Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 876: a group of victims

  Chapter 876 876. A group of disaster victims

  Chu Qingzhi smiled at Chu Qingning, "Then thank you Fourth Sister for sharing."

  Chu Qingning looked at Chu Qingzhi, and said distressedly, "I've only been out for a few days, and I've lost weight. I'll prepare your meals for you in the future, shall I?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "No need for Fourth Sister, it's too special in the barracks to manage."

  Chu Qingning said, "Then I'll prepare it for you quietly." Nothing compares to her own fifth sister, and whether it's good or not is out of her consideration.

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, "That's good."


   Master account.

  Meng Shengdong reported helplessly, "General, we haven't found out exactly who put the boulder in the canyon, but all signs indicate that it came from the east."

  Tang Jinghong rubbed his forehead, "I see, let's go down."

   "Yes." Meng Shengdong cupped his fists and left.

   After a while, Chu Qingzhi walked in, holding a bowl of peach gum white fungus apple soup in his hand, "I made it specially for you, try it."

  Tang Jinghong took the bowl and put it on the table, then pulled Chu Qingzhi into his arms, "Qingzhi, let me hug you."

  He is a little annoyed now. After only a few days of walking, those people kept making small movements, just like flies. They can't bite people, but they are disgusting.

  Chu Qingzhi sat on Tang Jinghong's lap, stretched out her hand to rub Tang Jinghong's temples, "It's okay, let them dance now, and let them all look good when they arrive at Dongling."

  Tang Jinghong couldn't laugh or cry, "You seem to be coaxing children."

  In fact, in front of her, it was indeed a child, Chu Qingzhi said softly, "Calm down?"

   Before he knew it, Tang Jinghong's mind relaxed. He hugged the person in his arms tightly, and said with gratitude and remembrance, "Qing Zhi, it's good to have you here."

  Chu Qingzhi took the bowl and fed Tang Jinghong the soup, "Then make me better."

   Tang Jinghong naturally couldn't ask her to feed him. He took the bowl and fed it to Chu Qingzhi in turn, and then shared the food with each other.


   Dongling, Liangcheng.

   Tang Jinghong's confidant Xi Zhaoping received a letter. After reading the letter, he almost danced, "The general is finally here, finally here."

  Hearing what Xi Zhaoping said, his confidant Ji Youshan was also very happy, "My lord, did the letter say Miss Chu is coming?"

   "I told you, Tang Jinghong and Chu Qingzhi are here together." Xi Zhaoping put the letter in the brazier and burned it. There were many secrets in the letter, which should not be known.

   They come together, aren't they invincible? Great, Dongling was saved, Ji Youshan asked, "My lord, what shall we do next?"

  Xi Zhaoping thought for a while and said, "Secretly collect medicinal materials and food, don't do anything else, wait for General Tang and the others to arrive."

  Ji Youshan cupped his hands, "Yes, my lord."

  Xi Zhaoping warned, "This matter must be kept secret, and the news must not be leaked, otherwise I don't know how many souls will be added."

  Ji Youshan solemnly replied, "My lord, I know."

  Xi Zhaoping waved his hand, "Go, I need to write a few letters now, don't let anyone come in and disturb me."


  At the same time, the mysterious person who once left a message to Tang Jinghong and Chu Qingzhi in the woods also knew the news that Tang Jinghong and Chu Qingzhi had come to Dongling, and also started to act.


   Half a month later.

  A large number of disaster victims appeared in the woods, all over the woods, at least tens of thousands of people, all in ragged clothes, sallow and emaciated, suffering from smallpox, and looking like ghosts.

  When the victims saw the army, they rushed over desperately and shouted, "Eat, give us food..."

   If they rush over, their army will be infected with smallpox immediately, and their supplies will be robbed.

  Meng Shengdong rode on the big horse, drew out his big knife, and shouted in a deep voice, "Stop, take a step forward, shoot and kill!"

  The victims who were already hungry and dizzy would not listen to him at all, and rushed straight over, like a firecracker.

  Tang Jinghong stepped forward on horseback, using his internal force in the palm of his hand, and with a wave, the few victims who rushed to the front were sent flying back, "If you run again, this general will not show mercy!"

  The victims stopped, but they became more serious, "He is a general, he is a general, there must be a lot of food, everyone rush!"

   "Come on, there will be something to eat!"

   "Come on!"

   This posture is fighting with the two armies, and the vanguard soldiers look like they are attacking!

  Chu Qingzhi stepped forward, using her spiritual power in the palm of her hand, and made a tactic with one hand, creating a strong wind. With the other hand, she took out a bottle of medicine and sprinkled it into the strong wind. All the victims immediately lay down.

   Just lay down, stiff all over, not dead.

  Chu Qingzhi withdrew her technique, and the commotion in the woods also subsided.

  The internal martial arts in this world can create the same effect. Sometimes Chu Qingzhi doesn't have to be so subtle when performing spells. Everyone will think that her martial arts are too high to do it.

   After all, except for Tang Jinghong, no one believes that there are really gods in this world.

   This action made all the soldiers admire, it was too powerful, the internal strength was so deep that they could actually create a strong wind, they couldn't do it even if they practiced for a lifetime.

  Tang Jinghong glanced at Chu Qingzhi, what kind of experience is it to have a fairy as a fiancee?

   It is what you think is difficult to go to the blue sky, but she can do it with a wave of her hand.

  Chu Qingzhi whispered to Tang Jinghong about the victims suffering from smallpox, and asked Tang Jinghong to make arrangements in advance.

  Tang Jinghong nodded and ordered, "Set up camp on the spot, and the head cook will immediately arrange for a pot to cook porridge."

   "The first, second, and third teams of soldiers set up guardrails to isolate the victims, and the two sides should not approach each other."

   "Scouts 1 and 2 went to find out why there are so many disaster victims here."

   "Shengdong, bring the nearby county magistrate or prefect over here, I want to question you."


   "Yes, General."

  After listening to the order, all the soldiers acted immediately, and everything appeared to be in order.

  Chu Qingzhi took the military doctor and walked into the woods. They were members of the imperial court, and they couldn't ignore the victims of the disaster.

  Smallpox is treated according to the symptoms, which vary from person to person, so it is necessary to take the pulse first and then treat the disease.

  Chu Qingzhi said to everyone, "Put on the mask, feel the pulse of the victims, wash your hands with alcohol, and be careful."

   After she finished speaking, she reassured, "Don't worry, everyone. According to what I said, the chance of getting smallpox is very small. Taking a step back, I can save you even if you get smallpox. Don't worry."

  Chu Qingzhi is very prestigious. After listening to her words, everyone immediately put on their masks and followed her into the settlement of the victims.

  Chu Qingzhi said, "The effect of the medicine on the victims lasts for three hours. Everyone spread out to feel the pulse of the victims. The assistants carry the same symptoms together and cook the medicine together later."

  Everyone listen carefully, "Yes."

  At this time, a painful cry came, "Girl, I'm going to give birth, I'm going to give birth..."

  Chu Qingzhi looked, and saw a scrawny woman with only a high bulge looking at her, trying to make a sound.

  She walked over, and at the same time told the assistant Tang Jinghong sent to her, "Go and tell my fourth sister that someone is going to have a baby immediately, let her prepare, and then prepare the tent outside the guardrail."

   Inside the guardrail is the military camp. Although you are not afraid of smallpox infection, you need to consume medicinal materials to treat the disease. There are not many medicinal materials, so try to save as much as possible.

  In addition, the emperor's second batch of supplies has not kept up, and the first batch of supplies has been prepared in a hurry, and there are not many.

  Jia Liyu and Jia Lixia responded, "Yes, girl."

  They are the assistants that Tang Jinghong arranged for Chu Qingzhi. They are all girls, but they are dressed like men. They are heroic and neat, and they are not inferior to men.

  The woman was indeed about to give birth, Chu Qingzhi took off the cloak, picked the woman up and walked towards the tent.

  Here, after being notified, a tent was quickly set up, and when Chu Qingzhi came back with the person in her arms, the tent had already been set up.

  Chu Qingzhi walked to the door of the tent, "Keep people away."

  Jia Liyu replied, "Yes." After Chu Qingzhi entered the tent, Jia Liyu stood at the door of the tent.

  The two sisters have long been conquered by Chu Qingzhi's personality charm, and they can be said to obey Chu Qingzhi's words.

  Chu Qingning opened the medicine box, and according to her experience, she prepared to deliver the baby to her wife, "Fifth Sister, leave this to me, and you go get busy with other things."

  Chu Qingzhi cared and said, "Be careful."

  Chu Qingning nodded calmly, "Yes."

  Chu Qingzhi came out of the tent and said to Jia Liyu, "Stay here and don't let anyone in. If someone brings something over, send it in and put on your mask."

  Jia Liyu replied, "Yes."

  Chu Qingzhi took Jia Lixia back to the gathering place of the victims.

  The victim Ying Shengtian asked in disbelief, "Are you treating our illness?"

  The military doctor said, "Otherwise, are we just playing?"

  Ying Shengtian turned his head back to look up at the sky, and murmured, "People from other government offices either drive us away or kill us. Why are you different?"

  Military doctors are close and have good ears. "They are them, and we are us. Those stupid officials, don't compare them with us."

  Ying Shengtian didn't speak any more. After the military doctor took his pulse, he asked his assistant to carry him to the gathering place of similar diseases.

   There are already quite a few people here at the gathering place, everyone is as confused as Ying Shengtian, they thought that the people in the imperial court were all the same, and they didn't care about their lives at all, they didn't expect to meet a good person.

   Half of the victims have been treated, Chu Qingzhi said, "Half of the military doctors have returned to the military camp to make medicine, and the rest continue to diagnose and treat."

  Chu Qingzhi announced the prescription for treating smallpox, and now Da Ling's doctor can be said to have a copy, needless to say, they also know.

   "Yes, girl."

  Busy until dark, the symptoms of the victims were finally sorted out.

  At this time, the disaster victims also resumed their actions, but no one was as impulsive as before, and they all stayed where they were.

  Chu Qingzhi said to Jia Lixia, "Go and inform the barracks that the porridge is ready."

   "Yes." Jia Lixia hurried back to the barracks to convey the order.

   At this time, there was a cry of a baby in the tent, and the baby was born.

  The voice made the eyes of all the victims warm. The arrival of the newborn also means that they have also been reborn.

  Chu Qingning came out of the tent, "Fifth Sister, mother and child are safe."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled and nodded, "Fourth sister has worked hard." Then she walked into the tent.

  (end of this chapter)

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