Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 877: 877. Materials problem

   Chapter 877 877. Material issues

  In the tent, the woman gave birth to a child, and fainted from pain and hunger.

  Jia Liyu brought a bowl of chicken soup, "Girl, this is specially boiled for her by the kitchen, to nourish her body."

Chu Qingzhi stepped forward, pointing at the woman's forehead, "Feed her the chicken soup, by the way, Fourth Sister, you can prescribe her a prescription for promoting lactation in a while, this is a military camp, and it's not good without milk." Find a nanny."

  Chu Qingning said, "I'll prescribe it to her right away."

  The woman listened to the conversation between the two, and added that her son was born smoothly, and she was grateful for a while, "Thank you girls, otherwise our mother and son will die."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Take good care of your health, and we will find you a place to live when we leave, don't worry."

  The woman burst into tears, "Thank you girl, you are truly living Bodhisattvas."

  Jia Liyu brought the chicken soup to the woman, "Drink the chicken soup."

  The woman drank the chicken soup hungrily. After drinking, she held the child in her arms and nursed the child.

  Chu Qingning suddenly remembered something, "Madam, where is the child's father?"

  The woman's eyes filled with tears again, "The father of the child was beaten to death by the officials. They were cruel and ruthless. They caught him and beat him to death. The father of the child was weak, and he was beaten to death soon."

  Chu Qingzhi was about to leave, but stopped when she heard this, "Where are you from?"

The woman wiped her tears, "I am a villager in Luohuai County, Linzhang City. The village can no longer survive, and I plan to flee to the capital, but people from the government always stop me on the road, and they don't give us any way to survive. Too bad It's cruel, even more cruel than bandits."

   "The people you saw were all escaped. There were more than 20,000 people who were beaten to death by the government, and those who starved to death on the road. Now there are only so many people left."

  Chu Qingzhi secretly thought that Linzhang City was the first city to enter Dongling, and their current goal is this city.

  Chu Qingzhi asked, "How did you get smallpox?"

  The woman shook her head, "I don't know, the refugees came from all directions, and it's hard to tell who is sick."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, didn't ask any more questions, and said, "We'll send you home when the condition is under control."

  The woman had tears in her eyes, "Girl, thank you."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "You should rest, don't cry, now in confinement, crying too much is not good for your health."

   "Yes." The woman nodded and wiped away her tears.

   Several people walked out.

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Fourth sister, this mother and child will be taken care of by you for the time being. After a while, the medicine for treating smallpox will be ready, so you go and get a bowl for her to drink."

  Chu Qingning responded, "Okay."

  Chu Qingzhi took Jia Liyu and Jia Lixia to the area where the victims lived and helped distribute rice porridge.


  In the main tent, Meng Shengdong led people to bring the nearby county magistrate over.

When the county magistrate saw Tang Jinghong, he was terrified and knelt down on the ground, "General, it's none of my business. It's a problem with Dongling. These people are all sick, and no city dares to accept them." , General, please be clear!"

   Tang Jinghong stared coldly at the county magistrate with a cold face, "Since you said that, you must know that there are disaster victims. Why didn't you report to the court!"

  The county magistrate tremblingly said, "General, I don't dare to dare you, this time you went to Dongling personally, and you know the reason. How dare I, a Zhima official, confront them?"

  Tang Jinghong's eyes were cold, "Aside from the disaster victims we encountered, are there other places?"

  The county magistrate said in panic, "I don't know."

  The root of this matter is not the county magistrate, Tang Jinghong didn't want to bother, "Immediately go to the county to prepare medicinal materials and food, and pay off the crime!"

  The county magistrate quickly took the chance of survival, "Yes, General."

  Leaving the barracks drenched in sweat, the county magistrate almost collapsed. The master who was waiting at the entrance of the barracks hurried forward to help him, "My lord, what's the matter?"

  The county magistrate waved his hand, "Go back quickly to prepare medicinal materials and food, and send Tang Jinghong away."

  Master did not dare to say too much, "Yes."

  Qi Kaiming entered the main account and reported, "General, the prefect of the nearby city is not in the city. No one knows where he has gone. I have sent spies to keep an eye on him. As soon as there is news, I will report back."

   Tang Jinghong secretly said, it seems that there is a lot of meaning in it, "Keep an eye on it, and make sure to find out what he did."

  Qi Kaiming cupped his fists, "Yes."

  Tang Jinghong got up and walked towards the gathering place of the victims.

  More than 10,000 disaster victims had to eat a lot of porridge, and the porridge was delivered to the gathering place like running water, and the entire military camp was extremely busy.

  Chu Qingzhi saw Tang Jinghong and waved to him, "Jinghong."

  Tang Jinghong walked up to Chu Qingzhi, and together they distributed porridge to the victims.

   "General, thank you."

   "Thank you General."

   Several teenagers held porridge and kept thanking Tang Jinghong. Their pitiful appearance made people feel sad.

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Jing Hong, let's send people to the surrounding big cities to collect food. I have a hunch that someone will obstruct us on the way in the future, and we may not be able to collect food."

  Although they brought a lot of food, they need to eat a lot every day, and now they have to distribute it to the victims. Now their food can only last for five days.

  She seriously suspected that the other party drove the victims here just to consume their military supplies.

   "Okay." Tang Jinghong immediately ordered the officer in charge of food and grass to collect food.

   We were busy until midnight before the matter of the victims was dealt with.

  Tang Jinghong asked the army to distribute some cotton coats to the victims. It was only the end of January and the night was very cold.

  The disaster victims are grateful in various ways.

  The county magistrate's supplies were delivered the next afternoon. There were a lot of things prepared, and he probably wanted to send Tang Jinghong away earlier.

  But now that the victims are here, he has no choice but to leave, and it will take a few days.

  Time flies, and three days pass in a blink of an eye.

  Meng Shengdong entered the main account and reported, "General, Mr. Wang has not returned." Mr. Wang is the officer in charge of transporting grain and grass.

  Tang Jinghong frowned, "You immediately take the fourth team of soldiers to meet them."

  Meng Shengdong cupped his fists, "Yes, General."

   Dispatch troops and generals. After a cup of tea, Meng Shengdong led the fourth cavalry team to the west.

  Chu Qingzhi came back from the outside, just in time to see them leaving, and asked Tang Jinghong, "What happened?"

  Tang Jinghong raised his eyes and looked at Chu Qingzhi, "Master Wang and the others went to raise food and grass. It is reasonable to say that they should be back now, but there is no sign of them. I am afraid that something happened."

  Chu Qingzhi was also a little worried, "If our food and medicinal materials are consumed like this, I'm afraid we won't be able to reach Liangcheng."

  At this time, a letter came in, which said that the second batch of supplies from the capital arrived yesterday, and asked Tang Jinghong if he received it?

  Tang Jinghong's face changed slightly, "We haven't received any supplies!"

  He gave the letter to Chu Qingzhi, and then immediately replied with a pen. This is a big deal!

  After Chu Qingzhi read the letter, she also secretly thought that it was not good. It is very likely that their supplies were cut off by someone. The world is so big, where can I find things?

   "Jing Hong, I'm going to chase Shengdong and the others. There must be no mistakes in this batch of supplies, otherwise the barracks will soon be short of food."

   Tang Jinghong hesitated, looked at Chu Qingzhi, "Then be careful."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

  She left the tent, rode on a fast horse, and went after Meng Shengdong and the others.

  At this time, Meng Shengdong's team is being ambushed...

  On the hillside, a burly man was carrying an ax and laughed arrogantly, "Haha, haha, take them all down!"

  They are a group of bandits who robbed Mr. Wang, and now they plan to rob Meng Shengdong and the others, and then exchange money with Tang Jinghong, which is a good idea!

  Chu Qingzhi came galloping on the horse, pulled the rein with one hand, pulled out the dagger from the boot with the other, and flew towards the burly man.

   A cold light flashed, and the burly man had a bloodstain on his neck, and he lay down directly.



  The other bandits panicked when they saw this scene.

  Some people went to catch the burly man who rolled down the mountain, some people ran over to intercept Chu Qingzhi, "Kill her, she killed big brother!"

  Chu Qingzhi grabbed it with her hand, and a handful of leaves flew towards the bandits like a fairy scattering flowers. The leaves flew fast and anxiously, turning into a line, and everyone had their throats cut before they could react.

  On the hillside, seeing how powerful Chu Qingzhi was, the remaining bandits immediately gave up trying to retrieve the body of the burly man, and fled into the mountains.

  The bandits who ambushed Meng Shengdong and others also fled after seeing that the situation was over.

  Chu Qingzhi threw the reins to Meng Shengdong, "Go back and bring some people over to meet me, and tell Jing Hong by the way, never leave the camp, I will be fine, don't worry."

  Meng Shengdong was overwhelmed by Chu Qingzhi's martial arts, "Yes, girl."

  Chu Qingzhi flew up the tree to track down the bandits. According to common sense, they should run back to the village, just follow them.

  A group of bandits rushed back to the stronghold in a panic, and then ordered their men to close the gate of the stronghold, and no one was allowed in.

  The second child walked quickly to a hanging building in the cottage, "My lord, my elder brother was killed by a girl."

  In the hanging building, a man wearing a black blindfold stood in front of the window, "Which girl?"

  The second child trembled in fear, "I was too flustered, I didn't see her face clearly, but she was very powerful, and killed my little brothers with a single leaf."

  The blindfolded man had a bad feeling, "Chu Qingzhi?!"

   "Chu Qingzhi!" The second child was horrified, "Why did he follow Tang Jinghong?"

  The blindfolded man looked back, "They've been together all this time, don't you guys know that?"

  The second child panicked, "We usually don't leave the cottage, and we don't know many things, what should we do now?" Everyone knows that there is absolutely no way out if Chu Qingzhi targets him.

  The blindfolded man said, "Pack up your things and run quickly, she should be almost at the gate of your cottage."

  The second child's heart beat wildly, "What does your lord mean?"

   "It means literally." The blindfolded man turned his head, waved his arm, and there was a bit of cold light between his fingers. Blood oozed from the neck of the second child, and he fell to the ground dead.

   Don't let people know that he has been to the cottage, silence is the best.

  The blindfolded man clapped his hands and flew out from the Diaolou. After several ups and downs, he disappeared. At the same time, Chu Qingzhi came to the gate of the cottage.

  (end of this chapter)

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