Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 870: 870. Watching the New Year Together

  Chu Qingzhi turned on the fire and boiled the soup base of the soup pot.

  The queen is used to delicacies from mountains and seas, and after smelling the aroma of the soup base, she still couldn't help swallowing, "Qingzhi, I feel like I've been living here for half a month, and my mouth is full."

  Chu Qingzhi took a spatula and stir-fried the bottom ingredients, and said with a slight smile, "You are fresh, even if you eat it a few times, you will get tired of it."

  The queen came over to watch with great interest, "Why don't I learn from you, so I won't be able to eat it when I return to the palace?"

  Chu Qingzhi glanced at the queen, and said, "It's ok, there's still soup bottom to be fried in a while, I'll teach you."

  The queen said happily, "Okay."

  The two boiled the bottom of the pot, and the ancestor worship was over, and everyone went home one after another.

  In the dining room, there are two soup pots on the long table, surrounded by dishes, a dazzling array of beautiful things, very rich.

  Chu Qingzhi handed out chopsticks to everyone, "I've already cooked the meal, everyone sit down and eat."

  Now everyone is somewhat familiar with the emperor's family of three. Although restrained, they can remain normal, unlike the beginning, when they dared not move.

  The little prince sat on Chu Qingzhi's left, pointed at the fish ball with chopsticks, "Sister Chu, I want to eat that."

  Chu Qingzhi poured a whole plate of fish **** into the clear soup, "Wait for a while before the **** float to the surface and you can eat them."

  The little prince opened his smart eyes and asked curiously, "How long will it take to float to the surface?"

  Chu Qingzhi brought a cup of hot milk to the little prince, and said, "You count, it's enough to count to one hundred."

  The little prince smiled a little embarrassedly, "That would embarrass me, I can't count that many, I can only count twenty."

   "Then count to twenty." Chu Qingzhi poured boneless chicken feet and duck feet into the red soup, and then put Tang Jinghong's favorite meatballs into the clear soup. Jinghong can't eat spicy food.

  Seeing this, Tang Jinghong hurriedly said, "Qingzhi, wait a minute."

  Chu Qingzhi stopped and looked at Tang Jinghong, "What's wrong?"

   "Put some in the red soup." Tang Jinghong wanted to try the spicy one, seeing how delicious Qing Zhi was eating.

   "Can you eat?" Chu Qingzhi raised her eyebrows.

   "I'll try it." Tang Jinghong hesitated, but decided to try it.

   "Okay." Chu Qingzhi put the remaining meatballs into the red soup, and the others also put their favorite dishes into the pot, and then they can cook for a while before eating.

  Chu Xuyuan and Chu Xuyao ​​poured rice wine for the elders and brothers, poured juice or beer for others, and sat back on their seats after pouring.

  Chu Xuyuan said, "Let's have a drink together."

  Grandpa Chu smiled, "Yes, yes, you have to have a drink at the reunion dinner."

   "Cheers!" Everyone raised their cups and gathered together, and then drank boldly in one gulp.

  The New Year's Eve reunion dinner is officially eaten.

   "Gulu Gulu..." The pot started to boil, white mist rose up and spread around, and the whole room was filled with fragrance.

  Other people in the village also slowly began to prepare meals, and the family sat around the table, having a lively reunion dinner.

  In Chu Qingzhi's fiefdom, every family had a lot of meat and vegetables on the dining table, and rice was eaten casually. It was the first time that the new year was so good.


   Tangshan home.

  Tang Shan looked outside the house many times, but each time his expectations failed.

   Tang Dengping brought the bowl over and put it on the table, "Father, it's time to eat, brother won't be back."

   Tang Shan sighed, and finally realized the reality in his heart. He had completely lost his son, "Sit down and eat."

  Zhang Xiuqin did not dare to speak, because of this matter, Tang Shan now complains about her almost every day, and often threatens to divorce her, and she is under a lot of pressure.

  Tang Shan sat down at the table, poured a glass of wine, and drank it melancholy alone.

  There are a lot of dishes on the table, but some of them don't know what to eat. If he hadn't treated Jing Hong like that, wouldn't the father and son now be able to sit down and have a drink?

  Thinking, he couldn't help but think of Tang Jinghong's mother. If he had cared more about his wife when Jinghong left, wouldn't she have died?

  A trace of regret came out of his heart, Tang Shan's eyes became astringent, and he became more and more chewy.

   Tang Dengping and Zhang Xiuqin looked at each other, lowered their heads, and ate quietly.

  Everyone else is a lively scene, only their house is silent and without joy.


  On the afternoon of New Year's Eve, the whole family does the general cleaning together, cleaning the inside and outside of the house to welcome the new year.

  Evening is to watch the year.

  After dinner, the villagers lit a lot of bonfires in the small square in front of the grocery store, each brought snacks to the small square, and the whole village watched the New Year together.

  Thousands of people from the whole village gathered here, and it was very lively.

  The happiest thing is the children.

  The family is rich, and the elders bought a lot of fireworks for the children, the kind that they hold in their hands and set off.

  The children held the lit fireworks, kept shaking them, and laughed happily, creating an atmosphere right away.

  Tang Jinghong took some strong men from the village to move fireworks to the small square. Chu Qingzhi bought a lot of fireworks, and moved them all to the small square to set off for a while.

  Chu Qingzhi and Chu Qingning sat aside, watching everyone play, but in this festive atmosphere, Chu Qingning was helpless.

  Chu Qingzhi asked with concern, "Fourth Sister, what's wrong with you?"

  Chu Qingning leaned over and hugged Chu Qingzhi, "Fifth Sister, Zhaoyong hasn't replied to me for half a month, and I usually get a reply within three days."

  Chu Qingzhi lightly patted Chu Qingning's back, and comforted, "It's okay, Jiang Zhaoyong has high martial arts skills, nothing will happen, you have to trust him."

  Chu Qingning shook her head lightly, "Fifth Sister, I feel very uneasy, I want to go to Dongling to look for him, is that okay?"

  Chu Qingzhi understood Chu Qingning's feelings, "Yes, there is nothing wrong with it, if you want to find him, you can go to Dongling with me."

  Chu Qingning said unexpectedly, "Are you going to Dongling too?"

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "I promised someone something, and I will leave on the third day of the new year. Now on New Year's Eve, everyone is happy. I want to tell you the news in the afternoon of the first day of the new year."

  Chu Qingning said, "Fifth Sister, if you have decided to go, then I will go with you, and I will go to find Zhaoyong."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Okay, I'll take you with me."

  Chu Qingning said gratefully, "Fifth sister, thank you, fortunately, I have you, otherwise I really don't know what to do."

   "My sisters, don't need to see others like this." What happened to Jiang Zhaoyong, the wedding is approaching, but he lost the news, is something really wrong?

  After arranging the fireworks display, Tang Jinghong walked over and sat beside Chu Qingzhi, "Qingzhi, I want to tell you something."

  Chu Qingzhi looked at him, "Huh?"

  Tang Jinghong said, "They and I will return to Beijing early tomorrow morning. I need to go to the capital to arrange some things in advance."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "I see."

  Tang Jinghong shook Chu Qingzhi's hand, "I'll come back to pick you up in the third year of junior high."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Okay."

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