Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 867: 867. You are shorter than him

  Chu Qingzhi's eyes bent, "Children should go to bed early, otherwise they won't grow taller."

  The little prince stretched out his short fingers, pointed at Tang Jinghong, and said in a childlike voice, "I want to be as tall as him."

  Tang Jinghong is about 185, Chu Qingzhi glanced at Tang Jinghong and smiled, "You are very ambitious."

  The emperor pinched his son's face, "Why don't you take dad as your target?"

  The little prince looked at the emperor, and hid his small body behind Chu Qingzhi, "You are shorter than him."

  The emperor was silent for a while, "Qingzhi, give this son to you."

  The little prince said in surprise, "Really?"


  Everyone held back their laughter.

   "You stay in this village from now on, don't go home." The emperor took the queen away, they had some things to do.

  The little prince waved his small hand at the backs of the emperor and empress, and said crisply, "Then goodbye."

  The emperor staggered, "Queen, my son is for nothing."

  The queen glanced at the emperor, "It deserves it, who told you to give him away?"

  The emperor rubbed his nose, "Since my son met Chu Qingzhi, he has disowned his six relatives, and my father has no weight in his heart."

  The queen asked in disbelief, "Do you also eat this kind of vinegar?"

  The emperor raised his eyebrows, "Can't you?"

  The queen was speechless.


  Chu Shi settled down.

  Chu Laner happily ran home, put the money bag on the table, "Father, how much do you think my salary is?"

  Chu Shi'an just came back from shopping at the grocery store, and smiled and handed something to Chu Lan'er, "I'll see you later, I bought you your favorite taro pie, eat a piece quickly."

   "Father, you are too kind to me." Chu Lan'er happily took the taro pie, "Dad, let's eat together."

  Chu Lan'er cut the taro pie into eight pieces, handed one piece to her father, took one piece by herself, and ate half of it in one bite, "Dad, it's delicious."

   Seeing his daughter eating so happily, Chu Shian said, "I'll buy you another one later, and eat it on New Year's Eve tomorrow."

   "No need for dad, just save half of it and eat it tomorrow," Chu Lan'er looked forward to, "Our money must be saved to build a house."

   As she spoke, she handed the money bag to Chu Shian, "Father, count the money quickly."

  Chu Shi'an opened the purse, poured out the silver taels inside, a full ten taels of silver, and said in surprise, "There are so many, dad only has five taels."

  Chu Lan'er was very proud, "Sister-in-law Ruyue gave us a lot of rewards, but the others didn't have so many rewards."

  Chu Shian looked relieved, "My daughter is promising."

   "Hey, Dad, I will make more money in the future, so I will honor you."


   Xu Songnian's voice came from outside, "Lan'er, are you there?"

  Chu Lan'er raised her voice and replied, "I'm here." She answered and walked out at the same time, "Songnian, why are you here?"

  Xu Songnian put the taro pie in Chu Lan'er's hand, "I heard that you like taro pie, so I bought one for you. Happy New Year's Eve."

   "It's so expensive, I can't accept it, Songnian, you can take it home and eat it yourself." Chu Lan'er was about to return the taro pie to Xu Songnian.

   "I bought it for myself. I bought it specially for you. You can eat it." After Xu Songnian finished speaking, Chu Laner couldn't speak and ran away.

  Chu Laner, "..."

  Chu Shi'an came out of the room, looked at the taro pie in Chu Lan'er's hand, "Song Nian specially sent it to you?"

  Chu Lan'er nodded, "Father, what do you think of Xu Songnian?"

  Girls are precocious and early masters of the family, so obvious, it is natural to see what Xu Songnian means, but we still have to see what father means.

  Chu Shi'an had a good impression of Xu Songnian, but he just looked around and had no contact with him, "You work with him every day, what do you think?"

   "He can calculate very complicated accounts, he will help sister-in-law Ruyue with many things, and he will show up when I need help..." Unknowingly, Chu Lan'er said a lot of Xu Songnian's advantages.

  Chu Shi'an is not a fool, he can tell what his daughter is thinking just by the way his daughter speaks.

   "If you think he is good, Dad has no objection, but you are young, talk about marriage after a few years, let's see if this person is worth entrusting, don't make a decision so early, you know?"

  Chu Lan'er listened to Chu Shi'an very much, nodded, "Father, I understand."


  Chu Qingzhi's family.

  Li Qingyin was the first one to give the New Year's gift, and it was natural to return the New Year's gift, and Chu Qingzhi's family returned a large piece of bacon.

  After that, there are business partners. Some long-term cooperative businesses will give New Year gifts every New Year. This is a way to deepen and maintain the relationship between the two parties. Chu Qingzhi asked Shen Ruyue to arrange to return five catties of sausages.

  Everyone was salivating over their family's sausages. After eating at the banquet, everyone wanted to buy them, but Chu Qingzhi refused, saying that they would give them to everyone for the New Year, and then it stopped.

   Relatives, friends and villagers also came to give New Year gifts one after another.

  The third batch of bacon was either eaten or given away as a New Year gift. In the end, there were only more than 100 catties of sausage, bacon, and sauced meat left.

  Zhang Lingmei came to Chujia Village with two older children from the philanthropic hall, and gave Chu Qingzhi two big red fish and a big blessing, which looked very grand.

  Chu Qingzhi was a little moved, "Thank you."

   "Sister, do you like it?" Zhang Lingmei was still wearing the padded jacket before, but the clothes inside were replaced with new ones, and her mental outlook was completely new. She is a very good girl.

  Chu Qingzhi frowned, nodded, "I like it, it's so well edited, anyone who reads it likes it."

   After chatting for a few words, the children went back to the Shantang. Chu Qingzhi brought them a lot of bacon and asked the children to taste it too.

  The children took the bacon as if they were holding treasures, they were overjoyed and went back happily.

   "I'm also here to join in the fun." Tan Mengyang walked over with his servant.

  The servant held three boxes of gifts in his hands.

   "Come, give the things to Ms. Chu, thank you for our good business every day with her help."

  Chu Qingzhi came out from the room to greet her, "Welcome Master Tan."

  Chu Xuhua, who came out after him, took the gift, then carried it back to the house, and carried the return gift out, "Young Master Tan, you are welcome."

  Tan Mengyang glanced at the gift and said with a smile, "I heard that Miss Chu returned the gift with preserved meat?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Yes, everyone has the others, and I will give you some that you don't have."

   Tan Mengyang said generously, "To tell you the truth, I came here just for the bacon."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, "Brother, bring some cured meat for Young Master Tan, but you can't let Young Master Tan come here for nothing."

   Tan Mengyang said, "Thank you Miss Chu, I hope our cooperation will be better next year."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Naturally."

   Taking the cured meat contentedly, Tan Mengyang took the servant and left.

  Chu Xuyuan said reluctantly, "Fifth Sister, our bacon is almost finished." Originally there were still more than three hundred catties, but now there are only more than one hundred catties.

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