Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 869: 869. unprecedented

  Chu Qingzhi looked at the old man, "Do you have a household registration and a certificate issued by the village?"

The old man immediately wiped away his tears, "I came here fleeing famine. At that time, I was seriously ill, and my family abandoned me. Unfortunately, I didn't die. Now I live alone in a cave, without a household registration, let alone relatives... "

   "It's okay, if you're really poor, we'll give you taels of silver." Chu Qingzhi called a yamen servant, and whispered, "You go and prepare some rice and noodles, and bring five taels of silver to send the old man back."

  The yamen servant cupped his hands, "Yes, I'll go right away."

  Chu Qingzhi turned around and said to the old man, "Wait a moment, I'll send you back, because you are in such a difficult situation, I'll bring you some food, just wait a moment."

  The old man couldn't help crying, and knelt down to Chu Qingzhi, "Girl, thank you, thank you so much."

  Chu Qingzhi helped him up, "Wait here, the yamen servant will be here soon."

   "Okay, okay, I'll listen to you."

  The yamen servant went to prepare, and then helped the old man to his residence.

  The people around who were preparing to fish in troubled waters and pretend to be poor saw this situation, and they had no choice but to disperse. Chu Qingzhi was not so easy to fool.

  After half an hour, the yamen servant returned to the county yamen, "Girl, what the old man said is indeed true. I gave him all the things and money."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "It's been hard work, take a break."

  The emperor secretly thought, although it is a very small matter, would it be better to handle it by yourself? Could other officials have handled it better?

  Thinking of this, the emperor couldn't help asking Chu Qingzhi, "Qingzhi, if you were given a chance, would you be willing to serve as an official in the court?"

  Chu Qingzhi looked at the emperor up and down. To be an official in the court is to work for the emperor. If you do well, you may not be rewarded. If you do not do well, you will die. She is not willing to do these thankless things.

   "There is no such opportunity, and I don't want to."


   Can you stop being so straightforward and think about it a little bit?

  The emperor was very curious, "Why don't you want to? Being an official is a great thing to honor your ancestors, and a woman is an official, unprecedented, so it is a good thing to honor your life!"

  Chu Qingzhi tactfully said, "I like freedom."

  The emperor retorted, "Being an official is also very free."

  Chu Qingzhi asked, "Is the emperor the biggest official in the world? Is he free?"


  The queen smiled, "Qing Zhi, you are wise."

  The imperial court is a messy pot of porridge. It is not easy to get in, and it is even more difficult to get out. If you don’t pay attention, you will be boiled. There are many dangers, but you are still free.

  Chu Qing raised her eyebrows slightly, "I never choose things that are not good for me."

  The emperor couldn't help but said, "You are indeed wise."

   Several people were chatting here, and the county magistrate looked at Chu Qingzhi in admiration. You are the only one who can chat with the emperor on an equal footing.

  Nian Blonde was gone by noon, so everyone packed up and went back to the village.


  On the way, the emperor suddenly became serious, "Qingzhi, I want to ask you something, can you think about it?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Tell me what's going on first, and I'll decide whether to consider it or not."


   "I will send Jing Hong to Dongling in the next year, can you help him together?"

   "Only someone with your ability can solve the matter of Dongling. Let others go, nothing but death is complicity. The problem of Dongling will never be resolved."

   "The situation in Dongling is too serious. When the time comes, Jing Hong won't be able to separate himself. I'm afraid he will fall into the trap of villains."

   In addition, Jing Hong is a general after all, and he doesn't know how to govern. If there is Chu Qingzhi, there is no need to worry about these problems at all.

  For the people of Dongling, he had to ask Chu Qingzhi to go.

   It doesn’t matter to Chu Qingzhi, she is considered successful now, and she can go to other places to stay, but the emperor can’t achieve her goal so easily.

  The emperor saw that Chu Qingzhi didn't speak, and said again, "Just say what you want, as long as I can do it, I will do it."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "In the future, I will make three requests within your ability, and I hope you agree."

  The emperor deserved it very simply, "Okay, I agree."

  Chu Qingzhi said again, "Also, if I go to Dongling, I may kill many people, I hope you are mentally prepared."

  The emperor promised, "I will give you three blank imperial edicts, and the people at Dongling will be at your disposal."

  Chu Qingzhi thought for a while, "You send people to prepare more food, herbs, seeds, and cotton clothes. When the time comes, Jing Hong and I will take them to Dongling."

  The emperor said, "I agree." He paused, "It takes 20 days to travel from the capital to Dongling. In order to catch up with the spring plowing, I will arrange for you and Jing Hong to leave on the third day, is that okay?"

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Okay."


  After returning to the village, everyone was already worshiping the ancestors, and a few people did not go there.

  When the little prince saw Chu Qingzhi coming back, he rushed over, "Sister Chu, where have you been?"

   "I'm going to the county seat." Chu Qingzhi put a longevity lock on the little prince's neck, "A gift for you, do you like it?"

  The little prince held the longevity lock tightly with his small hands, and was very happy, "I like it, it's so beautiful."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, "Wear it every day, it can bless you with a long life."

  The little prince nodded obediently, "Yes."

  The ancestor worship ceremony lasted for an hour, and people will come back in a while.

  Chu Qingzhi invited the emperor and the empress, "Come over and have dinner together, eat soup pot, I'll make it myself." In winter, soup pot is the most suitable.

  The queen was quite interested, "Qingzhi, I'll help."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "OK, let's go."

  I discussed what to eat last night, and now I have prepared meatballs, fish balls, fried crispy meat, dried tofu, fried dough sticks, lotus root, winter bamboo shoots, boneless chicken feet, duck feet, chicken gizzards, etc.

  In addition, there are pig hearts, pig livers, pig brains, pig kidneys, etc. that have not been eaten before.

various kinds.

  Chu Qingzhi only does one thing, boil the bottom of the pot, red soup and clear soup, make two pots, some people like spicy food, some people can't eat spicy food, each chooses when the time comes.

  First prepare the spices for the bottom of the pot. The broth was cooked yesterday. At this time, it is boiled on the warm stove with old chicken and lamb bones. It is very, very fragrant.

  The queen walked into the kitchen and smelled the mouth-watering aroma, "Qingzhi, the kitchen smells so good."

  Chu Qingzhi opened the cabinet and prepared spices, "I've been making delicious food in the kitchen recently."

  The Queen looked around and asked, "What can I do?"

   "Help me wash the vegetables." Chu Qingzhi pointed to the Shau Kei next to the sink, which was filled with side dishes such as shallots, celery, green onions, and garlic sprouts.

  The queen was also very down-to-earth, rolling up her sleeves, "Okay, I'll be in charge of washing the vegetables."

  Chu Qingzhi asked, "By the way, did you ever go to the kitchen when you were at home?"

  The empress nodded, "I'm sorry, when the family celebrates big festivals, my mother, I, and Yuru can all cook, but the cooking skills may not be so good."

  Chu Qingzhi took the spices and walked towards the stove, "I thought Miss Qianjin didn't do anything."

  The queen laughed, "That's a misunderstanding."

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