Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 875: 875 Raising Military Prestige

  In the morning of the second day, the boulder was cleared away, and Chu Qingzhi returned to the camp with all the soldiers.

  Tang Jinghong waited at the gate of the camp, and he was relieved when he saw Chu Qingzhi, "Qingzhi."

  Chu Qingzhi got off her horse, "It's done!"

  Tang Jinghong took Chu Qingzhi's horse rein in his hand, and said in admiration, "There is nothing in the world that can hinder you."

  Chu Qingzhi's eyes slightly curved, "It's okay!"

  Tang Jinghong said with concern, "I've prepared breakfast for you, go eat some, and go to sleep for a while after eating."

  Chu Qingzhi didn't want to delay the trip, and said, "I'll take a rest in a carriage."

   Tang Jinghong said, "Then I'll arrange a carriage for you."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Okay."


   Above the canyon, the two looked at the unobstructed canyon in disbelief, as if their eyes were dazzled.

   "Are you sure you put boulders in the canyon?"

   "I'm sure, very sure!"

   "What about the stone? It disappeared out of thin air? Or did a **** help remove the boulder?"

   "How do I know, anyway, I am not the only one who knows about putting stones. If you don't believe me, you can ask."

   "The question now is not whether I believe it or not, but why the boulder is gone?"

   "Could it be that Tang Jinghong really has some special ability?"


  The two talked about the boulder for a full two hours, but in the end nothing was discussed. Instead, they had some horrible guesses and hurriedly reported to their superiors.



  Yi Chuanchuan saw that the chief cook came to find Rong Shenning and Du Zhaolin, so he volunteered to take over the job of waking them up.

   "Get up and make breakfast, but Miss Chu said, if you don't work, you will be served by the whip. Do you know that the whips in the military camp have barbs? Beating people can bring down meat?"

   "You two big slobs, you can't get up even after the sun is drying your ass. If everyone depends on you, the show will end sooner or later."

  Yi Chuanchuan yawned, walked into the tent at the same time and lifted the quilts of the two of them.

  Rong Shenning and Du Zhaolin rubbed their sore eyes, looking angry from getting up.

  Rong Shenning scolded, "Yi Chuanchuan, why are you such a cheap **** again, get out, we haven't woken up yet!"

  Yi Chuanchuan hugged the quilts of the two of them aside, "The camp is about to be pulled out, are you still sleeping? Miss Chu went to solve the problem of the boulder, you two big slobs!"

  When the two of them heard about Chu Qingzhi, they were shocked, and they didn't dare to sleep anymore. They hurriedly got out of bed, put on their clothes, and ran out of the camp. Seeing that there was no movement, they breathed a sigh of relief.

  The chef waved his hand, "Take it away!"

   Of the four soldiers following him, two set up and one walked towards the kitchen.

  It is not ordinary hard work to feed 20,000 people every day, but there is not much time to dawdle with others, and dealing with problems is a bit rough.

  Rong Shenning lifted his feet off the ground and was carried away. He yelled, "I am the prime minister's grandson, you treat me like this, watch me go back and prepare to deal with you!"

  No one paid any attention to him. In the barracks, the military order was too big.

   "I remember you."

   "When I return to the capital, I will definitely not let you go!"

   "You all wait for me!"

  No matter how much he yelled, he finally came to the kitchen, the place in the barracks responsible for cooking for everyone.

  The kitchen at this time was extremely lively, with the sound of cutting vegetables one after another, and the sound of crackling firewood burning together, it was very refreshing to listen to.

  The air is filled with the rich aroma of rice and steamed buns, which makes people salivate.

  Listening to the movement around them and smelling the fragrance in the air, Rong Shenning and Du Zhaolin were like mice entering a rice bowl, their whole beings fell into a thirst for food.

  Rong Shenning swallowed hard, "When can we have dinner?"

  The head chef looked at the two of them. They seemed to be out of their wits, "We can serve dinner after you guys are done?"

   "Do you really want us to cook?" Du Zhaolin still didn't realize the seriousness of the matter.

"I don't really need you to cook." The chef pointed to the front, "You should wash the pile of dishes, if you don't wash them within the time of burning incense, you will have nothing to do with this morning meal gone."

  Du Zhaolin broke out immediately, "What do you mean?"

  The chef said calmly, "It means literally."

  After that, everyone threw the two of them in front of the pile of bowls and ignored them.

  Rong Shenning picked up a bowl and wanted to smash it, "I'm the young master of the Rong Mansion, with delicate skin and tender meat, you let me wash the dishes!"

  Du Zhaolin scolded, "It's too much, I've never done such rough work!"

  Yi Chuanchuan crossed his arms and leaned against a tree trunk beside him, "I was ordered by Miss Chu to supervise you, you had better be honest and wash the dishes quickly, otherwise I promise, you will not be able to eat in a while!"

  Yan Zihao came over to fetch water to wash, and glanced at several people, "It's best to follow orders in the military camp, so that you can save a lot of hardship."

   After finishing speaking, he fetched water and left.

  Rong Shenning scolded Yan Zihao, "You dare to teach us a lesson?"

  Yan Zihao's eyes turned cold, but he walked away without stopping. After a while, his taciturn expression returned to his face.

   "Let me tell you, the boulder in the canyon was shattered by Miss Chu with a single slap."

   "Really, we have never seen such a deep internal force."

   "What did I lie to you for? I saw it with my own eyes."

   "I saw it too. I didn't lie to you. It was indeed true. Did you hear a loud noise? It was Miss Chu smashing the boulder."

   "When you say that, I remember it. I did hear a loud noise last night."

   "When you pass by in a while, you can take a look. We will clean up the gravel and pile it up by the side."


   Soon, the news that Chu Qingzhi smashed the boulder with one palm quickly spread in the barracks, which increased her coercion in the barracks a lot.

  In the tent, Jiang Zhanglin got up early in the morning to write something. In the middle of writing, Fan Jingxu rushed in, "Miss Chu smashed the boulder into pieces with one palm."

  Jiang Zhanglin stopped writing and thought for a while, "It doesn't seem strange that this happened to Miss Chu, right?"

  Fan Jingxu sat next to Jiang Zhanglin, "Infinite strength, deep inner strength, unparalleled medical skills, how can she be so powerful?"

   After a moment of silence, Jiang Zhanglin concluded persuasively, "Perhaps it is because she has suffered unbearable hardships and made unimaginable efforts."

  Fan Jingxu opened his mouth, then closed it again, which cannot be refuted.

  Yan Zihao was listening to the words of the two, his eyes were flickering, why are some people born so dazzling? And some people can only be abandoned in the mud?

Chu Qingzhi and Chu Qingning lived in the same tent, and when they heard about this, they immediately took over Chu Qingzhi's affairs, big and small, "Fifth Sister, as long as I can do it in the future, you will leave it to me Do it, and let me do my part.”

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