Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 868: 868. New Year's Eve Arrives

  Looking at him, Chu Qingzhi laughed and said, "We will do it again next year, and make more, shall we?"

  Chu Xuyuan nodded, and suddenly turned to look at Chu Qingzhi expectantly, "Fifth Sister, can we cook more sausage for dinner?"

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, "Yes, you can go get it."

   "I'm going." Chu Xuyuan happily went to the old house, took the sausage and ran to the kitchen, threw the sausage into the water to soak, and steamed it for a while before eating.

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, turned and went back to the house.


Lunar New Year's eve.

  The firecrackers sounded in unison, and the old symbols were replaced with new ones.

  Chu Qingzhi opened the window, took a deep breath of air outside the window, refreshing her heart.

  It snowed last night, the sky and the earth were white, covered with silver, and frozen for thousands of miles.

  Shuang'er flew over and stood on the window sill, "Qingzhi, Happy New Year's Eve!"

  As soon as it said it, the other parrots followed suit, and the room became lively, as if it wasn't so cold anymore.

  Chu Qingzhi touched Shuang'er's back, "Happy New Year's Eve to you too!"

   As she spoke, she went to fetch food for the parrots.

  Today’s food is richer than usual, and a group of parrots rushed over happily, “It’s delicious, it’s delicious.”

  Chu Qingzhi let them eat, and she went downstairs.

  Downstairs, Grandpa Chu and Chu Rong were posting Spring Festival couplets at the gate, while Chu Xuhua and Chu Xujin were posting couplets at their own home, but they haven't come yet.

  Chu Qingning put a red bracelet on Chu Qingzhi, "Fifth Sister, Happy New Year's Eve."

  Chu Qingshuang, Chu Xuyuan, Chu Qingyan, and Chu Xuyao ​​walked over, "Fourth Sister, Fifth Sister, Happy New Year's Eve."

  Chu Qingning put red bracelets on Chu Qingshuang and Chu Qingyan.

  These bracelets are made by herself.

  Then took out two pieces of pendant jade tied with red tassels from the purse and put them on for the two younger brothers, "I wish you success in your studies."

   "Thank you Fourth Sister."

  After Chu Qingning gave the gift, it was time for Chu Qingzhi to give it. She directly gave the four of them a longevity lock and put it on their necks. "It's pretty."

  The four touched the longevity lock happily, "Thank you Fifth Sister."

  Chu Qingshuang gave each of her two younger brothers a pen rest made by herself, with colorful patterns on it, very delicate and beautiful, and gave Chu Qingyan a little girl decoration, "I made them all by myself."

   "Thank you, Sixth Sister."

  After thanking the three young ones, they ran out, and the eldest brother and sister-in-law, the third brother and the third sister-in-law can ask for gifts, and they can receive a lot of gifts today.

  New Year’s Eve kicked off with the children asking for gifts at home...

   "Crackling—" After breakfast, the sound of firecrackers began to be heard in the village, one after another, crackling.

  At home, the women are busy making lunch for the whole family in the kitchen, while the men put up couplets and set off firecrackers to prepare for ancestor worship, which is full of festive atmosphere.

  The children in the village go out together to beg for candy from door to door. Children represent hope, which is equivalent to coming home to send blessings.

  Chu Junbao is the king of children, ran into the yard, laughed and shouted, "Grandpa Chu, Happy New Year's Eve."

  Grandpa Chu came into the room and brought a big tray full of food, he said with a smile, "You take whatever you want, take as much as you can eat."

  The children all grabbed a lot, and some put them in their pockets while eating, which was very funny.

   "Grandpa Chu, thank you, let's go to the next one."


   In groups, the children went to Tang Jinghong's house with a roar.

  Standing at the gate, the queen pointed to the left, "A bit to the left."

  The emperor wanted to post Spring Festival couplets for fun, but he couldn't post them well. He and the queen have spent a lot of time here.

   Tang Jinghong made breakfast and came over to ask the two of them to eat it. As for the little prince, he had already gone to Chu Qingzhi's place. He probably had eaten all the food, but the two of them hadn't finished posting the Spring Festival couplets yet.

   "Your Majesty, why don't I come?" Tang Jinghong looked at the clumsy emperor and couldn't help it.

  The queen also said, "Give it to Brother Tang, otherwise we can spend the whole morning here."

   Helpless, the emperor had no choice but to step aside and give the Spring Festival couplets to Tang Jinghong, "Yu Ni, I find that you despise me."

  The queen looked at the sky, "This must be your illusion."

  The emperor stood up, side by side with the queen, and watched Tang Jinghong put up the Spring Festival couplets. Tang Jinghong didn't ask anyone to guide him, so he put them up in one go.


   It makes sense for me to be disgusted.

  The queen glanced at the emperor, went into the room and took out another couplet, "Brother Tang, here it is."

   Tang Jinghong posted it again, "Okay, let's have breakfast." I will go to worship the ancestors in a while.

  Ancestor worship on New Year’s Eve is an annual event, which is very important. After breakfast, every household in the village needs to go to the ancestral hall to prepare.

   After breakfast, Chu Qingzhi, the emperor and empress, took the little prince to the county seat to distribute annuities to poor households.

  Tang Jinghong is a great general, most valued by the villagers, and was strongly required to participate in preparations for ancestor worship, so he couldn't go with Chu Qingzhi.

  Wen Shaoyuan's household registration has been added to the Chu family village, and he has been counted as a member of the Chu family village, so he will be a helper for Tang Jinghong.


  Shuiyun County Government Office.

  When Chu Qingzhi and the others arrived, there was already a long queue at the gate of the county government office.

  The county magistrate and government servants are maintaining order.

  The county magistrate walked quickly towards Chu Qingzhi, saw the emperor when he was speaking, and was immediately terrified and afraid to speak.

  The emperor’s identity cannot be revealed now, the county magistrate only saluted and did not dare to kneel down, but because of this, it made people even more nervous.

  Chu Qingzhi said, "My lord, just give out the taels of silver. After taking the taels of silver, everyone go home early to prepare for New Year's Eve."

  The county magistrate nodded, and then waved to the yamen servant, "Hurry up, line up in three teams, and give everyone money at the same time."

   "Yes, my lord."

  Everyone was rushing home for the holidays. They moved very quickly and quickly lined up. The government officials verified the household registration and recommendation letters in everyone's hands.

  The gate of the county government office became busy in an orderly manner.

   There are many passing people watching.

   "It's the first time I've seen a silver tael when I grow up so big."

   "Me too. It is estimated that only our Shuiyun County in Daling can do this, and other places may not even dare to think about it."

   "It's not that there are Chu Qingzhi everywhere, it's because we are lucky that we have the opportunity to see this rare scene."


  The people talked a lot, and all of them reached the emperor's ears.

  He came to Shuiyun County for half a month, and almost every time he came out, he could hear people praising Chu Qingzhi. He had read many history books, and such a person had never been recorded in the history books.

  He glanced at Chu Qingzhi, the beautiful girl who stood out in the crowd, seemed to be glowing all over, as if it was not surprising that anything happened to her.

  An old man in ragged clothes leaned on a cane, walked over tremblingly with an anxious expression on his face, "Is there any silver taels left? Can I get the silver taels?"

  Everyone make way for him...

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