and try to buy land and build a house earlier."

  Wang Yuanlin hugged Du Qiaolan in his arms and said gratefully, "Qiaolan, thank you for never leaving me, I will definitely treat you even better in the future."

  Du Qiaolan smiled happily, "I believe in you."


  After the wages were paid, the entire Chu family village was filled with joyful atmosphere, and with the Chinese New Year approaching, the atmosphere was extraordinarily festive.

  Chu Qingzhi went to work in the kitchen, but Li Qingyu refused to let her go. After thinking about it, she decided to write couplets for her family.

  While writing couplets, it happened that Li Qingyin came to give their family a new year gift, "Qing Zhi, your handwriting is beautiful, how about writing two for our family?"

   "Okay." With a little effort, Chu Qingzhi wrote it, and the writing was out of control, and everyone in the village came to the door.

   "Xiao Wu, can you write a couplet for us? We will buy it for you with money."

   "I wrote it for you, how do you explain to the old man?" In the past, the old man wrote it. If she wrote it, wouldn't she be against the old man?

   "The old man has been feeling a little sick lately, and he can't write. He asked us to come to you, and he happened to see you writing again. Can you help us?"

   So it was, "That's fine."

  Chu Qingzhi laid out the paper, and after thinking about it, she wrote the pen with spirit, and wrote it with one stroke, "The first couplet: Sanyang Kaijingtai, the second couplet: Swallows dancing in the spring breeze."

  A pair of couplets costs one penny, because red paper is more expensive during the Chinese New Year.

  Chu Qingzhi wrote again, "The first couplet: Sanyang Kaitai Day, the second couplet: The Year of All Things Prosperous."

   "I want this one." Chu Laipi snatched it up, "I'll post this couplet early tomorrow morning, for Sister Qingzhi's good luck."

  Chu Papi yelled, "Sister Qingzhi, I want to buy a pair too."

  Chu Qingzhi wrote the third copy, "The first couplet: Sanyang Kaitai Day, the second couplet: The year of prosperity, this is for you."

  Chu Papi received it in his hand overjoyed, "I think mine is better than Lai Pi's."

   "It's all the same." Chu Qingzhi said, and then wrote to others.

  So, the morning passed.

  Tang Jinghong came over to help Chu Qingzhi count the silver, "You made more than 50 taels for writing couplets, which is too much money." His fiancée is too powerful, and he is completely useless.

   "Everyone asks me to write, so naturally there will be more money." Chu Qingzhi patted Tang Jinghong on the shoulder, blinked narrowly, "Do you want a red envelope for the New Year, and I will wrap one for you?"

   Tang Jinghong smiled and said, "If you pack one for me, then I will accept it."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled and said, "Okay, I will definitely give you a big red envelope when the time comes."

  Tang Jinghong touched Chu Qingzhi's head, his eyes and movements were full of love, "I'll wrap one for you too."


  The emperor's family of three came over.

   "Sister Chu." The little prince was dressed fluffy like a bunny, and ran towards Chu Qingzhi, hugging her leg, acting like a baby.

  Chu Qingzhi touched the little prince's hat, she was so cute, "Qi'er, why did you come out?"

  The little prince said sweetly, "I'm going to sleep late."

  The queen is full of love for her son, "Last night, I insisted on pestering me to read the picture book and showed it to him, and then I couldn't get up this morning."

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