Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 871: 871. The Beginning of the New Year

  Tang Jinghong brought Chu Qingzhi a lot of food, "I'm going to set off the fireworks."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Okay."

   "Boom—" A flame rushed to the sky at high speed, exploded, and the scattered small sparks formed a firework. The red fireworks were enthusiastic and unrestrained, gorgeous and colorful.



  Fires kept rushing into the sky, and new fireworks bloomed beside them, one after another, dazzling.

  Chu Qingzhi raised her head slightly to look at the fireworks. The fireworks are really beautiful. It would be great if they could stay longer.

  Tang Jinghong walked over, sat aside, and quietly watched the fireworks with Chu Qingzhi.

  Chu Qingzhi peeled and fried peanuts while watching, and then put the peeled peanuts in Tang Jinghong's hands, "Peel them specially for you."

  Tang Jinghong raised his lips slightly, "Thank you."

  Children cheer...

   "The fireworks are so beautiful, much more beautiful than the fireworks in my hand."

   "It's so beautiful, I wish I could see it every day."

   "The best thing to see is the fireworks."

  Chu Lianghong said to the people around him, "It's the first time that our village has fireworks like this, and it's the first time it's so lively. It's great."

  The old man said with emotion, "It is worth it for me to experience such a grand event-like New Year's Eve in my lifetime."

  The village chief smiled and said, "Next year will be even better."

  Others also whispered to the people around them, deeply remembering such a beautiful scene in their hearts.

  It took a long time for the fireworks to end. After the fireworks were over, the children continued to play.

  The villagers sat next to each other, chatting.

   Watching the New Year's Eve has to be kept until the early morning, and there is still more than one hour, and the time is still very long.

  Chu Xuyuan and Chu Xuyao ​​brought the piano over, and Chu Xuyuan said, "My ninth brother and I will play the piano for you to celebrate New Year's Eve together."

  The village head said loudly, "Everyone, stop talking and listen to Xiaoqi and Xiaojiu playing the piano."

  The piano sounded, and the noisy scene slowly quieted down.

  Chu Xuyuan played for a while, Chu Xuyao ​​followed, and the two brothers played a song "New Year" together. The moon is bright and the waves are clear.

  The song is over.

  The villagers applauded, "Okay, it sounds really good!"

   "Xu Yuan, Xu Yao, play another song."

   "One more song."

   "Okay." Chu Xuyuan and Chu Xuyao ​​continued to play at everyone's request, and the beautiful and pleasant piano sound spread again.

  Time passed slowly, and dawn came.

  Every family returns home and sets off firecrackers to welcome the new year.

  Not only Chujia Village, but also the sound of firecrackers from the surrounding villages.

  Chu Qingzhi’s house also set off firecrackers, once at the main room, and once at Chu Xuhua and Chu Xujin’s side. After the firecrackers were set off, everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

  Chu Qingzhi returned to the room, lay down on the bed, and her twins flew over, "Qingzhi, you scared me to death."

  Chu Qingzhi turned sideways and looked at Shuang'er, "If you are afraid, you can sleep on my bedside."

   Shuang'er said pleasantly, "Okay, let's go."

  It snowed again in the middle of the night, and when we got up in the morning, it was white again. The earth seemed to be covered with a white cloak, elegant and beautiful.

  Chu Qingzhi looked at Shuang'er beside her, and couldn't help smiling. Shuang'er was sleeping softly beside her, very sweet. I don't know if birds are dreaming. If they can dream, Shuang'er must have had a sweet dream.

  She touched Shuang'er's head, got up, got dressed, took the gift she had prepared for Tang Jinghong, and went downstairs.

  After going downstairs, he went straight to Tang Jinghong's house.

  The first thing Tang Jinghong did when he got up was to give Chu Qingzhi a gift.

  So the two met in the middle of the road, and they smiled at each other, and many emotions they wanted to express were integrated in this smile.

  Tang Jinghong handed a box to Chu Qingzhi, "New Year's gift."

  Chu Qingzhi handed Tang Jinghong a box, "New Year's gift."

   The two exchanged boxes.

  Chu Qingzhi smiled slightly, "Come over for breakfast in a while, and I'll cook for you to practice."

  Tang Jinghong said, "Okay, I'll go back and pack my things."

  The two turned around and went home separately.

  After returning home, Tang Jinghong opened the box, and inside was a purse with little girls and boys made of colorful ropes hanging on the purse.

  That day in Shantang, he asked Chu Qingzhi for a little girl doll made of colored rope. He thought Qingzhi had forgotten it, but he didn't expect to give it to him today, and he also made another little boy.

  The purse was embroidered by Qing Zhi herself. In her previous life and this life, two lifetimes added up, it was the first time she embroidered a purse.

  Black bottom, black pattern, looks very high-end, but with a little girl and a little boy hanging on it, the purse becomes cute again.

  Qing Zhi is always so creative.

  The emperor glanced at the purse jealously, and asked the queen, "Yu Ni, have you prepared a gift for me yet?"

  The empress doted on the emperor very much, "Ready." She took out a clean white handkerchief from her sleeve, on which a little boy, a little girl, and a horse were embroidered.

  The little boy is riding on the horse, and the little girl is standing beside him holding the rein.

  The emperor looked at the handkerchief, and was actually very happy. When he saw the pattern, the smile on his face froze, "Queen, at that time, didn't I not know that you were a girl? Do you still remember?"

  The queen glanced at the emperor, "Of course I remember such an impressive thing." She reached for the handkerchief, "If you don't like it, return it to me."

  The emperor moved his hand away one step ahead of time, not allowing the queen to reach for the handkerchief, "There is no reason to take back the gift given out."

  The queen didn't rush for the handkerchief, and stood in front of the emperor, "What about my gift?"

  The emperor had already prepared, and took out a rectangular box from his sleeve, "I have already prepared the gift."

  The queen took the gift in her hand, "I thought you forgot."

   "How could I forget the Queen's gift, it was prepared from the beginning."

   "I'm going to pack my things." The queen happily went upstairs with the gift.

  The emperor looked back at Tang Jinghong, a little embarrassed, "Women are very easy to coax."

   Tang Jinghong didn't know what to say, so he nodded and echoed, "Yes."

  After packing up their things and having breakfast at Chu Qingzhi's house, someone came to pick up the emperor's family of three.

  Tang Jinghong rode on his horse and went to the capital together.

  Chu Qingzhi still sent people to the village entrance, returned home, and told her family about her trip to Dongling in the third year of junior high school.

  The family members who were very happy just now fell silent.

  Li Qingyu held Chu Qingzhi's hand, "Qingzhi, you are different from ordinary girls, mother will not stop you, just want to say, no matter what, protect yourself."

   "Yes." Chu Qingzhi said, "Mother, I will come back as soon as I finish my work, and I will also write to you often."

  Li Qingyu forced a smile and said reluctantly, "Okay."

  The news of Chu Qingzhi leaving home made the atmosphere in the family down, and everyone couldn't be happier anymore.

  During dinner at night, Chu Qingning said that she was going to Dongling with her, but she didn't say to go to Jiang Zhaoyong, so as not to worry her family, she just followed to help and meet Jiang Zhaoyong by the way.

   With this state, Jiang Zhaoyong has no way to come back and get married.

  Everyone thought that with Qingzhi around, it would be fine for Chu Qingning to follow, so there was no objection.

   For the rest of the day, Chu Qingzhi explained in detail about Chu Rong and the Wang family brothers running the school. She had already written the plan, and it was fine to follow the plan.

   She handed over the expansion of the papermaking workshop to Chu Feng, and the design drawings and planning documents were also written, so follow suit.

  Finally, she handed Tian Xiaoqiu a new product plan. She had no choice but to teach Tian Xiaoqiu how to do it one by one.

   Hurry up and arrange things well, and the time has come to the third day of the first lunar month.

  Tang Jinghong returned to the village in the evening of the second year of junior high school, and left the village with Chu Qingzhi and Chu Qingning early in the morning of the third year of junior high school to join the large army.

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