Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 874: 874. The Gods Come

  Chapter 874 874. The Gods Come

  In the tent, Chu Qingzhi sat behind the desk and looked at the map of Dongling. Dongling has a total of twenty cities, hundreds of county towns, and thousands of villages.

  The fiefdom of the king of Tangling is in Shucheng, which is the largest city of Tangling and the most prosperous city of Tangling.

  Chu Qingzhi supported her head with one hand, thought for a moment, and said, "Jing Hong, shall we go to the poorest city in Dongling?"

  Tang Jinghong moved his eyes from the official document to the map, "The poorest place in Dongling is Liangcheng, which is near the border of Chen'an Kingdom, where the border between the two countries is also the most chaotic. It would be appropriate to use this place as a camp."

  Chu Qingzhi pointed to Liangcheng on the map, which is the most difficult and has the most problems. After solving the problems here, other cities can follow suit, "Then Liangcheng."

  Outside the door, Meng Shengdong reported, "General, Miss Chu, the prince asks to see you."

   Tang Jinghong said, "Go in."

  Dong Dengyu opened the curtain and came in, without beating around the bush, he said, "The emperor has promised to let Miss Chu go to Chen'an to solve the smallpox problem. I wonder if we can go ahead?"

  Just now he received a letter from his father, the pigeons, that people in the palace were infected, and the whole country was in danger.

   It is impossible for Tang Jinghong to let Chu Qingzhi go to Chen'an country alone, "The emperor has sent someone to your Chen'an country, and the illness will be brought under control soon."

  Dong Dengyu pointed at Chu Qingzhi, and said with a firm attitude, "I don't trust others, I only trust Chu Qingzhi."

  Tang Jinghong was unmoved, and said majesticly, "If you ask for help, you must have the attitude of asking for help. It is impossible for Qingzhi to go to Chen'an Kingdom with you alone."

  Dong Dengyu looked gloomy, "Tang Jinghong, you are just a general of a country, you can't be the master of such a big matter."

  Tang Jinghong looked at Dong Dengyu flatly, "The emperor has entrusted all the affairs of Dongling to this general, do you think I can make the decision?!"

  Dong Dengyu flicked his sleeves and said angrily, "Tang Jinghong, I will definitely write a letter to your emperor saying that you are dictatorial, and your job is over, just wait and see!"

  Tang Jinghong said lightly, "Whatever!"

  Dong Dengyu left angrily.

  Chu Qingzhi couldn't help complaining in her heart. Before, she was greedy for life and afraid of death, but now she is righteous again, and men are so fickle.


  In the tent, Dong Dengyu brushed all the teacups on the table to the ground, and pressed his hands on the desk, his face grim with anger, "Tang Jinghong simply didn't pay attention to them, Chen Anguo."

  The guard standing on one side said, "Prince, what should we do next?"

  Dong Dengyu choked, "How do I know what to do? If I know what to do, why do I need to get angry here?"

  The head guard came up with a bad idea, "Why don't you tie Chu Qingzhi away?"

  Dong Dengyu turned his head and looked at the chief guard with the eyes of a fool, "Is your brain not working? You can't beat one Chu Qingzhi out of a hundred, do you believe it?"

  The chief guard said again, "Then prescribe medicine? Use tricks?"

  It was as stupid as a pig, Dong Dengyu was speechless to his chief guard, "Chu Qingzhi is a famous genius doctor, invulnerable to all poisons, you are fine with her messy brain, you still use tricks on her?"

  The chief guard took a step back, "This doesn't work, and that doesn't work either. This subordinate has nothing to do."

  Dong Dengyu, "..."

  There is no one who can be used under his hands, waste, all waste!


  There is a bright lamp on the table, and Jiang Zhanglin is reading a book in his hand, with a gentle and handsome face, noble temperament, and a quiet picture with a bit of picturesque beauty.

  Fan Jingxu and Yan Zihao walked in one after the other, the former walked and sat next to Jiang Zhanglin, the latter went to dry the clothes, and after drying, he quietly climbed into bed and fell asleep without saying a word.

  Fan Jingxu rubbed his chin, then glanced at Yan Zihao, why is this man so quiet?

  Jiang Zhanglin frowned slightly. If Yan Zihao didn't live in the same tent with him, he would definitely ignore this person. His sense of existence is too low.

  Fan Jingxu stretched his neck, "Zihao, did you go to bed so early?"

  Yan Zihao glanced in Fan Jingxu's direction, "I'm not feeling well, I want to rest."

  Fan Jingxu said with concern, "Then you should rest, otherwise it will affect your journey tomorrow."

   "Yeah." Yan Zihao didn't speak again.

  Fan Jingxu and Jiang Zhanglin looked at each other. The other party wanted to rest, and it was inconvenient for them to talk, so Fan Jingxu climbed into bed to read the book of war, and Jiang Zhanglin also continued to read.

  The lights flickered, making the room a little more dull.


  The soldiers who went to the front to investigate came back on fast horses and reported, "General, there is a huge rock in a canyon three miles ahead, and people and animals cannot pass through it."

  Tang Jinghong asked with serious eyebrows, "How big is the boulder?"

  The soldier said in detail, "It's five meters high and three to four meters thick. It completely blocks the canyon. If you make a detour, you'll need to walk seven more days, and the road is not easy to walk, so you can't transport grain and grass."

  Tang Jinghong frowned, "Can you smash the stone?"

  The soldier thought about it, "It can be smashed, but it is expected to take four or five days."

  It seems that the opponent has already shot at them.

   Tang Jinghong thought to himself, if there is no way to solve this matter, their trip to Dongling will be a joke, a joke that will make the whole world laugh.

  Chu Qingzhi came over, "I'll solve it."

   Tang Jinghong remembered that Chu Qingzhi was a fairy, so he agreed, "What do you need?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "One hundred soldiers, each with a shovel and a dustpan."

  Tang Jinghong immediately gave orders, and within a quarter of an hour, a hundred soldiers assembled at the speed of executing military orders. Under the leadership of Chu Qingzhi, they followed the soldiers to the canyon ahead.


  In a certain inn, two people are talking.

   "I put a huge stone on their way forward. If you want to clear it, you can't do it in four or five days. If you take a detour, you can't get over the carriage. What about Tang Jinghong and Chu Qingzhi?"

   "Are you sure you can trap them for four or five days?"

   "Of course, that boulder is the hardest stone, and it's not so easy to cut it open."

   "Then just wait and see. If Tang Jinghong is trapped for four or five days and frustrates their spirit, the Lord will definitely reward you."


  While the two were talking, there was a loud noise in the canyon, and the ground shook. The boulder they were talking about shattered into small stones and piled up there.

  Chu Qingzhi backed away after holding the hand with one hand, "Clean it up."

   "Yes." A group of soldiers looked at Qingzhi as if they were gods, and shattered the boulder with one palm, and their internal strength was unfathomable.

  Chu Qingzhi flew up to the canyon and looked around to see if there was anyone acting suspiciously.

   To her disappointment, no one was around.

   While cleaning up the gravel, the soldiers couldn't help looking at Chu Qingzhi above the canyon.

  Under the dark night, Chu Qingzhi's long hair fluttered with the wind, and the bright moon was behind her, as if a **** descended. At this moment, the fairy image in their hearts had a face.

  (end of this chapter)

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