Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 872: 872. On the way forward

   Two days later, on the way to Linzhang City.

   A team of 20,000 soldiers escorted food, medicinal materials, and seeds in a mighty manner.

   At the front of the team, riding side by side on horseback was a majestic young man with a strong aura, and a heroic girl in green clothes.

  The military discipline of the team is strict, there are only orderly footsteps, and there is no voice of speech.

  Suddenly, the curtain of the carriage behind the team was lifted, and a little fat man leaned out half of his body, and shouted dissatisfiedly, "I want to rest, my **** hurts, and I don't want to ride in the carriage!"

  He is the grandson of the prime minister, dressed in brocade clothes, with a fat head and big ears, squinting eyes, a typical dude.

  No one paid attention to him, and the team continued walking.

   This is not the first time he has done this. The children of big families are always so hard-working. Not only that, but they also make troubles here and there, which is annoying.

  If the emperor hadn't ordered it himself, such a person would not be allowed to approach the barracks at all.

  As for why the emperor did such a thing, neither Chu Qingzhi nor Tang Jinghong had figured it out yet. The emperor's city mansion didn't want to look so shallow. In fact, one step counted as three steps, and it was deep.

  Du Zhaolin squeezed out from the side, "Tang Jinghong, General Tang, we are going to be tortured to death by you, can't you be a little sympathetic?"

  The grand master's son, a dude, ignorant, and likes to gamble. As the grand master's old only son, he dotes on him very much. Secretly, the grand master asked Tang Jinghong to help him teach his son, and he was very grateful.

  Tang Jinghong told the convoy to continue, and he returned on horseback, "Get off the carriage."

  Du Zhaolin saw Tang Jinghong's majestic appearance, swallowed involuntarily, and shrank back, a little scared, "What, what are you doing?"

  Tang Jinghong said calmly, "Don't you think making a carriage is too hard? I'll change it to a more comfortable way for you."

   As soon as the two heard this, they got off the carriage immediately, Rong Shen said rather, "General Tang is better."

  Seeing them get off the carriage, Tang Jinghong said, "Walking is the most comfortable way, you can keep up with walking." After speaking, he turned the horse's head and returned to the leading position.

  Rong Shenning and Du Zhaolin were so dumbfounded that they let them walk! !

  The soldiers around bit their cheeks and held back their laughter. They were stupid and yelled at the general. After a while, you will realize what special care is.

  Chu Qingzhi looked back at the two of them, said nothing, traveling in a carriage was the most comfortable, but it was a bit of a waste of time, but compared with soldiers who walked on their feet, they could be considered a blessing.

  Pointing at Tang Jinghong's back, Du Zhaolin threatened sharply, "Tang Jinghong, if you dare to treat us like this, we will definitely write a letter to complain."

  Tang Jinghong said indifferently, "Look who will deliver the letter to you."

  Du Zhaolin shouted, "I am the son of the grand master, if something happens to me, can you bear it?"

  Tang Jinghong's tone was unhurried, "Don't worry, if something happens to you, I will write a letter to say that you died for the country. I think the Grand Master will be very pleased."

  Du Zhaolin, "..."

  Everyone couldn't help laughing out loud.

  Tang Jinghong used his internal strength to convey his voice, "Accelerate forward and reach the next camp before dark."

   "Yes." All the soldiers answered in unison, with a forceful momentum, which scared Du Zhaolin and Rong Shenning to their spirits.

  The team really didn't care about the two of them, and continued to march on their own. The two stood in place, watching the carriage they were riding in just now drifting away, and suddenly felt a little regretful.

  In the carriage, there were also some sons of the rich and powerful in the capital, each with their own personalities, but not as weird as Du Zhaolin and Rong Shenning, staying quietly.

  Du Zhaolin asked in a daze, "What should we do now?"

  Rong Shenning said confidently, "We're not leaving, I don't believe Tang Jinghong really doesn't care about us."

  Du Zhaolin felt that Tang Jinghong couldn’t be deduced with common sense, otherwise he wouldn’t have thrown them down just now, “What if he really doesn’t care?”

  Rong Shenning said with certainty, "Impossible, if something happens to us, how will he explain to our family?"

  Du Zhaolin whispered, "Just now he said, he would say that we died for our country."

   "I don't believe in that evil." Rong Shenning looked around, found a rock and sat down, and didn't leave.

  Du Zhao, Lin Jianrong and Shen Ning were like this, as the two were equally well-known playboys in the capital, they naturally became troubled brothers, so he also ran and sat still.

   However, Tang Jinghong didn't see the two of them at all, and led the team slowly away without even looking back.

  The two sat on the stone, watching the tail of the team, and began to feel uneasy, wouldn't they really ignore them? In this wilderness, if any wild beasts appear, they will have to sacrifice their lives if they don't!

  Looking at each other, the two reluctantly followed.

  Too much, actually really ignore them.

   Front of the line.

  Meng Shengdong looked back, "General, the two of you didn't catch up."

   Tang Jinghong said uncertainly, "They will follow."

  Meng Shengdong and Qi Kaiming looked at each other. There was never a time when what the general said was not fulfilled, and this time was no exception, so they didn't say anything else.

  Beside Chu Qingzhi smiled, Tang Jinghong, as the king of prostitutes, subduing the two little dudes is not an easy task.

   After a while, everyone found that Du Zhaolin and Rong Shenning followed, but they had never experienced hardships, and they walked with a limp, which was very hard.

   Everyone secretly said, the general still has a way.

  In the carriage, Yi Chuanchuan opened the curtain and looked back. Seeing the miserable appearance of the two of them, he immediately started laughing, "I thought you chose such a comfortable way. It turns out that you are walking by yourself."

  Listening to the two complaining along the way, my ears were calloused, and now it is finally quiet.

  Yi Chuanchuan is the youngest son of Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites.

  Rong Shenning grew fat, panting, "Liu Shu, don't be complacent."

   There are two rivers in the name of Yichuanchuan, so it is also called "Liushu".

  Yi Chuanchuan deliberately laughed, "I'm proud of it, you come and hit me, little fat man, you have today, you deserve it."

  He changed the subject, "But it's time for you to lose some weight. If you're so fat you can't walk, I'll take care of you!"

  Rong Shenning was furious, "Yi Chuanchuan, get out of here and watch how I beat you to death!"

  Yi Chuanchuan made a grimace, "You think I'm as stupid as you, I don't sit in a good carriage, I have to walk, I'm full."

  Rong Shenning was too angry to speak, "You..."

   "What are you, walk well!" Yi Chuanchuan pulled the curtain of the car to block Rong Shenning's sight.

  Rong Shenning was so angry that he tripped over a stone and almost fell!

  Everyone listened to Yi Chuanchuan scolding Rong Shenning, feeling inexplicably relieved. They had heard enough of the little fat man's complaints these days, and they were so annoyed.

  In the carriage, Fan Jingxu suppressed a smile and said, "Why are you provoking him?"

  Yi Chuanchuan took a deep breath, "I just like to see the other party become a big fat man by me, it's refreshing."

  Fan Jingxu, "..."

   Incomprehensible hobby!

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